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Using Db2 to replace the impact analysis LDS

The default mechanism for hosting the baseline Impact Analysis (I/A) table is via an LDS backed dataspace. It is, however, possible to use a Db2 table to host this information. If you are migrating from a prior release, please see the Changeman ZMF Migration guide for details.

This appendix describes how to configure a Db2 table for the I/A data when performing a new installation of ZMF.

It assumes that you have already performed the steps required to install ZMF in general.


You do not need a ZMF Db2 option license to do this.

  1. Tailor and run CMNDB2IA.JCS. This will create the baseline I/A tables CMNIABUN, CMNIACMP, and CMNIARLN. It will also bind the required packages and plan.

  2. Start up the ZMF stc for the first time, it will generate messages about missing ddnames and it will attempt to start the dataspace subtask IADS, for example:

     2020/10/28 05:33:26.34 19A08000 CMN8800I CMNSTART Opened VSAM file CMNDEV.CMNSYS.U900STEV.CMNPMAST Exclusive
     2020/10/28 05:33:26.41 19A08000 CMN8800I CMNSTART Opened VSAM file CMNDEV.CMNSYS.U900STEV.CMNLOG Exclusive
     2020/10/28 05:33:26.52 19A08000 CMN8800I CMNSTART Opened VSAM file CMNDEV.CMNSYS.U900STEV.CMNRECV Exclusive
     2020/10/28 05:33:26.54 19A08000 CMN8350I CMNSTART *** Warning *** Missing DD Name = CMNIMPCT
     2020/10/28 05:33:26.54 19A08000 CMN8350I CMNSTART *** Warning *** Missing DD Name = CMNIALOG
     2020/10/28 05:33:26.59 19A08000 CMN8800I CMNSTART Opened VSAM file CMNDEV.CMNSYS.U900STEV.CMNCMPNT Exclusive
     2020/10/28 05:33:26.66 19A08000 CMN8800I CMNSTART Opened VSAM file CMNDEV.CMNSYS.U900STEV.CMNCMPNL Exclusive
     2020/10/28 05:33:26.66 19A08000 CMN8300I CMNSTART Attach: U=CMNSTART,F1=ATTACH,F2=IADS,@TCA=1A9F2000,@TCB=8A78D0

  3. Connect to ZMF and use global admin to set the Db2 for I/A option and indicate the Db2 subsystem which owns the tables. This is the third panel of the global admin parms, viz:

    CMNGGP03                        Global Parameters - Part 3 of 8
    Command ===>
    Enter "/" to select option
      / Stacked Reverse Delta
      / Panvalet
        User defined
      / Librarian
        Librarian Access Method (LAM)
    Notification Vehicles
    / Email
    / Batch
    Other options
    / Use primary Db2 subsystem for I/A: D20L
      Require CR number
      Require Department
    / Disable installation calendar
    / Allow temporary packages
    / Process participating packages by install date
    / Hierarchical approval process
    / Use global notification file
    / Allow application update to file
      Force display of global notification file
    Global notification file . . CMNDEV.CMNSYS.U900DP.GNFFILE
  4. Restart ZMF and you should see the following in SERPRINT during initialization.

    2020/10/28 09:40:29.94 19A08000 CMN8560I CMNSTART Default Db2 subsystem is D20L and is at version: V12R1
    2020/10/28 09:40:30.02 19A08000 CMN8561I CMNSTART The baseline Impact Analysis database is hosted by the default
    Db2 subsystem.
  5. Define application admin as you see fit and then run CMNIA000 using a form of the sample JCS member IMPACTD2 modified to meet your requirements. It will generate the 3 I/A data flat files.

  6. Load the flat files to the Db2 tables using a form of the CMNDB2IL.JCS sample component modified to meet your requirements. Note that Db2 ensures integrity while the load is taking place so there is no need to do anything within the ZMF stc (there is no IADS subtask when we are using Db2). The I/A information will be available once the tables have been loaded and any 'pending' states have been resolved (e.g. by performing an image copy, or simply resetting the pending states).