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Querying Package Components

The Package Components function lists all the components in a change package, or any subset of those components that satisfy your search criteria.

Invoking a Package Component Query

The Package Components query is invoked from the following menu of the Serena perspective:

In the Serena Explorer navigation view, expand the node for the ZMF server where the package of interest resides. Then expand the z/OS Applications node, the node for the particular application containing the package, and its Packages node. Right-click on the desired package to bring up its contextual menu, then select the Package Components option.

The requested components are listed in a table view under the Package Components View tab in the lower right pane of the perspective. For example:

package component results

Package Component List Wizard

The Package Components list wizard displays just one window, titled Select Package List Parameters.

package list components

Enter the following information as relevant to your search.

  • Package — ID of package whose components will be listed. Defaults to the selected package, but may be edited in the text box.

  • Component Name — Name of desired component(s). May be full component name or a search pattern with wildcards. Defaults to the asterisk wildcard, which matches any component name.

  • Library Type — Library type of desired components. May be full library type identifier or a search pattern with wildcards. Defaults to the asterisk wildcard, which matches any library type.

  • Language — Source code language of desired components.

  • Procedure Name — Compile procedure associated with desired components.

  • User ID — TSO ID of user who staged the desired components into the change package (either by checkout or checkin).

  • Changed From — If searching by date range for the most recent change, enter the oldest (or "from") date for the desired components. Select from pull-down list or type.

  • Changed To — If searching by date range for the most recent change, enter the newest (or "to") date for the desired components. Select from pull-down list or type.

  • Component Status — Check the box beside each component status desired. Uncheck any component statuses that should be excluded from the search results.

  • Component Type — Optionally restrict the component list to like-source components only, non-source components only, or all component types.

  • Mixed Case — Check this box to match case in names during the search. Deselect the checkbox to disregard case in names.

Click OK to submit the query for execution.

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