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Out-of-Synch Conditions

**Synch **Description
DUPLIC! Components in staging and baseline libraries are identical.
SYNCH0! Package Master contains no record of this component.
SYNCH1! Non-load component has no ISPF statistics.
SYNCH2! Like-source component was compiled without using the designated compile procedure and options.
SYNCH3! IDRDATA in a load component cannot be read.
SYNCH4! Like-copy component in a staging library was changed more recently than the calling likesource component in a staging library in the same package.
SYNCH5! Like-copy component in a staging library was altered more recently than the calling like-source component in the baseline library.
SYNCH6! Component in a staging library has no corresponding Component Activity File member in the package.
SYNCH7! Statically linked called load in a staging library was changed more recently than the calling load component in a staging library in the same package.
SYNCH8! Statically linked called load in a staging library was changed more recently than the calling load component in the baseline library.
SYNCH9! Load component in a staging library does not match the corresponding like-source component in the package.
SYNCH10! Component in the baseline library has changed since the component was checked out to a package staging library.
SYNCH11! Component in a staging library was changed without using ChangeMan ZMF.
SYNCH12! Component was copied into a staging library without using ChangeMan ZMF, or it is left over from a stage job that abended.
SYNCH13! Component in the baseline library was changed more recently than the component in a staging library.
SYNCH14! Package component is not in Active status.
SYNCH15! More recent version of like-copy or LCT component resides in a staging, promotion, or baseline library than was used to stage a likesource component in a package.
SYNCH16! Like-copy component in the package, which doesn’t contain the calling like-source, was changed after the baseline version of the likecopy but before the calling like-source in baseline.
SYNCH17! Like-copy component in a staging library was deleted after it was used to stage or recompile a like-source in the package.
SYNCH18! Called load in a staging library was deleted after it was statically linked into a composite load in the package.
SYNCH19! A package master record points to a package component that is not in the staging library.
SYNCH20! Statically linked called load in staging library has timestamp (SETSSI) that does not match the timestamp expected by audit.
SYNCH21! Remove either the scratch/rename request or the component it refers to from the relevant package.
SYNCH22! The sub-component to be scratched is in use by the indicated top-level component. Remove the reference to the sub-component or remove the scratch request.
SYNCH23! The sub-component to be renamed is in use by the indicated top-level component. It may not be possible to resolve this until after the rename has been processed in baseline. Change the reference to the sub-component or remove the rename request.