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General utility to combine PRINT data sets created in previous job steps into a single data set. The program input parm determines which data sets are to be combined.

SER9200E Input parameter missing

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9201E Input file(s) not specified

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9202E Too many input files specified

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9203E Output file(s) not specified

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9204E Too many output files specified

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9205E Invalid DD name specified

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9206E Invalid dsname specified

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9207E Invalid carriage control type specified

Explanation: Carriage control type must be A or M. Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9208E Invalid syntax: {syntax}

Explanation: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9209E Unrecognized keyword: {keyword}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9210E Term length error: {error}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9211E Open failed for ddname {ddname}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


General routine to reallocate a data set and increase the size. The caller passes information which identifies the data set containing the data which is to be copied into the target data set. The size of the input data set and the number of members being copied from it are used to calculate how much space is required for the new data set.

SER9300E Unable to reallocate: Data set {dataset} in use

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Attempt to determine who/what is using the dataset. Attempt to resolve this situation.

SER9301E Unable to allocate {integer} tracks

Explanation: Out of space.

Solution: Look for related volume messages, attempt to free up space on the volume.

SER9302E Unable to allocate {integer} cylinders

Explanation: Out of space.

Solution: Look for related volume messages, attempt to free up space on the volume.

SER9303E Unable to allocate {integer} tracks on volume {volume}

Explanation: Out of space.

Solution: Attempt to free up space on the volume.

SER9304E Unable to allocate {integer} cylinders on volume {volume}

Explanation: Out of space.

Solution: Attempt to free up space on the volume.

SER9305E Unable to scratch data set {dataset} on volume: {volume} RC={return code} Stat={volume-status} Diag={diag-code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Look for related IEC614I messages. Look up the return code and diag-code in z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis - SC23-6863-xx, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9306E Unable to rename data set {dataset} on volume: {volume} RC={return code} Stat={volume-status} Diag={diag-code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Look for related IEC614I messages. Look up the return code and diag-code in z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis - SC23-6863-xx, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9307E Unable to scratch data set {dataset} on volume: {volume} RC={return code} Reas={diag-code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Look for related IEC614I messages. Look up the return code and diag-code in z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis - SC23-6863-xx, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9308E Unable to scratch data set {dataset} RC={return code} Reas={diag-code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Look for related IEC614I messages. Look up the return code and diag-code in z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis - SC23-6863-xx, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9309E mmmmmmmm failure, RC=xxxx Reas=yyyy

Explanation: While trying to reallocate a dataset a mmmmmmmm macro failed with return code xxxxx and reason code yyyy.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.


For a detailed description of utility program SERCOPY, see the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER9400E Invalid syntax: {statement}

Explanation: Option syntax error in the PARM= program execution parameter statement.

Solution: See the documentation reference at "SER9400 SERCOPY" on page 353.`

SER9401E Invalid syntax: {statement}

Explanation: Option syntax error in the PARM= program execution parameter statement.

Solution: See the documentation reference at "SER9400 SERCOPY" on page 353.`

SER9402E OPEN failed for ddname {ddname}.

Explanation: The file at the specified DDname could not be opened.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the Sernet STC JES2 datasets for related messages.

SER9403I SERCOPY options: {options}

Explanation: Displays the keyword options that are coded on the PARM= program execution parameter statement.

Solution: Information only.

SER9404E Invalid COMPRESS specified, default will be used: COMPRESS(7)

Explanation: Invalid value used for COMPRESS(n) keyword option in the PARM= program execution parameter statement.

Solution: Valid values for COMPRESS(n): n=2 for low compression, n=7 for high compression n=7.

SER9405I Input dsname: {dataset}

Explanation: Displays the input dsname for SERCOPY.

Solution: Information only.

SER9406I Output dsname: {dataset}

Explanation: Displays the output dsname for SERCOPY.

SER9407I Begin copy: INFILE={ddname} OUTFILE={ddname}

Explanation: Displays the input and output DDnames.

Solution: Information only.

SER9408W Member not found: {member}

Explanation: The member specified in the MEMBER(mem,...) keyword option in the PARM= program execution parameter statement or the member specified in SYSIN was not found in the input library.

Solution: If this is not an acceptable result, correct the MEMBER(mem,...) option or the SYSIN list, or add the missing member to the input library.

SER9409I Insufficient space: retry will be attempted

Explanation: Information.

SER9410I Insufficient space: reallocation will be attempted

Explanation: Information.

SER9411I PDS compress successful

Explanation: Information.

