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CMNEX103 Bind Control Statement Triage

Program CMNDB2PL calls exit CMNEX103 and passes BIND statement images immediately prior to parsing them for keywords.

CMNEX103 strips records you designate out of the BIND command set and writes them to a ChangeMan ZMF temporary data set that is allocated by CMNDB2PL. Retained records are later appended to the end of the BIND command set after templating and before exit CMNEX101 is called.

BIND commands that are input to CMNDB2PL are parsed with IBM service routine IKJPARS to ensure that CMNDB2PL processing is synchronized with IBM changes to BIND keyword operands. IKJPARS does not pass along "comment" records with asterisk (*) in position 1, which some user sites use to control the behavior of exit program CMNEX101.

Sample code in exit program CMNEX103 shows you how to preserve comment records that are input to CMNDB2PL.


Keyword operands in a BIND command that CMNDB2PL sends to exit program CMNEX103 may be in a different order than in the original BIND command member in a staging, promotion, baseline, or production library. See BIND Command Keyword Option Order.