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Setting Application Parameters

You set and generate your ChangeMan ZMF application parameters from the Application Parameters panels. Many of the application level parameters are a subset of global parameters, but they are tailored for the individual needs of each of the application developers. The information you enter during this process is used as a default for change package creation; and in some cases, as boundaries for the change package process. By individually defining each application, you manage the implementation process through ChangeMan ZMF.

You can think of the parameter generation as a set of rules by which the users are governed. Many of the parameters set in these panels are originally set at the global level. Typically, these global parameters are very permissive, allowing the full spectrum of choice. The individual application level parameters can be more restrictive, tightening down on any sensitive application areas while allowing other applications more latitude.

If the parameter is governed by the Global Administrator's choices for the same parameters, a reference back to the global tables has been included.


If the Global Administrator restricts any settings at the global level, you cannot change the field definition to a less restricted setting at the application level.

  1. Select Option 1 on the Update Application Administration Options menu (CMNLAMEN). The application Parameters - Part 1 of 4 panel (CMNGLP01) is displayed.

    CMNGLP01                   DEMX Parameters - Part 1 of 4 
    Command ===> ____________________________________________________
    Application description . . . . DEMX application  
    Skeleton release id . . . . . . ____        (\* for list) 
    Normal business hours: from . . 0001 
                             to . . 2300 
    Audit level . . . . . . . . . . 0           (0,1,2,3,4,5) 
    Unplanned package audit option  0           (0,1,2) 
    Checkout enforcement rule . . . 1           (1,2,3) 
    Entity check if rule 2  . . . . ____  
    Staging restriction level . . . 1           (1,2,3) 
    Entity check if level 2 . . . . ____ 
    Promotion/demotion rule . . . . 0           (0,1,2,3,4) 
    Cmnaudrc entity check . . . . . ____ 
    Audit package lock  . . . . . . OPTIONAL    (Always/Never/Optional) 
    Component unlock entity . . . . CMPULENT   
    Enter "/" to select option 
     / Allow temporary packages 
     _ Disallow concurrent checkout 
     / Allow checkout to personal lib 
     / Overlay prior staged module  
     _ Validate version during staging 

    The following table describes the fields on the panel and the valid information that you can enter on the panel.

    Field Description
    Application description A 44-character description of this application.
    Skeleton release id Type the release identifier to be used at this site. If you want to select from a list of available release IDs, type * to display the Release ID List.
    Normal business hours Enter the start and end times which define a normal business day. Use military notation (24-hour clock). All packages created during this time frame use the Planned Approval list. An 'Unplanned' package, created outside of these hours, will use the Unplanned Approval list before being installed. When the start and end times are the same, the business day is 24 hours in length, and the Planned Approval list will always be used.
    Audit level This numeric value dictates the Audit level that must be passed before a developing change package can be Frozen. If the Audit Level is made more restrictive after a package is frozen, packages with audit return codes that do not comply with the new Audit Level setting must be reverted, corrected and re-frozen, before they can be approved.
    0 - Audit is recommended but entirely optional.
    1 - Audit is required, but any return code (except ABEND) is acceptable. This means that any out-of-sync condition is permitted. This is the default option.
    2 - Audit is required and the return code must not exceed 12, which implies that there are "out-of-synch" situations within the staging libraries.
    3 - Audit is required and the return code must not exceed 8, which implies that there are no "out-of-synch" situations within the staging libraries, but are "out-of-synch" situations with respect to the Baseline libraries
    4 - Audit is required and the return code must not exceed 4, which implies that there are no "out-of-synch" situations within the staging or Baseline libraries, but at least one module of a staging library is a "duplicate" of its Baseline counterpart.
    5 - Audit is required and the return code must not exceed 0, which implies that there are no "out-of-synch" situations with either the staging or Baseline libraries, and no "duplicates" exist.
    Unplanned package audit option This numeric value dictates the unplanned package Audit option. This option enforces if an unplanned package must be audited.
    0 - Audit is recommended but entirely optional.
    1 - Audit is required, but any return code (except abend) is acceptable.
    2 - Audit is required and must pass based on the Audit level
    Checkout enforcement rule This numeric value dictates the rule that must be passed before a component may be staged. This rule allows the administrator to restrict who may stage components which are not first checked out from baseline. (Not for new components, but components that exist in the baseline).
    1 - Any component may be staged regardless of whether it has been checked out to the package. ChangeMan ZMF will not check for the component's existence in the baseline libraries.
    2 - Users attempting to stage a component that exists in baseline but has not been checked out must pass a security system ENTITY CHECK before the stage can proceed. The entity name is specified in the following field (Entity Check if Rule 2). Staging will not be allowed if the user does not pass the security check.
    3 - Disallow anyone from staging a component which exists in the baseline library but has not been checked out to the package requesting the stage.
    Entity check if rule 2 If choice '2' is selected in the previous field (Checkout Enforcement Rule), enter the security system entity name that ChangeMan ZMF will check. Users whose TSO-ID has been associated with this entity will be allowed to stage components which have not been checked out to their package (but exist in the baseline).
    Staging restriction level This regulates the Stage Development Driven option. The setting for this parameter in Global Administration restricts Application Administration settings. An application setting cannot be numerically less than the global setting.
    1 - Allow all users access to both Package Driven and Development driven (new components) Stage Options.
    2 - All users are required to pass an entity check before being allowed to use Stage - Development. The started task must be given access to this ENTITY, as well as the TSO-IDs which will use this stage option.
    3 - All users are required to CHECKOUT all components, effectively disabling the Stage Development Driven option.
    Entity check if level 2 If choice '2' is selected in the previous field (Staging Restriction Level), enter the security system entity name for ChangeMan ZMF to check.
    Promotion/ demotion rule This rule regulates the movement of components from Promotion libraries to staging (for editing) and back again. The setting for this parameter in Global Administration restricts Application Administration settings. An application setting cannot be numerically less than the global setting.
    0 - Allows the promotion and demotion of components even if the change package has not yet been frozen. This is liberal promotion and demotion.

