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Verifying the Installation

After you restart the workbench:

  1. Select Window | Preferences.

  2. Select ZMF/Eclipse in the list.

The plug-in version and build number appear in the content view.

Enabling Plug-in Support in ChangeMan ZMF

Applying the License for ZMF for Eclipse

ZMF for Eclipse is a separately licensed option of ChangeMan ZMF. You must apply the appropriate license key to each ZMF server that you plan to access using the workbench plug-in. To obtain a license key, contact Customer Support.

A ChangeMan ZDD server license is required on the host to enable ZMF4ECL to work with ChangeMan ZMF.

Complete instructions for applying license keys for product options appear in the Serena SER10TY User’s Guide. This manual is included with the documentation for ChangeMan ZMF. It may also be downloaded from the Serena Support web site.

ChangeMan ZMF 7.1 and 8.1 Considerations

The following steps are required to apply your license key for ZMF 8.1.x:

  • The SERLIC DD statement must be updated in your ZMF JCL to activate the license for ZMF for Eclipse.

  • The ZMF server (ChangeMan ZMF on the mainframe) parameter, ECLIPSE=Y, in the startup parameters for SERNET is obsolete in 8.1.1 and above, and in and earlier, but it is required (down to 7.1.x). Refer to Appendix D as well as Chapter 5, ZMF 8.1 Installation Guide for details of SERNET parameters and SERNET keyword options.

ChangeMan ZMF 6.1 Considerations

No special ZMF license is required to support the ZMF4ECL option when using ZMF4ECL with ZMF 6.1.x.


ZMF 6.1.x systems should not use the ECLIPSE=Y parameter. If this parameter is set, it will direct SERNET to search for a license that does not exist in the ZMF 6.1.x environment.

Installing the ZDDOPTS Parameter Library**

ZDDOPTS Parameter Library:

The ZDDOPTS parameter library for ChangeMan ZMF resides on the mainframe and customizes the behavior of ZMF when accessed by ZMF for Eclipse. The same parameter library is used with all Web-enabled client integration products for ChangeMan ZMF, including Serena ChangeMan ZDD. Consequently:

  • One ZDDOPTS file can configure multiple clients that access the same ZMF server.

  • Different ZMF servers can enforce different repository behavior with the same client.

A ZDDOPTS library must be added to your ChangeMan ZMF configuration on the z/OS host to enable ZMF support for ZMF4ECL. This must be done for each ZMF server that will be accessed from the workbench.

Creating a Default ZDDOPTS Library

To add a ZDDOPTS library to an existing ChangeMan ZMF server:

  1. Allocate a PDS(E) library on the host for ZDDOPTS.

    This library can have any record length. However, if you wish to use the sample ZDDOPTS configuration members provided with ZMF for Eclipse (or in the SERCOMC SAMPXML library provided with ChangeMan ZMF on the host), allocate the ZDDOPTS library with these characteristics:

    DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=255,BLKSIZE=0) SPACE=(CYL,(1,10,30))
  2. Copy the files from sample ZDDOPTS directory provided with the ZMF for Eclipse (or the corresponding members from the SERCOMC SAMPXML library provided with ChangeMan ZMF on the host) into your new ZDDOPTS library.

  3. Add the DDNAME for ZDDOPTS to the ChangeMan ZMF server JCL and code it with the data set name of the ZDDOPTS library you just allocated.

Library Mapping

Desktop Workspace Requirements:

If you want to use a desktop workspace as a personal development library under ZMF for Eclipse, you must configure library mapping between mainframe library types and desktop file extensions in ZDDOPTS. This is done in the ECLIPSE member of ZDDOPTS. Without library mapping, the Add to Workspace option in the Serena Explorer contextual menus will be grayed out.

Configuring ZDDOPTS Parameters

See Appendix A, "ZDDOPTS Parameter Reference" for a complete description of the ZDDOPTS library members and the parameter settings for each. Customizing these parameters should be reserved for the ZMF administrator.

Managing the Plug-in Software Updates

  1. Refer to the latest Readme.pdf file and the section entitled Installing the Plugin for current details.

  2. Ensure that the Web Server has been updated to use the latest version of the ZMF Web Services (zmfws.war file) prior to using the plug-in.

  3. In your Eclipse or IDz workbench, select the option to update software. For example, Help | Check for Updates.

    The system checks for any updates and if any are found, it asks you to check the updates that you wish to install. If you check them, click Next then Finish and it will update automatically.

  4. If prompted, select the Serena Software certificate as trusted and click OK.

    A message appears letting you know that you need to restart your workbench to complete the upgrade.

  5. Restart your workbench.

Verifying the Upgrade

  1. Select Window | Preferences.

  2. Select ZMF/Eclipse in the list.

The plug-in version and build number appear in the content view.

Uninstalling Using the Eclipse-based Installer

If you have installed ZMF for Eclipse or higher and want to uninstall the software completely from a workstation, you can do so using the Eclipse-based installer.


You cannot use the Eclipse-based installer to uninstall ZMF for Eclipse 7.1.2 or prior. If you installed your plug-in with the desktop installer, you must uninstall using the desktop installer or the Windows remove programs option. If you are using 7.1.2 or prior, see Uninstalling Old Versions of Web Services.

To uninstall ZMF for Eclipse or above:

  1. In your Eclipse or IDz workbench, select the option to see installation details. For example, Help | Install New Software | What is already installed or Help | About Eclipse SDK | Installation Details.

  2. Select the Installed Software tab.

  3. Select ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse Plugin.

  4. Click Uninstall.

    The Uninstall Details form appears.

  5. Click Finish.

    A message prompts you to restart your workbench to complete the uninstall.

  6. Restart your workbench.

Verifying the Eclipse-based Uninstall

To verify the uninstall:

  1. Select Window | Preferences.

    You should no longer see ZMF/Eclipse in the list.

  2. Select Window | Open Perspective | Other.

    You will no longer see Serena in the list.

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