SER9412E PDS compress failed

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the Sernet STC JES2 datasets for related messages.

SER9413I Data set reallocation successful

Explanation: Information.

SER9414E Data set reallocation failed

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the Sernet STC JES2 datasets for related messages.

SER9415E Unsuccessful I/O for ddname {ddname}

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the Sernet STC JES2 datasets for related messages.

SER9416E Directory full for ddname {ddname}

Explanation: No more space.

Solution: You may have to manually define a new dataset with more directory blocks than the current dataset, copy all the members, and rename datasets accordingly.

SER9417E STOW error for member {member}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9418E Compress/expand error: rc={return code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9419W No input members to copy

Explanation: Information.

SER9420I Member successfully copied: {member}

Explanation: Information.

SER9421I Alias name added for {member}

Explanation: Information.

SER9422E Input data set not partitioned

Explanation: Probable user error.

Solution: Make sure this is the correct data set.

SER9423E Compressed file must have fixed length records: {ddname}

Explanation: Probable user error.

Solution: Make sure data set referenced by DDNAME has fixed length records.

SER9424I Number of members copied: {integer}

Explanation: Displays the number of members copied from the input dataset to the output dataset.

Solution: Information only.

SER9425I Copy completed successfully

Explanation: Information.

SER9426W No data copied

Explanation: Nothing was copied from the input dataset to the output dataset.

Solution: Look for SERCOPY messages in SYSPRINT and in the job log.

SER9427E Copy terminated due to errors

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the Sernet STC JES2 datasets for related messages.


Data set enqueue and dequeue routine. Performs serialization for SER appl's data set updates. Qname may be any of the following:

  • SPFEDIT - Normal data set enqueue (with or without member name). Used for serialization with ISPF and other SerNet sub-application functions.
  • SYSIEWLP - Load library (data set name only) serialization with Linkage Editor.
  • SYSDSN - MVS data set serialization. Same as allocation with DISP=OLD.
  • CHGMAN - Change Man datasets. ENQ may be either exclusive or shared.

For SPFEDIT, SYSIEWLP and SYSDSN the enqueue is always performed for exclusive control. If multiple data sets are requested via a data set name address list, and exclusive control was previously obtained for some of those data sets, the corresponding addresses in the caller's list are cleared. This same list can then be passed back for the dequeue function and those data sets will not be dequeued.

SER9500I Dataset in use {dataset}

Explanation: Information.


SER9600I USS REXX Service completed successfully.

Explanation: Information, process successful.

SER9601E USS REXX address space creation failed: Rc={return code}.

Explanation: Possibly environmental. Displays when the address space creation for USS REXX has failed.

Solution: Review logs for additional message information address space and resubmit.

SER9602E No input command provided for USS REXX call.

Explanation: An input command is required for USS REXX call.

Solution: Enter an input command to complete process.


SER9630I Message(s) successfully issued.

Explanation: Information.


SER9641E Dynalloc of log dataset failed: S99ERROR=xxxxxxxx S99INFO=yyyyyyyy DSN=dsname.

Explanation: An attempt at allocating a log dataset failed with the SVC99 error and info codes detailed in the message.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9642W Unable to gain exclusive control of log dataset: DSN=dsname.

Explanation: An attempt at allocating a log dataset failed with SVC99 error and info codes that indicate a problem of contention. The allocation request was issued multiple times but control over the dataset could not be obtained.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9643E Log dataset open failure: DD=ddname DSN=dsname RC=xxxx

Explanation: An attempt at opening a log dataset failed with the return code detailed in the message.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9644E Log dataset get failure: DD=ddname DSN=dsname RC=xxxx.

Explanation: An attempt at reading a log dataset failed with the return code detailed in the message.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9647E A timeout occurred while waiting to write to a socket.

Explanation: An attempt at connecting to a TCP/IP client could not be completed within the timeout period.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9648E TCP/IP communication attempt aborted due to error.

Explanation: An attempt at writing to a TCP/IP socket failed.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9649E Locate of log dataset DSN=dsname failed RC=xxxx.

Explanation: An attempt at preparing for the deletion of a log dataset failed with the LOCATE return code detailed in the message.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9650E Scratch of log dataset DSN=dsname failed RC=xxxx Status=yyyy.

Explanation: An attempt at deleting a log dataset failed with the SCRATCH return code detailed in the message

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


SER9660E Dynalloc of new SMS log dataset failed; S99ERROR {S99 error code} S99INFO {S99 info code}.

