Unload Mainframe Components
This chapter lists tasks you perform to unload ChangeMan ZDD components from the download image or distribution CD and create libraries on the mainframe.
Mainframe PDS libraries for ChangeMan ZDD server are delivered in compressed binary format. This chapter tells you how to unload the files from the download image or distribution CD, copy the files to the mainframe, and expand the files into PDS libraries.
To execute this process, you need:
TCP/IP FTP connectivity from your PC or workstation to the mainframe computer.
The dotted decimal IP address or domain name of the LPAR on the mainframe.
A mainframe userid and password.
Security authorization to allocate files on the mainframe.
When the unload process is complete, PDS libraries for ChangeMan ZDD server reside on the mainframe, ready for the rest of the server installation procedure.
If you have problems with the automated steps in this procedure, you may execute the same functions manually by following the instructions in Appendix C, "Manual File Transfer and Expand.
In this chapter: v = Version number for ChangeMan ZDD r = Release number m = Maintenance release number
Step 1: Unload the Files
Execute this procedure to copy files from the distribution media to a work station or network drive, build an FTP command file, and create JCL for a mainframe job to execute TSO RECEIVE commands.
If you have a distribution CD, go to Step 5.
If you download ZDDSRVvrmSetup.exe from the Micro Focus SupportLine website, double-click ZDDSRVvrmSetup.exe.
On the Location to Save Files dialog box, select the folder where you want to store InstallShield Wizard setup files. (These are not the files you will transmit to the host.)
Click Next to accept the default folder, or...
Click Change..., select a different folder, click OK, and then click Next.
If you have previously executed these steps for this release of ChangeMan ZDD, the Overwrite Protection dialog box opens. You can safely click Yes to All to overwrite all setup files.
The Extracting Files dialog box opens, then the Preparing to Install dialog box opens, and then the ChangeMan ZDD Server v.r.m - InstallShield Wizard starts. Go to Step 10.
Insert the distribution CD into your optical drive.
If autoplay is enabled, the ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack menu opens. Go to Step 8.
If autoplay is not enabled, navigate to the CD drive, open the Autorun folder, then click AUTORUN.exe.
On the ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack menu, click option Install ChangeMan ZDD v.r.m Server. The Preparing to Install... dialog box opens, and then the ChangeMan ZDD Server v.r.m - InstallShield Wizard starts.
On the on the Welcome ...dialog box, click NEXT.
If you previously installed this version of ChangeMan ZDD Server from this workstation, the Welcome dialog box gives you three choices:
Check Remove and click Next on this dialog box, and then click OK on the Confirm Uninstall dialog box to uninstall the existing ZDD Server artifacts. Click Finish on the Uninstall Complete dialog box, and then restart the unload procedure at Step 1.
Read the text in the End User License Agreement scroll box. If you agree to the terms stated in the End User License Agreement, check “I accept..." and click Next.
On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, select the folder on your workstation into which ChangeMan ZDD installation files are copied:
- Click Next to accept the default folder, or...
- Click Browse, select a folder, click OK, and then click Next.
On the Customize Ftp Template dialog box, choose whether to automatically customize the FTP commands used to transmit ZDD server components to the host.
- Check Yes to automatically customize the FTP command file, then click Next to continue, or...
- Check No to skip FTP command file customization and click Next to continue at Step 16.
If you skip customization, you can manually edit the transfer commands later, or you can use a manual process to transfer ZDD server components from your workstation to the host as described in Appendix C,Manual File Transfer and Expand.
On the Enter FTP Parameters dialog box, type the following information (not case sensitive):
IP Address or Host Name - The dotted decimal IP address or domain name of the mainframe host
User ID - Your host logon (TSO) ID Click Next.
On the Specify the High Level Qualifier of the host datasets dialog box, type the following information (not case sensitive) and then click Next.
Transmitted File HLQ - High level qualifiers for the host data set names of the binary XMIT files transmitted from your workstation
PDS Libraries HLQ - High level qualifiers for the host data set names of the PDS libraries expanded from the binary XMIT files.
