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The ZosPackage object represents a ChangeMan ZMF package. This object can be obtained using either the GetPackage method or the GetPackages method of ZosApplication.

ZosPackage Properties

ZosPackage exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Name String R Name of the package.
Path String R Full path name of the package.
Application ZosApplication R Parent application for this package.
Release ZosRelease R Parent release for this package. Null if package is not attached to a release.
Title String R/W Package title.
RequestorName String R/W Requestor name.
RequestorPhone String R/W Requestor telephone number.
WorkRequest String R/W Work request number or name.
Department String R/W Department number or name.
SuperPackage String R Parent super or complex package.
CreatorUserID String R Creator user ID.
Level ZosPackageLevel R/W Package level.
Type ZosPackageType R Package type.
Status ZosPackageStatus R Package status.
TempDuration Int32 R/W Temporary change duration. This property is available for temporary packages only.
ReasonCode Int32 R/W Reason code.
AuditReturnCode Int32 R Audit return-code.
AuditPending Boolean R Audit pending package lock
NearestInstallDate DateTime R Nearest scheduled install date.
CreatedTime DateTime R Date and time package was created.
InstalledTime DateTime R Date and time package was installed.
FrozenTime DateTime R Date and time package was frozen.
ApprovedTime DateTime R Date and time package was approved.
BaselinedTime DateTime R Date and time package was baselined.
BackedOutTime DateTime R Date and time package was backed out.
RevertedTime DateTime R Date and time package was reverted.
Description String R/W Package description. The description is a single string, but can contain multiple lines, delimited by newline characters. When setting the description if a line exceeds 72 characters, the text will automatically be split on word boundaries into multiple lines.
SchedulerType ZosSchedulerType R/W Scheduler type. This property is available for simple and participating packages only.
ProblemActionType ZosProblemActionType R/W Problem action code. This property is available for simple and participating packages only.
OtherProblemAction String R/W Other problem action. This property is available for simple and participating packages only.
ImplementationInstructions String R/W Implementation instructions. The implementation instructions consist of a single string, but can contain multiple lines, delimited by newline characters. When setting the implementation instructions, if a line exceeds 72 characters, the text will automatically be split on word boundaries into multiple lines. This property is available for simple and participating packages only.
ParticipatingPackages String[] R/W Participating packages. The value is an array of strings, each containing a package name. This property is available for complex and super packages only.
AffectedApplications String[] R/W Affected applications. The value is an array of strings, each containing an application name. This property is available for participating packages only.
PredecessorJobs String[] R/W Predecessor jobs. The value is an array of strings, each containing a job name. This property is available for simple and participating packages only.
SuccessorJobs String[] R/W Successor jobs. The value is an array of strings, each containing a job name. This property is available for simple and participating packages only.
Site ZosPackageSite R/W Package site information. The value is a single package site object for packages with single sites. This property is available for simple and participating packages with a single site only.
Release String R Name of ERO release with which package is associated.
ReleaseArea String R Name of starting release area for release package check in.
ReleaseJoinedDate DateTime R Date and time that package joined the release.
UserVariables ZosNameValue[] R/W User variables (multiple). Allows getting or setting multiple user variables as an array. Each user variable in the array is a name/ value pair. See the chart below for list of valid variable names.

User variables are a set of name/value pairs. Each name must be one of the names in the chart below.

Variable Name Value Length
UserVarLen101 - UserVarLen199 1
UserVarLen201 - UserVarLen211 2
UserVarLen301 - UserVarLen310 3
UserVarLen401 - UserVarLen410 4
UserVarLen801 - UserVarLen810 8
UserVarLen1601 - UserVarLen1605 16
UserVarLen4401 - UserVarLen4405 44
UserVarLen7201 - UserVarLen7205 72

ZosPackage Methods

ZosPackage exposes the following methods:

AddSite Method

Adds a new site to the package.