Explanation: An attempt was made to allocate a user specific log dataset but it failed with the codes contained in the message. The notification will be delivered using a TSO SEND command.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9661E Dynalloc of new non-SMS log dataset failed; S99ERROR {s99 errorcode} S99INFO {s99 info code}.

Explanation: An attempt was made to allocate a user-specific log dataset but it failed with the codes contained in the message. The notification will be delivered using a TSO SEND command.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9662E Dynalloc of existing log dataset failed; SS99ERROR {s99 error code} S99INFO {s99 info code}.

Explanation: An attempt was made to allocate a user-specific log dataset but it failed with the codes contained in the message. The notification will be delivered using a TSO SEND command.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9663E Log dataset open failure; Open of DD {ddname} failed RC={return code} DSN={dsname}

Explanation: An attempt was made to open a user specific log dataset but it failed with the codes contained in the message. The notification will be delivered using a TSO SEND command.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9664E Log dataset move failure; Open of DD {ddname} failed RC={return code} RS={reason code}

Explanation: An attempt was made to open a user specific log dataset but it failed with the codes contained in the message. The notification will be delivered using a TSO SEND command.

If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9665I Log dataset put failure; DD={ddname} DSN={dsname} RC={return code} RS={reason code}

Explanation: An attempt was made to write to a user specific log dataset but it failed with the codes contained in the message. The notification will be delivered using a TSO SEND command.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9670I Message will be delivered using MVS SEND

Explanation: Attempts at writing the pending notification to a user log dataset failed so it will instead be delivered using an MVS SEND command.

Solution: Information only.


SER9700W I/O error reading extended parmlib member:mmmmmmmm

Explanation: IBM's parmlib-reading routine, IEEMB878, incurred an I/O error when reading member mmmmmmmm from DDNAME XTNDPARM.

Solution: Check the XTNDPARM JCL specification and restart the STC.

SER9701W Syntax error at line nnnn reading extended parmlib member:mmmmmmmm

Explanation: A syntax error was detected while parsing the content of member mmmmmmmm referenced by the DDNAME of XTNDPARM.

Solution: Correct the content referenced by the XTNDPARM JCL specification and restart the STC.

SER9702W Open error reading extended parmlib member:mmmmmmmm

Explanation: IBM's parmlib-reading routine, IEEMB878, incurred an open error when reading member mmmmmmmm from DDNAME XTNDPARM.

Solution: Check the XTNDPARM JCL specification and restart the STC.

SER9703W Extended parmlib membermmmmmmmm not found

IBM's parmlib-reading routine, IEEMB878, failed to find member mmmmmmmm in DDNAME XTNDPARM.

Solution: Check the XTNDPARM JCL specification and restart the STC.

SER9704W Internal error reading extended parmlib member mmmmmmmm

Explanation: IBM's parmlib-reading routine, IEEMB878, detected an invalid parameter in member mmmmmmmm of DDNAME XTNDPARM.

Solution: Check the XTNDPARM JCL specification and restart the STC.

SER9705W Unknown parm:ppppppppppppppppppppin extended parmlib membermmmmmmmm

Explanation: Unrecognised parameter pppppppppppppppppppp was found in member mmmmmmmm referenced by the DDNAME of XTNDPARM.

Solution: Correct the content referenced by the XTNDPARM JCL specification and restart the STC.

SER9706E Severe error reading extended parmlib member mmmmmmmm

Explanation: The parameter specification was greater than the maximum of 1,024 bytes.

Solution: Correct the content referenced by the XTNDPARM JCL specification and restart the STC.

SER9722E Invalid major/parm/minor combination

Explanation: An XMLSERV/SERVICE request contained invalid specifications for the <major>, <parm> and <minor> tags.

Solution: Correct the tags and resubmit the request.

SER9723E There is no dataspace for the requested release

Explanation: An XMLSERV/SERVICE request contained an invalid specification for the <release> tag.

Solution: Correct the tag and resubmit the request.

SER9743E Client Registrar shared memory object creation failure,


Explanation: An IARV64 GETSHARED request failed with the specified return code.

Action: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9744E Client Registrar shared memory object sharing failure, R15=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An IARV64 SHAREMEMOBJ request failed with the specified return code.

Action: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9745I Client Registrar Shared Memory Object xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx

Explanation: A shared memory object was successfully created at the specified address.

Action: None .

SER9746I Client Registrar termination complete

Explanation: The Client Pack Registry code terminated.

Action: None.

