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Appendix B

Error Messages and Troubleshooting

Component Browse Function Fails

Error Message:

When attempting to browse ChangeMan ZMF components, the following error occurs:

Could not initialize the editor


This error occurs when a network firewall blocks access to the XCH (Sernet Connect) and/ or ZMF (CMN) ports for the target ChangeMan ZMF instance on the mainframe.


To resolve this problem, first determine the XCH and ZMF port numbers for the ZMF instance you are trying to access. These can be found on the ZMF server information tab in the Serena perspective of ZMF for Eclipse.

Provide the XCH and ZMF port numbers to your network administrator and request that these be opened for client access over the TCP/IP network where your web application server resides.

Checkout to IDz Project Fails

Error Message:

After selecting ZMF-IDz | Checkout from the Serena Explorer contextual menu and providing a valid IDz project and subproject name, you may encounter a message like the following:

Project undefined or no data set


This error occurs when no PDS libraries or HFS directories have been linked to the subproject targeted by the checkout. An IDz project or subproject is a logical collection, not a physical container for checked out files. A physical library or directory from the IDz Remote Explorer view must be linked to an IDz subproject before ZMF checkout.


Link a Component Browse Function Fails102physical library or directory in the IDz

Remote Explorer view to an appropriate IDz subproject. Then retry the ZMF checkout.

Exception When Sharing an Eclipse Project

Error Message:

If the ZDDOPTS configuration library is not installed with ChangeMan ZMF on the mainframe, or if the ECLIPSE member of that library is missing or incorrect, you will encounter the following message when you attempt to share an Eclipse project with ZMF:

‘Share Eclipse project with ZMF’ has encountered a problem - Exception running background job Share Eclipse with ZMF


Each ChangeMan ZMF instance on the mainframe must be configured to support access from ZMF for Eclipse. To do this, your ZMF administrator must install the ZDDOPTS configuration library on each ZMF instance that will be accessed using ZMF for Eclipse. In addition, the ECLIPSE member of each library must be appropriately configured for library type mapping between the mainframe and your Eclipse project.


Instructions for ZDDOPTS setup are provided in this manual. See "Enabling Plug-in Support in ChangeMan ZMF" on page 38 for installation instructions. Detailed syntax specifications for the ECLIPSE member (and others, if desired) are provided in Appendix A, "ZDDOPTS Parameter Reference".

Code Page Issues with Comments in ZDDOPTS

Code Page Issues with Comments in ZDDOPTS

Error Message:

The first time you execute a ZMF process that uses the XML specification in a ZDDOPTS configuration library, you may encounter an error such as the following:

ChangeMan [ChangeMan ZMF instance] on server [ChangeMan ZMF server] has invalid XML data specified for ZDDOPTS in [library(member)].

Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value.


This message occurs when in an XML comment in ZDDOPTS is processed using a non- English character code page.

Serena supplies sample ZDDOPTS members on the product media for ChangeMan ZMF and ZMF for Eclipse. The sample members were created for use with English-language character code pages on the mainframe. If you are using different code pages, you may need to modify the XML comments in these sample ZDDOPTS members.

All ZDDOPTS members use standard XML syntax for comments, as follows:

<!-- Some comment text -->

In English-language code pages, the hexadecimal code for the exclamation point (!) is x’5A’. This hexadecimal code translates into other characters in certain code pages you may use on the mainframe. This can cause XML parsing errors.

The following table shows the character translation for the English exclamation character code (x’5A’) in common mainframe code pages:

Code Page Language Character Translation
00424 Hebrew !
00875 Greek ]
01140 English-US, Portuguese !
01141 German Ü
01142 Danish, Norwegian _
01143 Finish, Swedish _
01144 Italian é
01145 Spanish ]
01146 English-UK !
01147 French §
01148 Malay ]
01149 Icelandic Æ
01153 Polish, Hungarian ]
01154 Russian ]
01155 Turkish Ð
01156 Latvian, Lithuanian !
01157 Estonian _
01158 Ukrainian ]
01164 Vietnamese ]

Resolution To correct this problem, do either of the following:

  • COPY ZDDOPTS from the ChangeMan ZMF sample library to your production library. Then manually edit all the comments in all ZDDOPTS members to ensure that all comments begin with <!-- when rendered using your currently installed code page.
  • UPLOAD the ZDDOPTS sample delivered with ZMF for Eclipse from the client to the mainframe. The upload process will replace character code x’5A’ with the correct exclamation character code for your currently installed code page.

Refer to Solution S140158 in the Knowledgebase on the Serena Support web site for more information about the use of code pages for Serena’s international customers.

ZDDOPTS Updates Do Not Affect Workbench

Symptom Changes are made to a ZDDOPTS member on the mainframe, but the behavior of ZMF for Eclipse does not change.

Explanation You must refresh the ZMF server settings on the client for the new settings to take effect in ZMF for Eclipse.

Resolution Disconnect from and reconnect to the ZMF Server. It is not necessary to restart the ZMF started task.

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