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Using Baseline Browse Functions

This chapter describes the various functions available through the baseline browse facility.

About Baseline Browse

Accessing the Baseline Browse/Print Facility

Using Baseline Browse

About Baseline Browse

The baseline browse/print facility provides access to components in baseline and promotion libraries without requiring you check out the components to a change package. Access restrictions of member level security are enforced.

Options under the baseline browse/print facility include:

  • List libraries that contain a component

  • Browse a component

  • View (browse in edit) a component

  • Print a component to a user-defined print class

  • Print a component with expanded copybooks

  • Copy a component to a user specified dataset

  • List history by package that contain a component

  • Browse a stacked reverse delta (SRD) member for a prior version of a component

  • View a stacked reverse delta (SRD) member for a prior version of a component

Accessing the Baseline Browse/Print Facility

Baseline browse/print functions are executed from the Baseline Browse/Print Facility (CMNBRWB0) panel.

CMNBRWB0             Baseline Browse/Print Facility
Command ===> _____________________________________________________

Application . . . . . . GENL    (Blank for list)
Library type . . . . .  ___     (Blank for list)
Library level . . . . . 0       (Baseline 0 to -n; Promotion 1 to n)
Component name . . . .  _______________________________________________

Enter "/" to select option
__ Build member list from scan results
__ Case sensitive

Records to select . . . 0       (0 = all)
From column . . . . . . 0       (0 = all)
To column . . . . . .   0       (Max = 80)

Data string _________________________________________________

Use one of these methods to display the Baseline Browse/Print Facility panel:

  • Using the Menu Hierarchy:

    a On the Primary Option Menu, select 1 Build.

    b On the Build Option panel, select B Browse.

  • Using Direct Panel Access:

    On a ChangeMan ZMF panel, type =1.B in the Command or Option line and press Enter.

On the Change Package List (CMNLIST3) panel, type BB in the line command for a change package and press Enter.

Using Baseline Browse

The top half of the Baseline Browse/Print Facility (CMNBRWB0) panel provides panel fields for you to select files and components, and it provides options to act on components that you select.

The bottom half of the Baseline Browse/Print Facility panel provides a scan facility to select components based on their content.

  1. These are the panel options and the file and component selection fields on the top half of the Baseline Browse/Print Facility panel (CMNBRWB0).

    CMNBRWB0                Baseline Browse/Print Facility
    Command ===> ________________________________________________________
    Application . . . . . . GENL    (Blank for list)
    Library type . . . . .  ____    (Blank for list)
    Library level . . . . . 0       (Baseline 0 to -n; Promotion 1 to n)
    Component name . . . .  _______________________________________________

    This table describes the fields on the top half of the Baseline Browse/Print Facility panel (CMNBRWB0).

    Field Description
    Panel Options Enter an option, or leave the option blank if you use a pattern in the Component Name field.
    L: List all baseline and promotion libraries that contain a component
    B: Browse a component in a baseline library
    C: Copy a member from a baseline library to a user- specified dataset.
    V: View (browse in edit) a component in a baseline library
    X: Print-expanded option allows the user to expand all COPY and INCLUDE statements prior to printing.
    P: Print a member to a user-defined print class.
    H: Provides a detailed history by package for the member specified.
    BS: Browse stack of the stacked reverse delta (SRD). Allows the user to display the number of levels associated with the specified component. It does NOT expand the differences between levels or versions.
    VS: View stack of the stacked reverse delta (SRD).
    Application Enter the three or four-character code for the application your user ID is authorized. You may leave this field blank to display a selection list of valid applications defined to ChangeMan ZMF.
    Library type Enter the library type of the component. For a list of valid library types and their descriptions, leave this field blank. This required field works in conjunction with the Application field to determine the target library for the request.
    Library level Enter the numeric value of the baseline version or promotion level library associated with the version of the component you want to access.
    0: Current or 0-level baseline library.
    -1 to -999: Prior version baseline library. The numeric value following the minus sign represents a relative prior version (-1 means the version immediately prior to the current version).
    +1 to +99: Future version from a promotion library. The numeric value following the plus sign is a promotion level number in a promotion site. If there are multiple sites, the Promotion Library Selection List panel is displayed where you select one of the listed promotion libraries.
    Blank: Leave this field blank if you type L in the Option field.
    Component name Enter the component name or pattern you want to access for a selection list. This field may be left blank to display all members in the selected library.
  2. These are the scan function fields.

