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Out-of-Sync Conditions

The following table identifies:

  • Each out-of-sync condition.

  • A description of the condition and recommendations for resolving it.

  • The return code (RC) associated with the out-of-sync condition.

Out-of- Sync Condition Description RC
!DUPLIC Component in the staging library is identical to the component in the baseline library. This condition identifies a component that shows no difference in the staging and baseline library after a line-by-line comparison. This condition, if not resolved, causes older versions of the component to drop off prematurely during baseline ripple. Suggested Resolution: Delete the unchanged component from the change package. 4
SYNCH0! The component is not defined to the application. The package master contains no record of this component. For a simple package audit, the component cannot be found in the package that is being audited or in any of the application’s baseline libraries. For a complex package audit, the component cannot be found in any of the participating packages that are being audited or in any of the baseline libraries that are defined for the application associated with the target participating package. The target participating package is one of the following: The participating package that you have explicitly specified to be audited. The participating package with the latest install date if you have specified that a complex or super package be audited. Language Environment subroutines that are automatically linked-edited into a load module are typically flagged with a SYNCH0! condition. Suggested Resolution: No action required. You can modify a user exit to suppress the issuing of SYNCH0! conditions. See the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide. 0
SYNCH1! No ISPF statistics are available for the component in the baseline or staging library. Some of the audit checks cannot be performed for this component because it has no ISPF statistics (such as Create Date or Date Last Modified). Suggested Resolution: Create or reset the ISPF statistics for the component. 0
SYNCH2! You staged a like-source component without using the designated compile procedure and options. Suggested Resolution: Recompile the component using the designated compile procedure or set Auto Resolve of Out-Of- Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit. 12
SYNCH3! Audit is unable to parse a load module in a staging library. (IDRDATA in a load component cannot be read.) ChangeMan ZMF cannot perform some of the audit checks for this component. Suggested Resolution: Restage the component. 0
SYNCH4! You changed a like-copy component in a staging library more recently than you changed the staging library component that references it in the same package or in any relevant participating package. Suggested Resolution: Recompile the calling source component in the staging (not baseline) library. (Use option =1.6.2, line command R on the Stage: package Components panel (CMNSTG01)). 12
SYNCH5! You changed a like-copy component in a staging library more recently than you changed the baselined component that references it. (That is, the referencing component resides in a baseline library and does not appear in the same package or in any relevant participating package as the component that it references.) Suggested Resolution: Recompile the source component from the baseline library. (Use option =1.8 to bring up the Recompile Source panel (CMNRCMP0)). Alternatively, you can set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit. 8
SYNCH6! The component in the staging library has no corresponding Component Activity File member in the package. If the global or application administrator has defined an activity file for the target library type, the activity file is checked out automatically with the target component if the administrator has specified YES for the Check Out Component Activity File on library administration panels. If the corresponding activity file does not exist in baseline and these administrative parameters have been specified, audit flags the SYNCH6! condition. Suggested Resolution: Stage a corresponding Activity File for the component into the target package from a development library. Note: Audit does not perform this check if an activity file library type is not defined for the library type of the target component or if the global or application administrator has specified NO for the Check Out Component Activity File on library administration panels. 12
SYNCH7! You changed a statically linked called load module, a like-object libtype component, or a like-NCAL libtype component in a staging library more recently than the calling load component in a staging library in the same package or relevant participating package. (That is, the SSI of the called module is more recent than the SSI of the calling module.) Thus, an obsolete version of the called module is link-edited with the calling module. Suggested Resolution: A relink is required. Set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit. 12
SYNCH8! You changed a statically linked called load module, a like-object libtype component, or a like-NCAL libtype component in a staging library more recently than the calling load component in the baseline library. (That is, the SSI of the called module in the package or relevant participating package is more recent than the SSI of the calling module in the baseline library. The calling module has not been staged into the package.) Thus, an obsolete version of the called module is link-edited with the calling module in the baseline library. Suggested Resolution: A relink is required. Set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit., 8
