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Working with z/OS zFS Folders

The Serena Explorer navigation view provides access to z/OS Unix File System (zFS) folders and files under the z/OS Unix Files node. Your zFS personal development libraries on the mainframe are listed here.

Default zFS Filter

When you expand the z/OS Unix Files node in the Serena Explorer view, a list of your currently defined zFS viewing folders displays. If you have not defined any custom viewing folders and associated filters, only the Default Unix Filter folder is shown.

Expand a zFS filter node to work with the zFS directories or folders that match the filter’s selection criteria. By default, the Default Unix Filter shows all z/OS zFS folders in the user directory /u/userid/, where userid is your TSO user ID on the mainframe. However, to minimize visual clutter, the top-level user directory /u/ and the next-level subdirectory named with your user ID are not actually shown.


Until you become familiar with the interrelationships between filters in ZMF for Eclipse and filters in the native IDz perspectives, we suggest you leave the default folders and filters as-is and create new folders and filters as needed for more selective views.

Right-click on a folder name to bring up its contextual menu.

zFS Folder Contextual Menu

zFS folder contextual menu


A Search function has been added to this contextual menu. See Searching for a description of the Search function.

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