Enter "/" to select option
__ Build member list from scan results
__ Case sensitive

Records to select . . . 0 (0 = all)
From column . . . . . . 0 (0 = all)
To column . . . . . .   0 (Max = 80)

Data string . . . . . .

This table describes the fields on the bottom half of the Baseline Browse/Print Facility panel (CMNBRWB0).

If you use a pattern or blank in the Component Name field, you can use the following fields to build a selection list of components that contain a data string.

Field Description
Build member list from scan results Select to initiate a scan on the baseline library to produce a member list for the option you selected. Omit to indicate that no scan criteria is to be used. If not selected, all fields listed below will be ignored. Note: Member List Scan does not support zFS files or data sets with RECFM=U.
Case sensitive Select if the DATA STRING entered should be used exactly as entered (with regard to upper and lower case characters). Omit to scan data string without case sensitivity.
Records to select Enter a numeric value to determine when the scan is to be discontinued. If '0' is entered, the scan will display a list of all members in the baseline library that meet the DATA STRING search criteria.
From column Enter the start column to begin scan for each record. Entering a '0' value will scan each record beginning in column one.
To column Enter the column the scan is to end. Entering a '0' value will scan to the 80th column.
Data string Enter a data string that will be used to build a member selection list for the requested option. If the Member List Scan field is not selected the data String will be ignored.

Baseline Browse Component list

If a pattern or blank component name is specified, the component list is displayed.

CMNBRWB1 Browse/Print from SRC/lvl(0) Row 1 to 17 of 26
Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR
Input dataset:
Name + Status Created Changed Size Init User
ACPSRCCA 01.03 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 00:44 34 23 JPRESTO
ACPSRCCC 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:56 29 23 JPRESTO
ACPSRCCE 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:56 29 23 JPRESTO
ACPSRCD1 04.01 2002/05/07 2015/01/06 01:43 53 15 JPRESTO
ACPSRCSA 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:56 27 23 JPRESTO
ACPSRC1A 01.03 2014/12/18 2014/12/18 02:14 33 34 JPRESTO
ACPSRC2A 02.00 2010/07/14 2015/01/05 14:56 28 24 JPRESTO
ACPSRC4A 02.00 2012/09/26 2015/01/05 14:57 44 27 JPRESTO
ACPSRC6A 02.00 2012/09/26 2015/01/05 14:57 43 27 JPRESTO
ACPSRC80 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:57 24 1 JPRESTO
ACPSRC90 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:57 28 1 JPRESTO
ACPSRC91 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:57 29 15 JPRESTO
ACPSRC92 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:58 29 15 JPRESTO
ACPSRC93 02.01 2002/05/07 2015/01/04 22:22 29 15 JPRESTO
ACPSRC94 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:58 24 1 JPRESTO
ACPSRC95 02.03 2002/05/07 2014/12/16 19:46 25 15 JPRESTO
ACPSRC96 02.00 2002/05/07 2015/01/05 14:58 24 15 JPRESTO
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
Valid primary commands are:

Command Description
CANCEL Cancel processing and exit.
DCD Display component general descriptions.
LOCATE Locate an entry.
REFRESH Refresh the panel display.
SHORT Display abbreviated component list.
SORT Sort the list.

Valid line commands are:

Command Description
B Browse a component in a baseline library.
BS Browse stack of the stacked reverse delta (SRD). This allows the user to display the number of levels associated with the specified component. It does NOT expand the differences between levels or versions.
C Copy a component from a baseline library to a user-specified dataset.
D Deselect a previously selected component.
H Provide a detailed history by package for the component specified.
P Print a component to a user-defined print class.
V View a component in a baseline library.
VS View stack of the stacked reverse delta (SRD).
X Use the Print-expanded option. This allows the user to expand all COPY and INCLUDE statements prior to printing.