SYNCH9! A load component in a staging library does not match its corresponding source component in the package. This condition can occur if you link-edit a load module outside of ChangeMan ZMF and replace the load module that was created when you originally staged the source component from a baselined library. Suggested Resolution: Stage the source component from within ChangeMan ZMF to create a new load module. Alternatively, you can set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit. 12
SYNCH10! The component in the baseline library has changed since you checked the component out to a package staging library. This condition can occur if the same component is in a package that has been installed since you checked the component out to your package. To avoid version regression due to concurrent development, you must merge the changes in the newly baselined version of the component with the changes in the staged component in your package. Suggested Resolution: Check the component out from baseline to obtain the latest baselined version and stage the component with your changes. You can use the ChangeMan ZMF Merge and Reconcile facility to merge the changes. Refer to the ChangeMan ZMF Merge and Reconcile Getting Started Guide. 12
SYNCH11! You used a tool other than ChangeMan ZMF to change and replace a component in a staging library. Suggested Resolution: Use ChangeMan ZMF to restage the component from baseline. 12
SYNCH12! Either you used a tool other than ChangeMan ZMF to copy a component into a staging library or the component was left over from a staging job that abended. (The staged component does not have a corresponding record in the package master.) Suggested Resolution: Delete the component from the staging library or restage it from baseline. Note: This condition is in contrast to SYNCH19! where there is a record on the package master but no corresponding component in a staging library. 12
SYNCH13! A component in the baseline library was changed more recently than the component in the staging library. The staged component is thus out of sync with the baseline library. For load modules, the SETSSI of the staged and baselined components are compared and the SETSSI of the baselined component is more recent than the SETSSI of the staged component. Suggested Resolution: Check the component out from baseline again and restage it with your changes. If the target component is a load module in a staging library that you created by compiling and linking a source component from baseline, recompile and relink the source component from baseline. 12
SYNCH14! The package component is not in Active status. (You have checked the component out but not yet staged it.) Suggested Resolution: Stage the component or delete it from the package. 12
SYNCH15! A more recent version of a like-copy or LCT component resides in a staging, promotion, or baseline library than the version that was used when you staged the referencing like-source component in a package. This condition can occur if: 12
- A copybook in a staging, promotion, or baseline library was changed after the source component that references it in your package was compiled.
- A new version of the copybook was added to the SYSLIB search order for the referencing source component.
- The staged LCT component has a more current activation date that the corresponding source component.
- The search process for finding out-of-sync copybooks occurs in the following sequence for those copybooks that participate in the audit:
1. All copybooks in the simple package (or in relevant participating packages) staging libraries are searched first.
2. Then, all included copybook libraries defined to the target application promotion levels are searched in promotion-level order.
3. Finally, for the source components that exist in the package, audit picks up the application and library type where the copybooks came from that were used in the compile of the component (CMNWRITE). Audit then picks up the copybook from the baseline indicated by the application/library type. When detecting the SYNCH15! condition, audit compares the hash token of the copybook actually used in the compile against the token of the first matching copybook from the above list. If the tokens are not the same, a SYNCH15! condition occurs.
Suggested Resolution: Restage the like-source component to update the source-to-copybook or source-to-LCT relationship. Alternatively, you can set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit.
SYNCH16! A source-to-copy relationship is out of sync for a component in your package. This can happen if: you check a copybook out to two different packages (packages 1 and 2), and you change and activate the copybook in packages 1 and 2, and you stage a source program that references the copybook from a development library into package 2 and then baseline package 2. 8
Suggested Resolution: Recompile the referencing like-source component from baseline. This action will store an updated like- load component in your package. Alternatively, you can set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit.
SYNCH17! A like-copy component in a staging library was deleted after it was referenced in a like-source component that was staged or recompiled. If the component was checkout out from Baseline then a SYNCH15! occurs instead, a SYNCH17! is generated only if a new like-copy component is deleted from the package. Suggested Resolution: If you inadvertently deleted the like-copy component from the package, restage the component from baseline, make the desired changes to it, and recompile the like-source modules from staging and baseline that reference it. If you no longer need the deleted copybook, remove the references to it from the like-source modules that reference it, and recompile the like-source modules. 12