Adds a new site to the package. If the site name already exists, the existing site information is replaced.

void AddSite( ZosPackageSite site, )


AddSite( String, String, String, String, String, DateTime, DateTime)

Adds a new site to the package. If the site name already exists, the existing site information is replaced.

void  AddSite(  
        String siteName,  
        String primaryContactName,  
        String primaryContactPhone,  
        String alternateContactName,  
        String alternateContactPhone,  
        DateTime installStartTime,  
        DateTime installEndTime  


Approve Method

Approve a package.

void  Approve(
        String entity) 

Attach Method

Attaches a package to an ERO release.

void Attach(  
        String release,  
        String releaseArea,

Audit Method

Audits a package. If the job card, contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character. If user variables are specified, each is a name/value pair. Each name must be one of the following:
UserVariable01 - UserVariable05 (length 8) UserVariable05 - UserVariable10 (length 72)

void Audit(  
        ZosPackageAuditOptions options,  
        String jobCard,  
        String[] scopeApps, [optional]  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars [optional] 

Backout Method

Back out an installed package. The reason is single string, but can contain multiple lines, delimited by newline characters. If a line exceeds 72 characters, the text will automatically be split on word boundaries into multiple lines. The job card is used only when a remote site is specified. If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.



void  Backout(
        String reason  


Backout(String, String, String)

void  Backout(
        String reason,  
        String site, 
        String jobCard  


Build Method

Builds a component in a package. If building multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.
If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.


Build(String, String, ZosBuildInfo, String)

void Build(
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        ZosBuildInfo info,  
        String jobCard  


Build( String[], String, ZosBuildInfo, String jobCard)

void Build(
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        ZosBuildInfo info,  
        String jobCard  )


CancelRename Method

Cancels a pending component rename request from a package.

void  CancelRename(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype  

CancelScratch Method

Cancels a pending component scratch request from a package.

void  CancelScratch(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype  

CheckIn Method

Checks components in to a package. CheckIn does not build the comoponents; the Build function must be performed separately. The source path can refer to a directory on the local file system, a partitioned data set on the server, or a Unix directory on the server. If multiple components are specified, all must come from the same directory tree or data set. If checking in multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type. When checking in from a data set, specify the path as follows:


where server is the server name and dsname is the name of the partitioned data set.

When checking in from a Unix directory, specify the source directory path as follows:

\\server\Unix\dirname where server is the server name and dirname is the path name of parent Unix directory.

For Unix, the component names specify relative paths. Component names are relative to the the source path and relative to the target subdirectory. If no target subdirectory is specified, the target subdirectory is the root directory for the library type.


CheckIn(String, String, String, Boolean, String, ZosFileFormat)

void  CheckIn(
        String sourcePath,  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock, [optional]  
        String description, [optional]  
        ZosFileFormat format [optional]  


CheckIn(String, String[], String, Boolean, String, ZosFileFormat)

void  CheckIn(      
        String sourcePath,  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock, [optional]  
        String description, [optional]  
        ZosFileFormat format [optional]  ) 


CheckIn(String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, ZosFileFormat)

void  CheckIn(
        String sourcePath,  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        String targetSubdir,  
        Boolean lock, [optional]  
        String description, [optional]  
        ZosFileFormat format [optional]  


CheckIn(String, String[], String, String, Boolean, String, ZosFileFormat)

void  CheckIn(
        String sourcePath,  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        String targetSubdir,  
        Boolean lock, [optional]  
        String description [optional]  
        ZosFileFormat format [optional] 


CheckOff Method

Add a list of approval check-off comments to a package. The comments are single string, but can contain multiple lines, delimited by newline characters. If a line exceeds 72 characters, the text will automatically be split on word boundaries into multiple lines.

void  CheckOff(  
        String entity,  String comments  ) 

CheckOut Method

Checks components out to a package from a baseline library.


CheckOut(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Int16, String)

Checks components out to a package from a baseline library. When checking out previous (non-zero) baseline versions, the operation is performed in batch, and a job card must be supplied. If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character. If checking out multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.

void  CheckOut(
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock, [optional]  
        Boolean savePriorVers, [optional]  
        Int16 version, [optional]  
        String jobCard [optional]  


CheckOut(String[], String, Boolean, Boolean, Int16, String)

Checks components out to a package from a baseline library. When checking out previous (non-zero) baseline versions, the operation is performed in batch, and a job card must be supplied.