    Rules 1 thru 4 restrict promotion to Frozen (status FRZ) packages only:
    1 - Requires selective demotion of a component followed by selective unfreeze, edit and promotion directly back to the package's promotion level.
    2 - Requires selective demotion of a component followed by selective unfreeze, edit and promotion through all intermediate promotion levels.
    3 - Requires full demotion of the entire package followed by a selective unfreeze, edit and promotion through all intermediate promotion levels.
    4 - Requires full demotion of the entire package followed by a revert of the entire package to DEV status.
    CMNAUDRC entity check This restricts which users are authorized to run program CMNAUDRC to set the audit return code for packages. This applies to users running CMNAUDRC outside of ChangeMan ZMF control.
    Users must have UPDATE access to this entity to run CMNAUDRC outside of ChangeMan ZMF. Enter the security system entity name for ChangeMan ZMF to check.
    Users must have UPDATE access to the application to run CMNAUDRC as part of a normal package lifecycle job running under the ChangeMan ZMF started task authority on behalf of the user.
    Audit package lock This value dictates whether a package is locked to prevent the contents from being updated while the package is being audited. The allowed values are restricted by the global administration option for audit package lock. Enter one of the following values:
    ALWAYS - Packages will be locked during audit.
    NEVER - Packages will not be locked during audit.
    OPTIONAL - Packages will be locked if the user requests that they be locked when the audit is submitted.
    Component Unlock Entity This value allows users to unlock components that are locked by another user. A user can unlock a component if:
    ● The component has been locked by that user.
    ● The user is an administrator.
    ● The user has update access to this security entity.
    Allow temporary packages Temporary change packages are placed into production concatenated ahead of production libraries. They are never rippled into baseline and are deleted from the production environment after the number of days specified at package creation. Select to allow their use.
    Disallow concurrent checkout Select to prevent users from checking out components included in other change packages. This rule is disregarded for Unplanned (emergency) packages. Omit to allow concurrent checkout of components which are already included in other change packages. Enter 'YES' to prevent users from being able to do a concurrent checkout.
    Allow checkout to personal lib Select to allow users to check out to a personal library. Edit and other Stage functions will update both the personal and Stage libraries the first time. Subsequent actions will affect one or both libraries depending on the status of SAVE TO PERSONAL & STAGING LIBS. Deleting a component from a package will not result in the member being deleted from a personal library. ChangeMan ZMF will not delete members from personal libraries.
    Overlay prior staged module If one user in an application has staged source code, and another user attempts to stage another version of the same module in the same change package, overlaying the first module, entering 'YES' allows this to take place (a warning will be issued if CONFIRM REQUEST=YES). A 'NO' entry enforces a single owner of any module and stops other users from overlaying a previously staged module. This option will not be enforced against members that were checked out to the package in batch.
    Validate version during staging This function ensures the integrity of a Baseline library component between Checkout and Staging. Users must check out components (not stage from development libs) for this function to be in effect. After a component is checked out, if its baseline version has been altered, staging will be prevented. Select to enforce this validation, omit to disable.