Note:** No SYNCH17! is issued if a like-copy component is checked out or staged from development from the baseline library, referenced in a like-source stage or recompile, but is never changed in the package before it is deleted.
SYNCH18! A called load module in a staging library was deleted after it was statically linked into a composite load module in the package. Suggested Resolution: If you inadvertently deleted the called load module from the package, restage it from baseline, and relink the composite load modules that reference it. If you no longer need the load module, remove references to it from link-edit control cards and from the modules that call it, and recompile and relink the callers. 12
SYNCH19! A component is missing from a staging library. A record on the package master points to a component that is not there, as if the component was deleted from the staging library using a tool outside of ZMF. 12
Recommended Resolution:
If the component is like-source, check the component out, reapply your changes, and stage the component. (You may be able to recover some of your changes from prior versions in staging versions.)
If the component is the product of build processing (like- load, etc.), then restage, recompile, or relink the component.
Note:** This condition is in contrast to SYNCH12! where there is a component in a staging library but no corresponding record on the package master.
SYNCH20! A subroutine that is statically linked in a composite load module in your package has a different timestamp (SETSSI) than the version of the subroutine load module that audit expects would be obtained by link edit from your package staging libraries (or eligible participating package) or from baselines (first found location). Recommended Resolution: Rebuild the composite load module in your package to link the correct version of all subcomponents.
Note:** SYNCH7! and SYNCH8! flag a package subroutine load that is newer than a composite load that contains it in the package or in a baseline. SYNCH20! looks to match the SETSSI in the subroutine loads exactly. 12
SYNCH21! A scratch or rename request has been recorded for a component which is physically within the current set of packages. If the package being audited is a simple package then SYNCH21! should never normally occur, but it will be flagged if the situation arises. More likely to occur in a group of participating packages. 12
Recommended Resolution: Remove the physical component or the scratch rename request.
SYNCH22! A sub-component (e.g. copybook, subroutine, archive constituent) identified in a scratch request is still in use by a top level component. This top level component may either be in a different package belonging to the same complex or in baseline. Note that if a component, which previously included this sub- component, is in the package with all reference to the sub- component removed then the synch error will not be flagged. 12
Recommended Resolution: Remove the references to the component or the scratch request.
SYNCH23! Similar to SYNCH22! except, in this case, the sub-component is being renamed (rather than scratched). This error may not be resolvable within the current package(s). It may be that the rename request has to be baselined first before the affected components can be rebuilt using the renamed component. Recommended Resolution: Remove the references to the component or the rename request or baseline the rename request and rebuild. 4
SYNCH24! A composite-to-static subcomponent relationship is out of sync for a subcomponent in your package. This is different to a synch8 as the baseline composite has a later link date than your package subcomponent (else, it would be a synch8). However, the baseline composite is not using the package subcomponent. 8
This can happen if you check a subcomponent out to two different packages (packages 1 and 2), you change and activate the subcomponent in both packages, you build a composite that references the subcomponent into package 2 and then baseline package 2. This leaves the subcomponent in package 1 not used by the composite component now in baseline.
Suggested Resolution: Either delete the subcomponent in package 1 (if it is no longer needed) or build the composite in package 1 to include the subcomponent. Alternatively, you can set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the Audit Change Package panel (CMNAUDIT) and resubmit the audit.
SYNCH25! A ‘linkcard’ (LCT) component in the package has a later change timestamp than one or more of the target executables to which it is related. 12
Suggested Resolution: re-build the target executables so that the updated version of the LCT component is used in the build. Alternatively, you can set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the audit.
SYNCH26! A ‘linkcard’ (LCT) component in the package is related to one or more target executables which are missing. 12
Suggested Resolution: re-build the target executables so that the updated version of the LCT component is used in the build. Alternatively, you can set Auto Resolve of Out-Of-Synchs to YES on the audit.
SYNCH27! An executable in the package was built using a 'linkcard' (LCT) component which can no longer be found (in the package, participating packages, baseline or release areas). 12
Suggested Resolution: Recover the missing LCT component and re-build the target executable (or, if possible, just re-build the target executable without the LCT component). This error is not Auto Resolvable.
SYNCH28! This component exists in more than one of the eligible participating packages for this audit.

Consolidate changes into a single version of the component and delete all others from the participating package set. This error is only flagged when the complex/super package is audited.