If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character. If checking out multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.

void  CheckOut(  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock, [optional]  
        Boolean savePriorVers, [optional]  
        Int16 version, [optional]  
        String jobCard [optional] )


CheckOut(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, ZosPromotionLevel)

Checks components out to a package from a promotion library.

Component names must be specified with an extension. If checking out multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.

void  CheckOut(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock,   
        Boolean savePriorVersion,  
        ZosPromotionLevel promoLevel  


CheckOut(String[], String, Boolean, Boolean, ZosPromotionLevel)

Checks components out to a package from a promotion library.

Component names must be specified with an extension. If checking out multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.

void  CheckOut(
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock,  
        Boolean savePriorVersion,  
        ZosPromotionLevel promoLevel 


CheckOut(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, ZosReleaseArea)

Checks components out to a package from a release area. Component names must be specified with an extension. If checking out multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.

void  CheckOut(
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock,   
        Boolean savePriorVersion,  
        ZosReleaseArea area  


CheckOut(String[], String, Boolean, Boolean, ZosReleaseArea)

Checks components out to a package from a release area. Component names must be specified with an extension. If checking out multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.

void  CheckOut(  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        Boolean lock,  
        Boolean savePriorVersion,  
        ZosReleaseArea area  


CheckPromotionOverlay Method

Gets a list of components that would be overwritten by a promote operation. You can, optionally, specify a list of component names to be checked. If component names are not specified, then all package components are checked.

ZosPromotionOverlay[]  CheckPromotionOverlay(
        ZosPromotionLevel level,    
        ZosNameType[]  componentNames [optional] 


Create Method

Create a new package for an application. The package information is specified using a ZosPackageInfo object.

static ZosPackage  Create(
        ZosApplication\^ application,  
        ZosPackageInfo\^ info  


Demote Method

Demotes a either a full package or selected components in a package. Components are specified as name/type pairs.

If the job card, contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character. If user variables are specified, each is a name/value pair. Each name must be one of the following:

UserVariable01 -

UserVariable05 (length 8)

UserVariable05 -

UserVariable10 (length 72)

scheduleTime can be used to schedule promotion for a future date and time.

void Demote( ZosPromotionLevel level, String jobCard, ZosNameValue[] userVars,[optional] DateTime scheduleTime [optional] )

void  Demote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars,[optional]  
        DateTime scheduleTime [optional]  )

Delete Method

Memo-deletes a package.



void  Delete() 


Demote(ZosPromotionLevel, String[], String, ZosNameValue[], DateTime)

void Demote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars,[optional]  
        DateTime scheduleTime [optional] 


Detach Method

Detaches a package from an ERO release.

void  Detach() 

Freeze Method

Freezes a package. If user variables are specified, each is a name/value pair. Each name must be one of the following:
UserVariable01 - UserVariable05 (length 8) UserVariable05 - UserVariable10 (length 72)

void Freeze(  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars [optional] 

GetComponent Method

Gets a single component by name and library type. For PDS member components, the name may be specified as "component.lib" or as separate component and library type names. For Unix libraries, componetName is the path name relative to the package library root.



ZosPackageComponentFile  GetComponent(  
        String fileName 


GetComponent(String, String)

ZosPackageComponentFile  GetComponent(  
        String componentName,  
        String libraryType  


GetComponentPromotionHistory Method

Gets a list of component promotion history records for the package.

ZosComponentPromotionHistory[]  GetComponentPromotionHistory(
      String promotionSite, [optional]  
      String promotionName, [optional]  
      String componsntType, [optional]  
      String componentName, [optional] 
      ZosComponentPromotionStatus statusExclude [optional] 


GetComponents Method

Gets an array of components that belong to a package.

The list can optionally be filtered by component name and component status.

The includeGenerated flag allows you to specify whether or not to include generated component types (LST, LOD, etc.).

Unix components are retrieved recursively, and the array returned contains components from all subdirectory levels.

The array returned contains component files only and does not include any directory objects.