  2. After you finish entering information in the fields of the panel, press Enter. The application Parameters Part 2 of 4 panel (CMNGLP02) is displayed.

    CMNGLP02               DEMX Parameters - Part 2 of 4 
    Command ===> _________________________________________________________ 
    Default job scheduler . . . . . . . CMN _____ (CMN, Manual, Other) 
    Store audit report  . . . . . . . . N         (Y,N,D) 
    Audit report library type . . . . . LST  
    Enter "/" to select option  
     _ Job name increment override  
     _ Use zprefix in batch jobs  
     _ Suppress msgs in dis/ins/bas jobs  
     / Create component work records  
     _ Memo delete empty packages only 
     _ Use appl in current history 
     _ Approval Restrictions:  
    Package creator cannot approve  
     _ Package worker cannot approve  
     _ Only 1 approval per user 
    Install job scheduler:  
     / CMN  
     / Manual  
     / Other
    The following table describes the fields on the application Parameters - Part 2 of 4 panel (CMNGLP02) and the valid information that you can enter on the panel:

    Field Description
    Default job scheduler Specify the default scheduling system to be used when creating a package. Only schedulers allowed above may be specified.
    If CMN is specified, the ChangeMan ZMF started task will schedule the submission of the package installation jobs.
    If MANUAL is specified, the installation process will begin as soon as the package is approved. MANUAL allows you to install a package before it's scheduled install date.
    If OTHER is specified, ChangeMan ZMF will perform a batch interface to add the package install job information to the external scheduler's database.
    Store audit report This value determines if the audit report generated by package audit is to be stored in the package staging library. Enter one of the following values:
    Y - Store the audit report.
    N - Do not store the audit report.
    D - Store the audit report only if the package is in DEV status.
    Audit report library type Enter the library type in which to store the audit report generated by package audit. The audit report is stored in compressed listing format.
    Job name increment override Select this option to prevent ChangeMan from incrementing the jobname suffix when submitting batch jobs. Under normal circumstances, ChangeMan will increment a jobname if it consists of the user id and a 1-character alpha suffix, A-Z. This ensures that multiple submissions get a different jobname for each job submitted. If jobs must single-thread, and a similar jobname is required for each submission, then this option should be used. Jobname suffixes 0-9, @, # and $ are not incremented.

    The jobname is incremented for the following types of jobs:
    • Package driven batch stage and build ('SB' and 'ST')
    • Component build ('S1')
    • Batch stage from development ('S1')
    • Stage from development component build ('S1')
    • Recompile ('RC')
    • Package promote ('PR' and 'PM')
    • Package demote (’DM’)

