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Step 6: Convert Master Files, Component Master, and SSV Data Sets

The format of the Package Master changed in ZMF 8.1.2. Read the CMNZMF CNTL distribution library member $$$INDEX for a short description of all sample JCL.

In ChangeMan ZMF 7.1.3 and later releases, long name tokens are removed from the Package Master, and long names are stored in VARCHAR fields. Component data is split into two VSAM KSDS files, one for components with names of 8 or fewer characters, including zFS components with short names, and the other for components with names longer than 8 characters. A new format is required for forward recovery records to match the converted Package and Component Masters.

If you use Saved Staging Version (SSV) data sets, these data sets need to be converted to a format that ChangeMan ZMF 8.3 can use.

Execute the following jobs, as appropriate, to convert your Package Master, Component Master, and SSV data sets to a format that is suitable for ChangeMan ZMF 8.3 and create a new recovery file for ZMF 8.3:

ZMF 7.1.3 thru to to ZMF 8.3

Job Name Description
CMVCONV8 For non-P sites. Converts the ZMF v7.1.3 thru package, component and SSV master files to a format compatible with v8.3.
CMVCONP8 For P-sites. Converts a ZMF v7.1.3 thru package master file for P-sites to a format compatible with v8.3.
ACTLOG Deletes and defines the SerNet activity log, required from ZMF 8.2 Patch 2 onwards. The resulting dataset is allocated to the server started task under the SERALOG DD statement. See Started Procedure for ALL, DP, and D Instances.

ZMF 7.1.0 thru to to ZMF 8.3

Job Name Description
CMVCONV7 For non-P sites. Converts the ZMF v7.1.0 thru package, component and SSV master files to a format compatible with v8.3.
CMVCONP7 For P-sites. Converts the ZMF v7.1.0 thru package master file for P-sites to a format compatible with v8.3.
ACTLOG Deletes and defines the SerNet activity log, required from ZMF 8.2 Patch 2 onwards. The resulting dataset is allocated to the server started task under the SERALOG DD statement. See Started Procedure for ALL, DP, and D Instances.