The Setup Status dialog box opens as files are decompressed and copied to your workstation or network destination folder, the FTP command file is built, and JCL for the mainframe RECEIVE job is created.
When the unload process is completed, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box opens. Check I would like to view the README file and click Finish.
If you installed from a distribution CD, close the ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack menu dialog box.
Follow these rules when setting high level qualifiers:
The host User ID specified in step Step 14 must have authority to allocate files with the HLQ you specify here.
Do not enter leading or trailing periods.
- Do not enter parenthesis or quotes (single or double).
- Do not specify HLQ longer than 17 characters (including embedded periods).
- HLQ entered in this dialog box are not case sensitive, even though they are embedded in the RECEIVE job that is run on the host.
- Do not choose high level qualifiers that will create data set names that already exist on the mainframe. The transmit process and the RECEIVE job will overlay existing data sets.
Step 2: Transfer Files to the Mainframe
The installation wizard generates an FTP command file to transmit binary XMIT files containing ZDD Server components to the mainframe host. In this step, you edit the FTP command file, then execute the FTP file transfer.
Your workstation must be connected to the network to transfer files to the host.
If you have difficulty with this automated FTP process, or if you want to use 70 emulator software instead of FTP to transfer the files to the host, go to Appendix C,Manual File Transfer and Expand.
Execute this procedure to transfer ChangeMan ZDD server files from your workstation or network drive to the mainframe using FTP
On the workstation where you ran the installation wizard, go to Start | Programs | Micro Focus | ChangeMan ZDD Server v.r.m and click Edit FTP Input to open the FTP command file for edit.
In the FTP command file, overtype \<PASSWORD> in the third line of the file with your mainframe password.
Save the file to the same file name.
Go to Start | Programs | Micro Focus | ChangeMan ZDD v.r.m and click FTP File to Host to initiate the file transfer.
Go to Start | Programs | Micro Focus | ChangeMan ZDD v.r.m and click View FTP Log to verify that the files were transferred to the mainframe host.
If you see the following errors in the FTP Log, make the recommended corrections to the FTP.Input file, then restart the process at Step 4.
Message Corrective Action Unknown host... Edit the FTP.Input file and verify the IP address or domain name of your mainframe host. 530 PASS command failed Edit the FTP.Input file and verify that you entered the correct user ID and password. Block size specified for the host [binary] data set is invalid for the record length Record length... invalid. Edit the FTP.Input file: a: Delete these four command lines: literal site cylinders
literal site blocksi=3120
literal site lr=80
literal site recfm=fb
b:Replace the deleted lines with this command (on a single line): literal site recfm=fb lr=80 blocksi=3120 cylinders
Not connected The FTP connection was lost so files were not transferred. Reconnect and restart the FTP process. -
Go to Start | Programs | Micro Focus | ChangeMan ZDD Server v.r.m and clickEdit FTP Input to open the FTP command file for edit.
In the FTP command file, overtype your password in the third line of the file with \<PASSWORD>.
Save the file to the same file name.
Step 3: Expand PDS Libraries with RECEIVE
The installation wizard generates a batch mainframe job to execute the RECEIVE command on binary XMIT files transferred to the host. The RECEIVE job is transferred to the mainframe along with the binary XMIT files.
Execute this procedure to submit the RECEIVE job on the mainframe to expand the ChangeMan ZDD Server binary XMIT files into PDS libraries.
Log on to the mainframe host.
Edit the file named somnode.RECEIVE.ZDDvrm.TXT, where somnode is the Transmitted File HLQ that you entered in the installation wizard. a. Replace the four //JOBCARD lines at the top of the file with your JOB statements. b. Change the DATASET statements if you want different output PDS library names.
Submit the job.
Examine each of the output PDS libraries to ensure that they are PDS libraries.
The RECEIVE job can give a Return Code 00, and the job SYSOUT can show the message “Restore successful to dataset...”, even when the RECEIVE process did not complete successfully.
Save the RECEIVE job JCL.
ChangeMan ZDD server PDS libraries are now resident on the mainframe, ready for the rest of the software installation procedure.