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Library Types and Sub Types

Application Db2 component processing is defined by:

  • Like processing for the library type

  • Db2 Option library sub type

Library Types

Like all other component processing in ChangeMan ZMF, basic processing for Db2 components at stage are determined by the like parameter of the library type definition. For example, like-source components are processed by a transform procedure to create executables.

Additional processing for Db2 components is determined by sub-types you assign to a library type in Db2 Option administration. (Prior to ChangeMan ZMF 8.1 some Db2 component processing was determined by reserved library types.)

Setting the Selectable Option to D on a library type definition makes that library type available for setting a sub-type in Db2 Option administration.

Db2 Component Like Target Type Sel Opt Sub Typ BIND/ SQL\
Db2 Application Program Source S Db2 Program Load
Db2 Application Program Load L B
External Stored Procedure Source S Stored Procedure Load
External SQL Stored Procedure Source S Stored Procedure Load D Q S
External Stored Procedure Load L D S B & S
Native SQL Stored Procedure P D N S
General DDL (e.g. CREATE PROCEDURE for external SP) P D D S
User Defined Function Definition P D D S
Trigger Definition P D T S

This table shows library types you must define to process various kinds of Db2 components.

* Db2 Active Library specification for BIND/SQL action.

Library Sub Types

Sub Type Description Modified Process Sub Type Processing Description
B BIND PLAN statements Promote Demote Install Backout Process with plan lookup program CMNDB2PL to template BIND parameters for the target Db2 subsystem. Note: Only 1 PLAN per member can be specified. Refer to Chapter 6, "CMNDB2PL - BIND Utility" as a reference to how CMNDB2PL adds Plans and Packages to the ’to be bound’ list.
D CREATE statements for stored procedures, external user defined functions. Promote Demote Install Backout Process with utility program CMNDB2DD to register the object in the Db2 catalog. Issue a DROP before the CREATE.
N Native SQL stored procedure definitions Promote Demote Install Backout Drop/Create, Alter add version, and bind deploy mechanisms supported for this library type.
P BIND PACKAGE statements Promote Demote Install Backout Process with plan lookup program CMNDB2PL to find applicable BIND PLAN members and template parameters for the target Db2 subsystem.
Q SQL stored procedure source Promote Demote Install Backout Process with utility program CMNDB2DQ to remove SQL procedural code, then process the CREATE with utility program CMNDB2DD to register the stored procedure in the Db2 catalog.
R DBRM Process with plan lookup program CMNDB2PL to find applicable BIND PACKAGE and BIND PLAN members and template BIND parameters for the target Db2 subsystem.
S Stored procedure load modules, REXX stored procedures Promote Demote Install Backout If the Recycle Stored Procedure field is YES, issue Db2 commands VARY WLM...REFRESH in the WLM-managed address space to refresh the executable.
T Trigger definition source Promote Demote Install Backout Process with utility program CMNDB2DD to extract the table/event/time combinations. If Maintain Trigger Sequence YES, query SYSIBM.SYSTRIGGERS with utility program CMNDB2TR to find multiple triggers defined for the same table/event/time combination, then drop and recreate those triggers to maintain the original firing order.

Db2 Option library sub types enable additional processing for Db2 components at promote, demote, install, and backout. This table describes that processing by sub type.