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Package Filters

You can select which packages display in Explorer by setting up package filters. For each ChangeMan ZMF application, you can filter packages by Package Status, Department, Creator User ID, Package Number Range, and Install Date Range. The initial defaults allow all packages to display.

Right-click the Packages folder for a ChangeMan ZMF application and choose Properties. Then select the Filter tab.

Fields on the packages filter page are as follows:

Field Description
Package status Select or deselect the statuses for packages you want to display.
Department Enter any number of department names to display only packages created with those department names.

NOTE: Wild characters "*" and "?" are allowed:

"*" matches any number of characters and "?" matches a single character.

Using the Buttons

Click the New button to add an entry.

Click the Delete button to delete an entry.

The Copy and Paste buttons allow you to copy and paste lists to/from the clipboard. This feature is useful if you have a large number of entries.

For example, you can create a list of entries in a text file and distribute it to several users; they can then copy the entries from the text file and use the Paste button to paste them into this field on their Package Properties Filter page. The entries in the text file should be separated by spaces, or entered on a separate line.

Alternately, if one user already has a large number of entries on the Filter page, he can use the Copy button to copy them to a text file and then distribute that file to other users.
Creator Enter any number of TSO user IDs to display only packages created by those user IDs.

NOTE: Wild characters "*" and "?" are allowed:

"*" matches any number of characters and "?" matches a single character.

Using the Buttons

Click the New button to add an entry.

Click the Delete button to delete an entry.

The Copy and Paste buttons allow you to copy and paste lists to/from the clipboard. This feature is useful if you have a large number of entries.

For example, you can create a list of entries in a text file and distribute it to several users; they can then copy the entries from the text file and use the Paste button to paste them into this field on their Package Properties Filter page. The entries in the text file should be separated by spaces, or entered on a separate line.

Alternately, if one user already has a large number of entries on the Filter page, he can use the Copy button to copy them to a text file and then distribute that file to other users.
Package number Select a range of package numbers that you want to display:

- To specify a beginning package number, select First Number and enter a number in the text box.

- To specify an ending package number, select Last Number and enter a number in the text box.
From Install Date Select packages by install date. You can specify the starting install date in either of two ways:

- Install dates from a fixed date

- Install dates from a specified number of months ago (months before current date)
From Creation Date Select packages by creation date. You can specify the starting install date in either of two ways:

- Creation dates from a fixed date

- Creation dates from a specified number of months ago (months before current date)
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