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Comparing Files

You can compare the contents of two text-based files using the ChangeMan Diff utility. The resulting differences are displayed side-by-side.

The following types of data can be compared:

  • Any text-based file on your local computer

  • Sequential data sets

  • Partitioned data set members

  • Unix files (text-based)

  • ChangeMan ZMF components (text-based)

  • JES spool data sets


Files of different types can be compared with each other. For example, you can compare:

  • A ChangeMan ZMF SRC component with a TXT file on your local computer.

  • Components in two different ChangeMan ZMF instances.

Running Compare

Select one or two files to be compared. Right-click and choose ZDD Network

Compare Files from the popup menu. The Compare Files dialog box displays.

The files you selected display in the File 1 and File 2 text boxes. You can change the path names in the text boxes or click the browse button to select different files.

The following options can be selected.

Option Description
Ignore case Differences in case are ignored.
Ignore space change Space differences within a line are ignored.
Ignore blank lines Blank lines are ignored.
Ignore comments Comments are ignored. A comment is determined by the file type.

For more information on comparing files, see the ChangeMan ZDD Tools Guide.

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