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About Backing Out a Package

Backout package consists of two processes:

  1. Restoration of production libraries - Prior versions are copied to production libraries from backups taken when the package was installed.

  2. Reverse baseline ripple - The prior version is copied to the level 0 baseline library, the next oldest is copied to the prior version, and so on until all prior versions have been restored from the next oldest version.

Restoration of production libraries is executed only if production libraries are defined to the application. If production libraries are defined to the application, reverse baseline ripple is executed only after all production libraries are restored at all sites where the package was installed.

When you back out a change package, you must enter free form text (up to 9 lines) in Backout Reasons to provide an audit trail for why the package was backed out. Backout Reasons can be viewed through the query package function.

You cannot selectively back out components in an installed change package. The components in a change package are audited and tested together, so removing part of a package would invalidate audit and test results.

Backout package is initiated and controlled from the ChangeMan ZMF instance where the package was created, even if the package was installed at other sites.

After a package is backed out, the package must be reverted before you can make changes to package components.