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Keyboard and Mouse

This section contains a summary of the keyboard and mouse operations in ChangeMan Edit. Keyboard and mouse shortcuts provide a quick and easy way to perform many editing operations. If you take the time to learn these shortcuts, you will save much time.

Using the Keyboard and Mouse

Cursor Movement

Keyboard / Mouse Action
Left arrow Cursor left
Right arrow Cursor right
Up arrow Cursor up
Down arrow Cursor down
Ctrl + Home Top of file
Ctrl + End Bottom of file
Alt + Home Top of window
Alt + End Bottom of window
Home Beginning of line
End End of line
PgUp Page up
PgDn Page down
Ctrl + PgUp Page left
Ctrl + PgDn Page right
Ctrl + Up Scroll up (one line)
Ctrl + Down Scroll down (one line)
Ctrl + Left Previous word
Ctrl + Right Next word
Tab Next tab stop
Shift + Tab Previous tab stop



Keyboard / Mouse Action
Ctrl + K Start or end character selection
Ctrl + L Start or end line selection
Ctrl + B Start or end block selection
Ctrl + W Select word
Ctrl + A Select all
F5 Deselect
Del Delete selection
Tab Indent selection
Shift + Tab Unindent selection
F7 Shift selection left
F8 Shift selection right
Shift + \<Cursor keys> Start or extend char/stream selection
Double-Click Select word
Triple-Click Select line
Click & Drag Start character selection (text window)
Start line selection (line number bar)
Right-Click & Drag Start block selection
Triple-Click & Drag Start line selection
Shift + Click Extend selection
Ctrl + Right-Click Move selection to cursor
Ctrl + Shift + Right-Click Copy selection to cursor


Inserting Text

Keyboard / Mouse Action
Ins Insert/overwrite toggle
Enter Insert a line
Ctrl + Enter Insert blank line above
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Insert blank line below


Deleting Text

Keyboard / Mouse Action
Del Delete char under cursor
Backspace Delete char before cursor
Ctrl + Shift + Del Delete word to left of cursor
Ctrl + Del Delete word to right of cursor
Alt + Del Delete to end of line
Ctrl + D Delete line



Keyboard / Mouse Action
Ctrl + C Copy selection to clipboard
Ctrl + Ins Copy line, if no selection
Ctrl + V and Shift + Ins Paste
Ctrl + X and Shift + Del Cut selection Cut line, if no selection



Keyboard / Mouse Action
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + H Replace
F3 Find next occurrence
Shift + F3 Find previous occurrence



Keyboard / Mouse Action
Ctrl + F2 Toggle bookmark
Shift + F2 Previous bookmark
F2 Next bookmark



Keyboard / Mouse Action
Ctrl + S Save file
Ctrl + Alt + S Save file as another name
Ctrl + Shift + S Save all
Ctrl + O Open file



Keyboard / Mouse Action
Ctrl + Tab and Ctrl + F6 Next window
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Previous window
F6 Next split window pane
Shift + F6 Previous split window pane
Ctrl + F4 Close window
Ctrl + T Split window
Ctrl + G New vertical tab group
Ctrl + Shift + G New horizontal tab group
Ctrl + M Move to next tab group
Ctrl + Shift + M Move to previous tab group
Ctrl + Alt + Enter Toggle full screen mode



Keyboard / Mouse Action
F1 Help
Alt + F4 Exit
Ctrl + Z
Alt + Backspace Undo
Ctrl + Y
Alt + Shift + Backspace Redo
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + U Lower case
Ctrl + Shift + U Upper case
F7 Shift left
F8 Shift right
F4 Set change ID
Shift + F4 Set template


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