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Hiding Servers and ChangeMan Instances

Server and ChangeMan instance definitions are global, and apply to all users on the machine.

You can chose to hide specific servers or ChangeMan instances. The "hidden" setting is user-specific and only applies to you. This is useful on a multiuser system where a user may only use a subset of the defined servers or ChangeMan instances.

Hidden servers and ChangeMan instances will not appear in the File Explorer or the ZDD user interface.

To hide or show selected servers or ChangeMan instances, right click on ZDD Network, and choose ZDD Network > Hide Servers.

The Hide Servers dialog box displays all of the servers and ChangeMan instances in a tree view with check boxes. You can hide a server or ChangeMan instance by unchecking the box. Only the checked items display in the File Explorer or the ZDD user interface.

If you hide a server, of course, all ChangeMan instances below it are also hidden. You cannot display a ChangeMan instance if it is beneath a hidden server.

You can also hide/show servers using the Servers page of the ZDD Network properties. Likewise, you can hide/show ChangeMan instances on the ChangeMan page of the server properties. However, it is easier to use the “Hide servers” command, because you can see all of the servers and ChangeMan instances in one place.

You can also hide or show servers and ChangeMan instances using the ZDD programming/ scripting interfaces. There is an IsHidden property in the ZosServer and ZosChangeMan classes.

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