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ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse

ChangeMan® ZMF for Eclipse™ provides plug-in integration between ChangeMan ZMF, the industry-leading software change management system for IBM System z mainframes, and the software development environments provided by the following products:

  • Eclipse™ Workbench

  • IBM® IDz

These products include software developed by the Eclipse Project ( ZMF for Eclipse is an optional licensed feature of ChangeMan ZMF. It is distributed as part of the ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack.

Refer to the following documents to learn more about ChangeMan ZMF functionality and its integration with the workbench environment. These documents may be downloaded from the ChangeMan ZMF Documentation Page (

  • ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide

    Installation and setup instructions for ChangeMan ZMF — including XMLSPACE setup, a prerequisite for ZMF for Eclipse.

  • ChangeMan ZMF User’s Guide

    How-to instructions for the functions and facilities of ChangeMan ZMF. Developer functions documented here are also available through ZMF for Eclipse.

  • ChangeMan ZMF Messages Guide

    Explanations & recovery tips for messages issued by ZMF. These messages are passed to ZMF for Eclipse.

  • ChangeMan ZMF Web Services Getting Started Guide

    Reference information concerning the Web Services integration technology used by ZMF and ZMF for Eclipse.

You can also reference the following guide available at the ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack Documentation page (

  • ChangeMan ZDD Server Installation Guide

    Installation and setup information for the ChangeMan ZDD server on the mainframe, including customization information for the ZDDOPTS client configuration library. Settings defined in ZDDOPTS apply to ZMF for Eclipse.

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