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Scratch/Rename Updates to Impact Analysis

Scratch and rename utility requests can alter component relationships that are tracked by ChangeMan ZMF impact analysis.

  • COPYBOOK - Copybooks referenced in source code or in other copybooks

  • SUBROUTINE - Subprograms statically linked in composite load modules

  • JCL-PROCEDURE - Cataloged procedures that are invoked by the EXEC statement in JCL components

  • PGM NAME/SYMBOL - Programs that are executed by the EXEC PGM= statement in JCL components

  • DSN NAME/SYMBOL - Datasets that are referenced in DSN= statements in JCL components

    Impact analysis data is used by audit and by the online query impact and query bill of materials functions.

    Impact analysis relationships are stored in a VSAM LDS, which is dynamically updated in baseline ripple jobs at package install and by reverse baseline ripple jobs at package backout.

    When a scratch or rename utility request is processed for the superior component in a relationship, table rows are deleted from impact analysis data. When the utility request is a rename, the table rows are added back to the impact analysis data under the new name.

    When a scratch or rename request is processed for a subordinate component in a relationship, impact analysis data is not changed. The Baseline ripple - SCRATCH/ RENAME - Potential Component Restage Report displays a warning that you may need to restage the superior component.

    ChangeMan(R) ZMF        CMNDSPTM - 8.1.0 2015/01/14 01:09:27
    Baseline ripple - SCRATCH/RENAME - Potential Component Restage Report
    Copybook    GNLCPY00 has been renamed to GNLCOP00 but may still be referenced by ...
    Copybook    GNLCPY99 has been scratched but may still be referenced by ...
    Session terminated with ChangeMan ZMF started task
    I/A dataspace update processing complete; rc=0000

This report is written by program CMNDSPTM at the RESTAGE DD statement in job step DSPTM in these install jobs:

  • CMN30

  • CMN30I

  • CMN37

    If you did not fully analyze component relationships (audit not being required, or modified by exits) before installing a package containing scratch or rename utility requests, you must examine the Potential Component Restage Report for relationships that may require additional action.


When a package containing scratch or rename requests is backed out, impact analysis data is restored only for renamed components. Although components deleted by scratch utility requests are restored to baseline and production libraries when the package is backed out, the impact analysis relationships are not restored.