ZMF/Eclipse Preferences
The following pages are available for configuring preferences in ZMF for Eclipse:
These pages can be found under Window | Preferences | ZMF/Eclipse.
The Allocate preference page provides default values for data set allocation. The default values are used in either of the following situations:
- when a data set is allocated using the New Data Set function
- when a personal library is allocated during Checkout and the Allocation Preferences Tab option on the Checkouts preference page was selected
The Checkouts preference page provides options for checking out components to a personal development library.
The preference options on this page are:
Preference | Description |
Checkout Dialog Last Personal Library | Identifies how ZMF4ECL fills in the personal library text box during checkout: |
Last Personal Library Used - Retains the same library from checkout to checkout | |
Personal Library Based on Mask - Substitutes appropriate variables into the personal library mask and uses the updated value. | |
Obtain Personal Library Allocation Parameters From | Directs ZMF4ECL to get allocation parameters from one of the following: |
ZMF Library Type Definition - Gets values from the ZMF library type definition | |
Allocation Preferences Tab - Gets values from the Allocate preference page. | |
Personal Library Mask (Data Sets) | Specify the pattern for personal library data set. |
Personal Library Mask (zFS) | Specify the pattern for personal library z/OS File System (zFS) file. |
Auto-Allocate personal library | Directs ZMF4ECL to automatically allocate the specified personal library if it does not exist. |
Behavior of some options are controlled by the ZMF for Eclipse application server settings selected on the Settings preference page.
Web Services host defines the host
Web Services port defines the port
Web Services context defines the context (directory from the jar file) to use on the web services host, and this allows you to easily change when you need to run multiple contexts on a single host.
Notification port defines the port to be used for notifications.
The Show Notify Message Dialog setting shows a dialog box with each notification message as it is received from ZMF.
The Maintain Job Card for each Server setting enables you to run several different ZMF systems with custom job cards for each server. All functions that use a job card, such as build, promote, and audit, will use the server-specific job card if this option is set. If it is not set, only one job card is used for all servers.
The Translate Job Card to Uppercase setting converts any lowercase characters that you specify in a JOB statement to uppercase before the job is submitted.
The z/OS Job Entry Subsystem (JES) requires all keywords and user-supplied values on a JOB statement to be uppercase.
The Display Batch Checkout Warning Message setting displays a dialog box with a warning message when a batch checkout is performed. This is a reminder that the batch job needs to run to completion before you can work with the components.
The Launch Build after saving component setting, if set, will automatically launch a build dialog after a component is saved.
The Auto Submit build if component history exists setting will automatically submit a build after a component is saved if there is a history. Can be prevented by selecting Build (with Dialog) from the context menu.
The Prompt for Change Description setting prompts for a change description upon checkin even if the ZMF SSV, or Staging Versions, option for a particular library type is configured as optional.
The Display Resource Filters setting shows any active filters for each resource in the Serena Explorer Tree. With this option turned off, none of the filter values are displayed.
Sort Packages Descending on Serena Explorer when checked will reverse the sort order of packages in the Serena Explorer from Ascending to Descending.
The Trace IDz Integration Calls setting writes tracing/diagnostic information to a log file. Micro Focus Support may ask a user to enable this option to assist in gathering debugging information for problems with the RDZ Integration.
The Trace HLLX processing setting writes tracing/diagnostic information to a log file. Micro Focus Support may ask a user to enable this option to assist in gathering debugging information for problems with HLLX processing.
For more information, see the ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse Installation and Configuration Guide.
Site Data
The Site Data preference page contains default values for primary and secondary contacts and a specific install date and time (from and to) information, and relative install date in days. These values apply to both DP and ALL sites and are used as defaults on the Site Information Page of the Package Create wizard if no other values are available.