ZosPackageComponentFile[] GetComponents()



ZosPackageComponentFile[] GetComponents(  
        bool includeGenerated 



ZosPackageComponentFile[]  GetComponents(
        String nameFilter 



ZosPackageComponentFile[]  GetComponents(
        ZosComponentStatusFlags flags 



ZosPackageComponentFile[]  GetComponents(
        DateTime changeTime 


GetComponents(String, bool)

ZosPackageComponentFile[]  GetComponents(  
        String nameFilter, 
        bool includeGenerated 


GetComponents(String, ZosComponentStatusFlags)

ZosPackageComponentFile[]  GetComponents(
        String nameFilter,  
        ZosComponentStatusFlags flags 


GetComponents(String, bool, ZosComponentStatusFlags)

ZosPackageComponentFile[]  GetComponents(
        String nameFilter, 
        bool includeGenerated,  
        ZosComponentStatusFlags flags


GetComponents(String, bool, ZosComponentStatusFlags, DateTime)

ZosPackageComponentFile[]  GetComponents(
        String nameFilter, 
        bool includeGenerated,  
        ZosComponentStatusFlags flags,  
        DateTime changeTime  )



nameFilter - Name filter includeGenerated - Include generated components (LST,LOD, etc.) statusFlags - Status filter flags changeTime - get componentschanged after the specified time

GetInfo Method

Gets a package information object containing the package information. This object can be used to create a new package modeled after this package.

ZosPackageInfo GetInfo()

GetLibraries Method

Gets an array containing the staging libraries for a package.

ZosPackageLibrary[] GetLibraries()

GetLibrary Method

Gets a single package library by name.

ZosPackageLibrary  GetLibrary(
      String libType  )

GetPackagePromotionHistory Method

Gets a list of package promotion history records for the package.

ZosPackagePromotionHistory[]  GetPackagePromotionHistory(  
    String promotionSite, [optional]  
    String promotionName, [optional]  
    Boolean siteOnly, [optional] 
    ZosPackagePromotionAction  actionFilter, [optional] 
    ZosPackagePromotionStatus  statusFilter [optional] 


GetRenameList Method

Gets a list of component rename requests in the package. The list can optionally be filtered by library type.

ZosScratchRenameInfo[]  GetRenameList(  
        String libtype [optional] 

GetScratchList Method

Gets a list of component scratch requests in the package. The list can optionally be filtered by library type.

ZosScratchRenameInfo[]  GetScratchList(  
        String libtype [optional] 

GetScratchRenameList Method

Gets a list of component scratch and rename requests in the package. The list can optionally be filtered by library type.

ZosScratchRenameInfo[]  GetScratchRenameList(  
        String libtype [optional] 

GetSite Method

Get package site information by site name.

ZosPackageSite  GetSite(  
            String siteName  

GetUserVariable Method

Gets value of a named user variable. See UserVariables property description for a list of valid user variable names.

String  GetUserVariable(  
    String name) 

Lock Method

Locks a package component. If locking multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.


Lock( String, String)

void Lock(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype  


Lock(String[], String)

void Lock(  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype  


Promote Method

Promotes either a full package or selected components in a package. Components are specified as name/type pairs. If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.

If user variables are specified, each is a name/value pair. Each name must be one of the following:

UserVariable01 -

UserVariable05 (length 8) UserVariable05 -

UserVariable10 (length 72)

scheduleTime can be used to schedule promotion for a future date and time. |


Promote(ZosPromotionLevel, String, ZosNameValue[], DateTime)

void  Promote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars,[optional]  
        DateTime scheduleTime [optional]  ) 


Promote(ZosPromotionLevel, String[], String, ZosNameValue[], DateTime)

void  Promote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars,[optional]  
        DateTime scheduleTime [optional] 


Recompile Method

Recompiles a component in a package


Recompile(String, String, ZosBuildInfo, String, ZosPromotionLevel)

Recompiles a component in a package. If promotion level is specified, components are recompiled from promotion libraries. If recompiling multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type. If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.

void  Recompile(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        ZosBuildInfo info,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosPromotionLevel level [optional]  


Recompile(String[], String, ZosBuildInfo, String, ZosPromotionLevel)

Recompiles a component in a package. If promotion level is specified, components are recompiled from promotion libraries. If recompiling multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type. If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.

