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Other Considerations

There are several issues you need to consider when planning for implementation, such as staging library allocations, staging for recovery, handling remote site issues, and more. These are discussed in the paragraphs that follow.

Global Parameters for Staging Library Allocation

If you are the global administrator, you set up a model for the staging dataset names, size allocation specifications, and types of libraries to be allocated, so that each time a user creates a change package, the package's staging libraries are allocated based on certain standards.

The dataset names follow this model:

  • Four consecutive question marks ???? must appear where the application mnemonic (three or four alphanumeric characters) is to be substituted.

  • Seven consecutive pound signs ####### must appear where the package number (.#000123) is to be substituted.

    Example: ????.CMNSTAGE.#######

    Result: DEMO.CMNSTAGE.#000001.SRC

Application Parameters for Staging Library Allocation

If you are the application administrator, you determine which library types are required to be generated as staging libraries for each application. If you choose to defer staging library allocation, ChangeMan ZMF does not allocate the library type at package creation time. (The user has the option during package creation to request allocation of any of the deferred library types.) If the user makes a stage/checkout request for any component of the deferred type, then the staging library is automatically allocated based on the size parameters chosen for the application.

Edit Staging Recovery Mode

This application level parameter causes ChangeMan ZMF to store all of the user's edits to change packages so that they can recover them in the event that their TSO session fails. After the failure, upon reentering ChangeMan ZMF, they have a choice of recovering or canceling the recovery.

Query Of Available Users Options

You can query source component staging information after the package has been frozen. If you implement customized user option panel names, or add customized panels and want to enable users to query information about them, edit panels CMNQRY22, CMNSTG04, CMNSTG05, CMNRCMP1. Link each of these four panels to any user option names or panels you have customized. See the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide, Chapter 5 - User Data for more details.

Remote Sites

The global administrator has determined whether or not there are any remote production sites, how to transmit to them, and by what name they shall be known. The application administrator has chosen from the global list only those remote sites that are appropriate to application; thus, users may send change packages only to the remote sites designated for the application. (The user can select any or all of the remote sites from the application list.)