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The ZosDataSetProfile object represents a single file extension definition. This object can be obtained using the Item property of ZosDataSetProfiles.

ZosDataSetProfile Properties

ZosDataSetProfile exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
DataSetName String R Data set name pattern.
DataSetType String R Data set type: "SEQ", "PDS", or "PDSE".
RecordFormat String R Record format.
RecordLength Integer (short) R Record length.
BlockSize Integer (short) R Block size.
DataClass String R SMS data class.
StorageClass String R SMS storage class.
ManagementClass String R SMS management class.
SpaceUnit String R Space unit: "CYL", "TRK", or "BLK".
PrimarySpace Integer (long) R Primary space quantity.
SecondarySpace Integer (long) R Secondary space quantity.
DirectoryBlocks Integer (long) R PDS directory blocks.
UnitName String R Unit name.
Volume String R Volume serial number.
PdseVersion Integer (short) R PDSE version number: 0 (default), 1, 2
MaxGens Integer (long) R Maximum number of PDSE member generations


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