void  Recompile(
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        ZosBuildInfo info,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosPromotionLevel level [optional])


Recompile(String, String, ZosBuildInfo, String, ZosReleaseArea )

Recompiles a component in a package. If release area is specified, components are recompiled from the release area. If recompiling multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.
If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.

void  Recompile(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        ZosBuildInfo info,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosReleaseArea area [optional]  


Recompile(String[], String, ZosBuildInfo, String, ZZosReleaseArea)

Recompiles a component in a package. If release area is specified, components are recompiled from the release area. If recompiling multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.
If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.

void  Recompile(  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype,  
        ZosBuildInfo info,  
        String jobCard  
        ZZosReleaseArea area [optional] 


Refreeze Method

Refreezes selective parts of a package. The type argument specifies which type of package data is to be refrozen. If the type specifies NonSource or SourceLoad, then nonsource or source/load components are refrozen respectively. With these two types, you can selectively refreeze components by specifying the component names. If no component names are provided, all components of the specified type are refrozen. If both NonSource and SourceLoad components are to be refrozen, they must be refrozen separately. Components are specified as name/type pairs. Component names can be specified only with types NonSource and SourceLoad.



void  Refreeze(  
        ZosFreezeType type  


Refreeze(ZosFreezeType, String, String)

void  Refreeze(  
        ZosFreezeType type,  
        String componentName, 
        String libtype  ) 


Refreeze(ZosFreezeType, ZosNameType[])

void  Refreeze(  
        ZosFreezeType type,  
        ZosNameType[] componentNames  


Refresh Method

Refreshes the package information.

void  Refresh() 


Reject Method

Reject a package approval. The reason is single string, but can contain multiple lines, delimited by newline characters. If a line exceeds 72 characters, the text will automatically be split on word boundaries into multiple lines.|

void Reject(
        String entity,  
        String reason  

ReleaseCheckIn Method

Checks package components in to a release. Component names are specified as name and type pairs.

ZosCheckInStatus[]  ReleaseCheckIn(
        ZosNameType[] componentNames,  
        Boolean replace, [optional]  
        Boolean eligibleOnly, [optional]  
        String changeDescription [optional] 

ReleaseDemote Method

Demotes a either a full package or selected components from a release. Components are specified as name/type pairs.

If the job card, contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.

If user variables are specified, each is a name/value pair. Each name must be one of the following:

UserVariable01 -

UserVariable05 (length 8)

UserVariable05 -

UserVariable10 (length 72)


ReleaseDemote(ZosPromotionLevel, String, ZosNameValue[])

void  ReleaseDemote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars [optional]  


ReleaseDemote(ZosPromotionLevel, ZosNameType[], String, ZosNameValue[])

void  ReleaseDemote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        ZosNameType[] components,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars [optional] 


ReleasePromote Method

Promotes either a full package or selected components from the starting release area. Components are specified as name/type pairs.

If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.

If user variables are specified, each is a name/value pair. Each name must be one of the following:

UserVariable01 -

UserVariable05 (length 8)

UserVariable05 -

UserVariable10 (length 72)


ReleasePromote(ZosPromotionLevel, String, ZosNameValue[])

void  ReleasePromote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars [optional]  


ReleasePromote( ZosPromotionLevel level, String[] componentNames, String jobCard, ZosNameValue[] userVars [optional] )

void  ReleasePromote(  
        ZosPromotionLevel level,  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String jobCard,  
        ZosNameValue[] userVars [optional] 


Re-links a component in a package. If re-linking multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.
If the job card contains multiple lines, they should be separated by a newline character.


Relink(String componentName, String libtype, ZosBuildInfo info, String jobCard, String)

void Relink(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype,  
        ZosBuildInfo info,  
        String jobCard,  
        String targetLoadLib  


Relink(String[], String, ZosBuildInfo, String, String)

void Relink(
        String[] componentNames, 
        String libtype, 
        ZosBuildInfo info, 
        String jobCard, 
        String targetLoadLib)


Remove Method

Removes a component from a package. If removing multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.