    This option does not affect jobname suffix incrementing for mass build jobs initiated from Stage: Mass Build (panel CMNSTG05). The mass build panel provides an option to control jobname suffix incrementing.
    Use zprefix in batch jobs When ChangeMan ZMF attaches a batch TSO session (during API functions such as checkout, freeze, stage), it constructs a TSO profile using 'PROFILE PREFIX(Userid)' to identify the variable pools for the session. This can be changed to 'PROFILE PREFIX(userprefix) by this option. Refer to the IBM ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference for more information.
    Suppress msgs in dis/ins/bas jobs Select this option to suppress the ChangeMan ZMF status notification messages issued by the distribution, install, and baseline jobs. This will suppress the messages that are normally sent to the broadcast log at completion of the individual job.
    Create component work records See also 'package worker cannot approve'. This option maintains a history of all update access to a component within a package (checkout, stage, recompile, relink, etc.). It builds component work records within the package and provides a complete dossier of component updates. The information is available for browse through the package list function.
    Memo delete empty packages only Select option to require users to delete all the components from a package before memo-deleting the package.
    Use appl in current history Select to limit searches for current history information to this application. Omit to allow all applications to be considered.
    Approval Restrictions Approval restrictions can be used to limit a user's approval authority within planned packages, even though they may otherwise be permitted to apply an approval to that package. Approval restrictions do not apply to unplanned approval lists.
    Package creator cannot approve Select option to prevent the user who created the package from being part of the approval process.
    Package worker cannot approve Select option to prevent any user whose user id is associated with any of the package components from taking part in the approval process. A user id is attached by each function (checkout, edit, stage etc.) This option will work in conjunction with the 'Create component work records' option. With the option turned on, a history is maintained of each user's access to any component in the package. With the option turned off, only the last user id is stored.
    Only 1 approval per user Use this option to restrict any user id from approving more than one entry in the approval list. It is possible that users may have the authority to apply several approvals, if they have update access to several entity names, and two or more of those entities appear in a package. This option restricts them to a single approval, no matter how many they are authorized for.
    Install job scheduler Specify which scheduling systems can be used to control submission of the package installation batch jobs. This restricts which scheduler can be specified when a package is created or updated. Only schedulers allowed in global administration can be allowed in application administration.
    CMN - ChangeMan ZMF internal scheduling.
    Manual - Manually control the submission of installation jobs.
    Other - Scheduling software such as CA7, ADC2 or CA-Scheduler.


  3. After you finish entering information in the fields of the panel, press Enter. The application Parameters - Part 3 of 4 panel (CMNGLP03) is displayed.

    CMNGLP03                 DEMX Parameters - Part 3 of 4
    Command ===> _________________________________________________________ 
    Enter "/" to select option
      Enable display order
      _ Library types
      _ Languages
      _ Build procedures
      _ Sites
      _ Db2 logical subsystems
      _ IMS control regions
      _ IMS DBD overrides
      _ IMS PSB overrides XML reports
  4. Enable display order - Select to activate the default display order defined in application administration. The default display order is defined by a display order number defined for items in application administration. If activated, this is used as the default order in which lists are displayed. Users can use the SORT command to sort lists by various columns. Users can use the 'SORT DEFAULT' command to sort lists by the administration defined default display order, if activated. If not activated, 'SORT DEFAULT' sorts by predefined columns. Some options may be unavailable due to unlicensed options.

  5. After you finish entering information in the fields of the panel, press Enter. The application Parameters - Part 4 of 4 panel (CMNGLP04) is displayed.

        CMNGLP04                  DEMX Parameters - Part 4 of 4 
        Command ===> _________________________________________________________
        Aging - installed packages . . . . . 180    (0 to 9999 days) 
              - staging datasets . . . . . . 180    (0 to 9999 days)
              - component history  . . . . . 3660   (0 to 9999 days)
              - staging versions . . . . . . 0      (0 to 9999 days) 
    Management class . . . . . . . . . . . . _____
    Storage class  . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____
    Default unit name  . . . . . . . . . . . SYSDA  (Generic disk unit) 
    Default volume serial  . . . . . . . . . _____
    Job statement information: 
      //             CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X 
      //* SYSTEM=DEMX
    Enter "/" to select option 
     _ Require Work request 
     _ Require Department
     _ Hierarchical approval process
     _ Eliminate save to personal library
     _ Edit staging recovery mode on
     _ Build install JCL at approve
     / Use like-lod in syslib
     _ Use package syslib service

    The following table describes the fields of the Application Parameters - Part 4 of 4 panel (CMNGLP04) and the information that you can enter on the panel.

