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Audit Report Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields (columns) you see in the various audit report sections. The entries are ordered in ascending sequence by field name to help you locate the description of a report field quickly. Not all fields appear in all sections of the report.

Field (Column) Name Description
AC For a like-load component, the authorization code (usually 00).
Alias-of For a like-load component, the name of the member of which the target component is an alias.
Attr For a like-load component, the hexadecimal representation of the PDS2ATR1 and PDS2ATR2 attributes of the PDS directory entry. Refer to the IBM z/OS DFSMS Program Management manual for a description of these values.
Called Module The name of the called baselined or staged load module.
Calling Module The name of the baselined or staged composite load module.
Changed On the Baseline side of the report, the date (yyyy/mm/dd) of the most recently baselined version of the component. On the Staging side of the report, the date that the target component was last staged in this package.
Copybook Name The name of the baselined or staged copybook.
Created The date (yyyy/mm/dd) that the component was first included in the ChangeMan ZMF system.
Dept The department number field, which you specify on the Create: Create a New Package panel (CMNCRT0R) when you create the package.
Init The number of text lines of an editable component when first it was first created (version 01.01).
Linkdate For like-load components, the date (yyyy/mm/dd) that the component in the baseline library was link-edited (on the Baseline side of the report). On the Staging side of the report, the date (yyyy/mm/dd) that the component in the package’s staging library was last link-edited.
Module Size The size (in bytes) of the module represented as a hexadecimal value. If the module is of libtype like-object, the text "Object" appears in this field.
Name The name of the component.
Package The name of the participating package where the component resides (if applicable).
Procedure For a like-source component, this field describes the procedure that was used to stage (compile and link-edit) the component.
Setssi For a like-load component, a timestamp that ChangeMan ZMF sets or that is extracted from a vendor load module. (The Setssi value is an 8-byte alphanumeric representation of a 4-byte binary number which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1960.)
Size For editable components (such as like-source), the number of text lines (decimal) in the most recently baselined version of the target component (on the Baseline side of the report). On the Staging side of the report, the number of text lines of the target component in the package’s staging library. For like-load components, the size (hexadecimal) in bytes of the component in the target baseline or staging library.
Source Name The name of the source member that references the component members that are listed below it.
Status The status of the associated change package.
Tso-id The TSO identification of the person responsible for the associated component version and modification ( For CA Panvalet library components, this field displays the USER and LANG TYPE because CA Panvalet does not have a true directory to read for the TSO-ID.
VV.MM The version and modification number for the component following IBM standards for ISPF statistics. (mm starts at 01, increments to 99; vv starts at 01, increments to 99, and recycles to 01). The first time the component is processed by ChangeMan ZMF the is 01.01. Each successive stage request (in the same change package) increments the mm portion (for example, 01.02, 01.03). The next package using the component causes the vv portion to be incremented (02.01). If an existing library is added to ChangeMan ZMF the is not reset.