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The ZosJesJob object represents a JES job on the server. This object can be obtained using the GetJesJob method of ZosServer or the GetJesJobs method of ZosJobFolder.

ZosJesJob Properties

ZosJesJob exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Name String R File system name: jobname.jobid
Path String R Full file system path name of the job.
JobName String R Job name
JobID String R Job ID
Owner String R Owner user ID
Class String R Job class
System String R System on which job is active
OriginNode String R Origin node from which job was submitted
ExecutionNode String R Execution node on which job ran
JobStep String R Currently executing job step
ProcStep String R Currently executing proc step
CompletionType ZosJobCompletionType R Job completion type
CompletionCode Int32 R Highest return code or last abend code
Completion String R Formatted job completion code and type
Status ZosJobStatus R Job status (general)
Phase ZosJobPhase R Job phase (specific job status)
Type ZosJobType R Job type (batch, started task, TSO, APPC)
HoldType ZosJobHoldType R Job hold type
Priority Int16 R Job priority


ZosJesJob Methods

ZosJesJob exposes the following methods:

Cancel Method

Cancel job and optionally purge output.

void Cancel(Boolean purge [optional])

Delete Method

Deletes spool output.

void Delete()

GetFile Method

Gets a specific JES spool file that belongs to a job.



Gets a specific JES spool file that belongs to a job. The file can be specified using either the full file name, or just the data set ID (DSID).

ZosJesFile GetFile(String name)


Gets a specific JES spool file that belongs to a job. The file is specified using the job step, proc step, and DD name combination.

ZosJesFile  GetFile(  
            String jobstep,  
            String procstep,  
            String ddname) 

GetFiles Method

Gets an array of JES spool files that belong to a job. The list can optionally be filtered by spool file name with wild characters.

ZosJesFile[]  GetFiles(
      String filter [optional]  

Refresh Method

Refreshes the job information.

void Refresh()

Requeue Method

Re-queues spool output to a new output class and destination.

void Requeue(Char newClass, String newDest [optional])


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