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Locking and Unlocking Components

The Lock function restricts revision privileges for a ZMF package component exclusively to the user who sets the lock. The Unlock function turns off the Lock restriction, enabling revision by multiple developers. Multiple components may be locked or unlocked at once.


Only a ChangeMan ZMF administrator can unlock a component that was locked by a different user.

Invoking the Lock and Unlock Functions

The component Lock and Unlock functions can be invoked as follows:

Serena perspective

  1. In the Serena Explorer navigation view of the Serena perspective, expand the Applications and Packages nodes, and then locate the change package and staging library containing the desired component(s).
  2. Select one or more components, right-click on the selection to bring up its contextual menu, and then choose the Lock or Unlock option. The operation takes effect immediately. See ZMF Operations on Package Component.

Java perspective

  1. In the Package Explorer navigation view of the Java perspective, expand the project and folder containing the desired subfolder(s) or component(s).
  2. Select one or more subfolders or components, and then right-click on the selection to bring up its contextual menu.
  3. Select the Team submenu, then select the ZMF Lock or ZMF Unlock option. The operation takes effect whenever a selected workbench component is checked in to a change package. For example, opening a downloaded component for edit will trigger an automatic Checkin and Lock in the background.

Package components can also be locked by clicking the appropriate checkbox during Checkout or Checkin. See Component-Level ZMF Functions.

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