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Filtering with Component List Parameters

You use option 2 Package on the Stage Options menu to display all package components on the Stage: package Components panel.

Use option 3 Parms and the Component List Parameters (CMNSTG12) panel to select certain package components for display on the Stage: package Components list.

You can also set indicators on the Component List Parameters panel to control features of checkout and stage processing.

  1. On the Stage Options menu, choose option 3 Parms and press Enter. The Component List Parameters (CMNSTG12) panel is displayed.

    CMNSTG12                 Component List Parameters
    Command ===>________________________________________________
    Package: ACTP000050         Status: DEV         Install date: 20180405
    Work request: Work Req WR2                          Department: Dept
    Component name . . . . . . acpdoc60                                     +
    Component type . . . . . . SRC
    Language . . . . . . . . . _________
    Component status . . . .   __ Active __ Checkout __ Frozen __ Inactive
                               __ Incomp __ Unfrozen
    Changed from date . . . . .________    (yyyymmdd)
                time . . . . . ____________(hhmmss)
    Changed to date . . . . .  ____________(yyyymmdd)
                time . . . . . __________  (hhmmss)
    Compile procedure . . . . ._________
    User . . . . . . . . . . . _________
    Display mode . . . . . . . S           (S-short, L-long, X-extra long)
    Data Encoding . . . . . . .            (1-ASCII, 2-UTF-8)
    Enter "/" to select option
    / Confirm component delete              / Confirm other requests
    / Display component user options        __Mixed case
    / Comparison report for edit           Text type . . . . $.
    __Ignore recompiled components

    The following table describes the fields on the panel.

    Field Description
    Package Displays the current package
    Status Displays the current status of the change package.
    Install date Displays the date when the package is proposed for installation in yyyymmdd format.
    Work request Work Request ID.
    Department Department.
    Component name Enter a component name or a pattern containing one or more characters followed by an * wildcard.
    Component type Enter a component library type or a pattern containing one or more characters followed by an * wildcard.
    Language Enter the source language associated with the component.
    Component status Enter a 1-character code to select a component status:
    1: Display components in ACTIVE status (successfully staged).
    2: Display components in INCOMP status (not staged successfully).
    3: Display components in CHECKOUT 3 status (checked out but not yet staged).
    4: Display components in INACTIVE status (copied forward from another package but not yet staged).
    Change from - to dates and times Specify a range of dates, and, optionally, times representing when the component was last modified (and/or staged).
    Compile procedure Enter the name of the compile procedure used to stage the component.
    User Enter a User ID to select components last changed by a particular user or a pattern containing one or more characters followed by an * wildcard.
    Display mode Enter one of the desired display options listed below. This value can be overridden at the command line of the package-driven list.
    Short: Display of the package-driven list, but exclude data set organization, source data set, and the target load library for SRC or Like-SRC components. Abbreviated S.
    Long: Display of the package-driven list with all data set information. Abbreviated L.
    Extra-long: Display of the package-driven list with all data set information and the component name in a longer field. Abbreviated X.
    Confirm component delete Select option to display Confirm Delete Request panel before deleting a component from the package. Leave blank to delete a component without displaying the Confirm Delete Request panel.
    Confirm other requests Select to display and respond to any ERROR or WARNING panel. This setting will also display concurrent development warnings if members staged into the package also exist in other ChangeMan ZMF packages. Do not select to bypass any ERROR or WARNING panel; do not display concurrent development warnings. The settings made for this parameter will be active for any checkout or stage function.
    Display component user options Allow display of component user option panel(s) for non-source components. This allows user data to be associated with a component for later use in exits or XML services. If the 'Enable component user variables' global option is not enabled, this setting is ignored. Note: Component user variables for source components are accessible during the build process.
    Mixed case By default, all fields are folded to upper case. However, if this option is selected, the component name is left as is. Whichever case you enter will then be processed.
    Comparison report for edit Select to display a summary of the changes made when you exit from an edit-in-stage session. ChangeMan ZMF will compare the original member contents with the member as it is when the 'SAVE' was issued. The comparison report may be printed for hard copy storage and reference. Do not select to bypass displaying the comparison report when a user exits from an edit-in-stage session. The setting used for this parameter will be active for any edit-in- stage session.
    Ignore recompiled components Recompiled components have the same compile procedure as a source component, so you cannot filter them out using the procedure name. This option allows them to be ignored.
    Text type Enter the text type to be compared if Comparison Report is selected.
    .(period): The first four records are analyzed to identify the target language to determine what kind of text compare should be done. If you specify a period, changes to spacing and commas are ignored during the comparison as described for the values below. Enter $. to force a position-by-position comparison and to flag lines as changes even if the only differences are the positions of spaces and commas.
    COBOL: Positions 7 through 72 are compared. Spaces and commas are ignored during the comparison so that any lines where only spaces or commas are changed are not flagged as modified. Thus, if you insert one line of code in the program, for example, and subsequent lines of code are thereby renumbered, only the inserted line of code is identified as a change. Renumbered lines are not identified as modified in the report.
    PANEL REPORT SCRIPT: Positions 1 through 80 are compared. No characters are ignored during the comparison.
    ALC,BAL,JCL, PASCAL,C,CLIST,FORTRAN,PL/1,PL/I,PLI,NATURAL,REXX,RPG: Positions 1 through 72 are compared. Spaces are ignored during the comparison so that any lines where only spaces are changed are not flagged as modified.
    You can precede any of the above values with the $ character. If you do, spaces and commas are included in the comparison and lines where only spaces or commas are in different character positions are flagged as changed in the report. For example, specify $COBOL if you want to identify lines as changed even if the positions of only spaces or commas differ. The setting made for this parameter will be active for any comparison report run online in ChangeMan ZMF.
    Display component user options Select to allow display of component user option panel(s) for non- source components. This allows user data to be associated with a component for later use in exits or XML services. If the 'Enable component user variables' global option is not enabled, this setting is ignored. Note: Component user variables for source components are accessible during the build process.
    Mixed case Select to process input exactly as you type it, upper and lower case.
  2. Type information on the Component List Parameters panel to select components for the Stage: package Components (CMNSTG01) panel.

    • Selection fields on this panel are combined with logical AND operators to select components from the package.

    • All fields on this panel are optional except for the Short or Long Display field.

    • Blank selection fields are treated as "select all."

    • If you set no selection criteria, all package components display.

  3. When you finish entering information on the Component List Parameters panel, press Enter. The Stage: package Components (CMNSTG01) panel is displayed.

    CMNSTG01            STAGE: GENL000008 Components        Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
    Name            + Type Status Changed           Procname User   Request
    __ CPY001         CPY  ACTIVE 20150115 165613            USER016
    __ GNLCPY1X       CPY  ACTIVE 20150112 172032            USER016
    __ GNLSRC1A       SRC  ACTIVE 20150113 224848 CMNCOB2    USER016
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
  4. Proceed with your stage processing as described in Staging from Package.