    Field Description
    Aging Enter the number of calendar days for aging resources as follows:
    The value can be from 0 to 9999 days. A zero (0) value turns off the aging function, and packages, staging libraries, and component history records will not be deleted.
    Installed packages
    Enter the number of days a package record is to remain within the package master. The corresponding change package itself must be in BAS, INS or TCC status for this value to take effect. If the package is in Memo Delete status this value has no effect and the records will be deleted regardless. This value should be greater than or equal to the aging value for staging datasets.
    Staging datasets
    Enter the number of days staging datasets from a package should remain on the the systems catalog. The corresponding change package must be in BAS, INS or TCC status for this value to take effect. If the package is in Memo Delete status this value has no effect and the datasets will be deleted regardless.
    Component history
    Enter the number of days component history records should remain in the component master file. The corresponding change package must have been aged off for this value to take effect. If the package is in Memo Delete status this value has no effect and the history will be deleted regardless. This value should be greater than or equal to the aging value for installed packages.
    Staging versions
    Enter the number of days that saved staging versions from a package should remain. The corresponding change package must be in BAS, INS or TCC status for this value to take effect. If the package is in Memo Delete status this value has no effect and the saved staging versions will be deleted regardless.
    Management class Enter the management class for SMS managed dataset allocation. Leave blank for default class.
    Storage class Enter the storage class for SMS managed dataset allocation. Leave blank for default class.
    Default unit name Enter the type of disk device to use for allocation of non-temporary datasets by ChangeMan ZMF (e.g. 'SYSDA').
    Default volume serial Enter the serial number of the volume to use for allocation of nontemporary ChangeMan ZMF datasets. This field may be left blank if the Default Unit Name was entered.
    Job statement information Enter job card information. Batch Stage jobs will run using this information. ChangeMan ZMF also builds the install jobs with these cards (the .X dataset), changing the jobname.
    Require Work request Enter '/' if users will be required to enter a Work request during package creation. (A Work request may be required under the INFO MANAGEMENT CHANGE RULE). Leave blank if it is to be optional.
    Require Department Enter '/' if users will be required to enter a Department during package creation. Leave blank if it is to be optional.
    Hierarchical approval process Select this option to notify approving entities of packages pending approval according to the order number specified in the approval lists. Notification is only passed along as the package is approved at each level. If omitted, all entities will be notified simultaneously.
    eliminate save to personal lib This rule applies to edit in staging when a personal or development library is involved. If a component is checked out to a personal lib, or staged from development, edits in staging will be performed on both the package's stage lib and the personal or development lib. After the first edit, changes are saved to both libraries regardless of this rule. Subsequent edits are saved in BOTH places if this rule is set to 'NO'. Selecting this opton breaks this connection, and edit changes are saved to the staging library only.
    Edit staging recovery mode on Select to turn edit recovery on. With recovery on, edit keeps track of any changes that are made while editing a component within ChangeMan ZMF. If the user's TSO session fails, the user will be able to recover and continue editing from the point of the last 'enter'. After the failure, upon reentering ChangeMan ZMF, the user has the choice of recovering or cancelling the recovery. This is similar to ISPF edit recovery. Enter NO to disable this function.
    Build install JCL at approve This option will delay the construction of the Package Installation JCL (often known as the 'x.node JCL') until the last approval takes place. Normally Package Installation JCL is built each time the package is frozen.
    Use like-lod in syslib ChangeMan ZMF will always include like-OBJ and like-NCL libraries in program binder SYSLIB concatenations. You can optionally choose to include like-LOD libraries too.
    Use package syslib service ChangeMan has a traditional method of generating syslib concatenations for use in builds and referenced by audit. It is a rigid structure of staging, promotion, baseline libraries which must be consistent across builds and audit for accurate results. The package syslib service can be used to generate, and modify via HLL exit, the syslib concatenation. Use this admin option to force audit and build to use this alternative means of generating syslib concatenations. Note that, this added flexibility may cause audit to run more slowly. Also, if you change the syslib structure between the time you build components and when audit runs you will get audit errors.


  6. Press Enter to save and generate the application parameters. You are returned to either the Update Application Administration Options panel (CMNLAMN1) or the Application List panel (CMNPLIST), wherever you started.

    If you updated any field on any of the four application Parameters panels, the short ISPF message "PARAMETERS GENERATED" message is displayed. The long message is CMN5215I - appl application parameters have been generated.

    If you did not change any fields on these panels, the short ISPF message "BROWSE ONLY" is displayed. The long message is CMN1150I - No updates were processed.