SER9747E Client Registrar name/token creation failure, R15=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: A call to IEANTCR failed with the specified return code.

Action: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9763I Activity log manager usedxxofyyrequest elements

Explanation: This message details how many of the predefined request elements used for recording activity log requests were used in the lifetime of the STC.

Solution: Information only.

SER9764E VSAM error duringfffffof SERALOG ACB; R15=xxxx, ErrFlag=yyRsn=zz`

Explanation: An error occurred while managing the Sernet activity log. Function 'fffff' incurred the failure detailed in the message.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9765E VSAM error duringfffffagainst SERALOG RPL; feedback isxxxxxxxx`

Explanation: An error occurred while managing the Sernet activity log. Function 'fffff' incurred the failure detailed in the message.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9766E Shutdown initiated due to error in Activity Log management

Explanation: An error occurred while managing the Sernet activity log. This message will be preceded by either SER9764I or SER9765E.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9768W Activity log manager recordedxxxBusiness Users; the limit isyyy`

Explanation: er the Fixed User product licence the maximum number of business users has been exceeded.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9769W Activity log manager recordedxxxDevelopers; the limit isyyy`

Explanation: Per the Fixed User product licence the maximum number of developers has been exceeded.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9770E Activity log manager has been disabled due to prior error

Explanation: An error occurred while managing the Sernet activity log. Check for preceding error message(s).

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9771E Error during ASCREATE function

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to start the monthly Sernet activity log reporter.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9772E Start ofssssssssfailed - check SYSLOG

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to start the monthly Sernet activity log reporter. Check the output for the job detailed in the message by ssssssss.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9773E Timeout occurred while waiting for started procedure ssssssss to complete

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to invoke the monthly Sernet activity log reporter. Check the output for the job detailed in the message by ssssssss.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9774E Abnormal end to started procedure ssssssss

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to invoke the monthly Sernet activity log reporter. Check the output for the job detailed in the message by ssssssss.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9775I Activity log reporting finished with RC=xxxx, RS=yyyy

Explanation: The monthly Sernet activity log reporter ended as detailed. Check the output for the job whose name was set by the ALREPORTPROC control statement.

Solution: If the RC= value is non-zero report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9776I Invoking ssssssss for activity log monthly reporting

Explanation: The STC is invoking the monthly activity log reporter.

Solution: Information only.

SER9777I Data for mmm removed from the activity log after successful processing

Explanation: The STC is deleting the recently-processed data for month 'mmm' from the activity log.

Solution: Information only.

SER9780E Address space termination exit failed to run

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to invoke the monthly Sernet activity log reporter. Check the output for the job whose name was set by the ALREPORTPROC control statement.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.


SER9000I Unsupported messagemmmmmmmmfor thessssssssservice

Explanation: There is no support for message mmmmmmmm within service ssssssss.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9002E Allocate error (xxxx)

Explanation: A dynamic allocation request failed with return code xxxx.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9003E Allocate error (Exclusive request)

Explanation: A dynamic allocation request failed with return code x'020C' indicating contention over exclusive use of the dataset.

Solution: Retry the operation. If the problem persists report the error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9004E Allocate error (xxxx), Data set in use

Explanation: A dynamic allocation request failed with return code x'0210' indicating contention over shared use of the dataset.

Solution: Retry the operation. If the problem persists report the error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9005E Allocate error (uuuu) Volume not mounted

Explanation: A dynamic allocation request failed with return code x'0218' indicating that the required volume is not mounted.

Solution: Have unit uuuu mounted and retry the operation.

SER9006E Allocate error (xxxx), Invalid parameter

Explanation: A dynamic allocation request failed with return code x'036C' indicating a programming error.

Solution: Report the error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9007E Allocate error (xxxx), Not found

Explanation: A dynamic allocation request failed with return code x'1708' indicating a 'dataset not found' condition.

Solution: Specify an existing dataset name and retry the operation.

SER9008Eaaaaaaaaauthorization failure duringmmmmmmmm

Explanation: A security check for aaaaaaaa access failed.

Solution: Either permit the specified access or perform the mmmmmmmm request against a different dataset and retry the operation.

SER9009E HFS request failed, RC=xxxxReas=yyyy

Explanation: An HFS request failed with the return and reason codes detailed in the message.

Solution: Examine the cause of the failure and, if required, report the error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9010I Unsupported servicessssssss

Explanation: There is no support for service ssssssss.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER9501E DEQ failed, RC=xxxx

Explanation: A DEQ request to relinquish control over a resource failed with the detailed return code.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

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