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Step 10: Upgrade ERO

If you license the ChangeMan ZMF Enterprise Release Option (ERO), you must bind the packages and plans associated with ERO Db2 programs. Information about ERO components are provided in the ChangeMan ZMF ERO Getting Started Guide.

This table shows what sample JCL members in the ZMF 8.3 vendor CMNZMF CNTL library you must run to migrate any ZMF 7.1.x release to version 8.3.

Sample JCL Member Run converting from Table Change
AUDALTR2 v7.1.0 - v7.1.1.x CMNCLODOBJ Add columns to area audit table to improve ERO audit auto resolve for object dependencies.
CIMALTR4 v7.1.0 - v7.1.1.x CMNRLSCIM Add columns to improve detection of version regression (ERR0417).
CIMALTR5 v7.1.0 - v7.1.1.x - V7.1.2.x CMNRLSCIM Alter the existing DTM_CHKIN column to make it a WITH TIME ZONE column (requires Db2 v10+).
CIMALTR6 V7.1.0 - V7.1.1.x - V7.1.2.x - V7.1.3.x CMNRLSCIM Add column TXT_CHGID to record the userid that last updated the physical component.
CMNLDERT v7.1.0 - v7.1.1.x - V7.1.2.x CMNERRORTYPES Add column TXT_ERROR_AUTO to area audit table to allow suppression of auto resolve for an error number.
HSTALTR4 v7.1.0 - v7.1.1.x CMNRLSHST Add columns to release management table to improve detection of version regression (ERR0417).
HSTALTR5 V7.1.0 - V7.1.1.x - V7.1.2.x - V7.1.3.x CMNRLSHST Add the following columns to the CMNRLSHST (release management)table: TXT_COMP_TSOI (the userid associated with the last state change) and TXT_COMP_CHGID (the userid that last updated the physical component).

Follow these steps to expand ERO Db2 tables and bind the needed packages and plans:

  1. Use existing pre-conversion housekeeping jobs or other JCL to back up ChangeMan ZMF 7.1.x ERO Db2 tables before you begin converting files to version 8.3. An image copy is recommended.

  2. Copy the sample JCL members from the ZMF 8.3 vendor CMNZMF CNTL library to your custom CMNZMF CNTL library. Edit the sample JCL members in your custom library.

    1. Code your JOB statement at the top.

    2. Change each of the following to fit the Db2 subsystem where ERO tables reside and to match the Db2 version running on that subsystem:

      • dsnvrm.SDSNLOAD in the JOBLIB statement

      • SYSTEM(ssss), where ssss is the Db2 subsystem ID

      • PLAN(DSNTIAvr) for utility DSNTIAD

      • DSNvrm.RUNLIB.LOAD

      • SET CURRENT SQLID = 'auth-id', where auth-id is a user ID that has been granted sufficient authority to execute the Db2 commands in this job

      • CMNx, where x is the one-character subsystem ID that identifies the ChangeMan ZMF instance where the ERO option runs. For example, change CMNx to CMN5 for the ZMF instance with subsystem ID of 5.

  3. Submit the first four jobs in the following order:

    1. AUDALTR2

    2. CIMALTR4

    3. CIMALTR5

    4. CIMALTR6

  4. When each job completes, examine the job output for problems.

  5. Submit job HSTALTR4. When the job completes, examine the job output for problems.

  6. Submit job HSTALTR5. When the job completes, examine the job output for problems.

  7. Submit job CMNLDERT.


    If you have customized your ERO Audit error messages or return codes in your customized CMNZMF.ERR(ERRORTYP) member, merge these changes into the ERRORTYP member of the CMNZMF.ERR distribution library before you submit job CMNLDERT to reload the CMNERRORTYPES table.

    When the job completes, examine the job output for problems.

  8. Follow the instructions in topic "Bind ERO DBRM" in the ChangeMan ZMF ERO Getting Started Guide to bind the SQL in programs CMNDB2RQ, CMNRARTM, CMNRARPT, and CMNRA905 into Db2 packages. Those instructions explain how to customize and execute sample JCL members in the version 8.3 CMNZMF.CNTL library.

  9. ERO customers who are upgrading from a 7.1.2 or 7.1.3 instance to 8.3, who are running utility jobs CMNRACHK and CMNRAHAR, must run the BINDPKG step in CMNRAUTB to rebind the Db2 packages associated with these utility programs. There is no need to run the BINDPLN step unless you are changing the PKLIST for Db2 plan CMNUTIL.

    ERO customers who are upgrading from a 7.1.0 or 7.1.1 instance to 8.3 should please contact Micro Focus Customer Care for instructions to bind the CMNRACHK and CMNRAHAR Db2 packages.

    All ChangeMan ZMF Db2 programs are precompiled with VERSION(AUTO) so you can bind SQL before you actually install the load module for the new version of the program.

  10. When all jobs have executed successfully, take an image copy of the expanded ERO Db2 tables.