Remove(String, String)

void Remove(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype  


Remove(String[], String)

void Remove(  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype  


RemoveSite Method

Removes a site from the package.

Boolean  RemoveSite(  
        String siteName  

Rename Method

Adds a component rename request to a package. This is a request to rename the component in the baseline library.

void Rename(  
        String componentName,  
        String newComponentName,  
        String libtype  

ResetAuditLock Method

Resets audit pending lock for a package.

void  ResetAuditLock() 

Revert Method

Reverts a frozen package to development status. The reason is a single string, but can contain multiple lines, delimited by newline characters. If a line exceeds 72 characters, the text will automatically be split on word boundaries into multiple lines.

void Revert(  
        String reason  


Review Method

Mark a package as being under review for approval.

void Review(
        String entity  

Scratch Method

Adds a component scratch request to a package. This is a request to delete the component from the baseline library.

void  Scratch(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype  )

SetContact Method

Updates contact information. If no site name is specified in a DP environment, then all sites are updated with this contact information.


SetContact( String, String, String, String)

void  SetContact(  
        String primaryContactName,  
        String primaryContactPhone,  
        String alternateContactName,  
        String alternateContactPhone  


SetContact(String, String, String, String, String)

void  SetContact(  
        String siteName,  
        String primaryContactName,  
        String primaryContactPhone,  
        String alternateContactName,  
        String alternateContactPhone 


SetInstallTime Method

Updates package install time. If no site name is specified in a DP environment, then all sites are updated with this same install time.


SetInstallTime(DateTime, DateTime)

void  SetInstallTime(
        DateTime installStartTime, 
        DateTime installEndTime


SetInstallTime(String, DateTime, DateTime)

void  SetInstallTime(  
        String siteName,  
        DateTime installStartTime,  
        DateTime installEndTime


SetUserVariable Method

Sets value of a named user variable. See UserVariables property description for a list of valid user variable names.

void  SetUserVariable(  
    String name,  
    String value  )

Undelete Method

Restores a memo-deleted package.

void  Undelete() 

Unfreeze Method

Unfreezes selective parts of a package. The type argument specifies which type of package data is to be unfrozen. If the type specifies NonSource or SourceLoad, then nonsource or source/load components are unfrozen respectively. With these two types, you can selectively unfreeze components by specifying the component names. If no component names are provided, all components of the specified type are unfrozen. If both NonSource and SourceLoad components are to be unfrozen, they must be unfrozen separately. Components are specified as name/type pairs. Component names can be specified only with types NonSource and SourceLoad.


Unfreeze(ZosFreezeType type)

void  Unfreeze(  
        ZosFreezeType type  


Unfreeze(ZosFreezeType type, String componentName, String libtype)

void  Unfreeze(  
        ZosFreezeType type,  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype  


Unfreeze(ZosFreezeType type, ZosNameType[] componentNames)

void  Unfreeze(
          ZosFreezeType type,  
          ZosNameType[] componentNames 


Unlock Method

Unlocks a package component. If unlocking multiple components, all components must belong to the same library type.


Unlock(String, String)

void Unlock(  
        String componentName,  
        String libtype  


Unlock(String[], String)

void Unlock(  
        String[] componentNames,  
        String libtype  


ZosPackage Examples

Examples of using ZosPackage are shown below:


ZosPackage package;
ZosPackageSite site = package.GetSite(“NEWYORK”);
ZosPackageSites[] sites = package.Sites;
package.Level = ZosPackageLevel.Simple;
ZosPackageInfo info = new ZosPackageInfo(package);
info.Title = “Second package”;
ZosPackage package2 = Package.Create(application, info);



ZosPackage^ package;
ZosPackage site = package.GetSite(“NEWYORK”);
array<ZosPackage^>^ sites = package.Sites;
package->Level = ZosPackageLevel::Simple;
ZosPackageInfo^ info = gcnew ZosPackageInfo(package);
info->Title = “Second package”;
ZosPackage^ package2 = Package::Create(application, info);


Visual Basic

Dim package as ZosPackage;
Dim site As ZosPackage = package.GetSite(“NEWYORK”)
Dim sites () As ZosPackage = package.Sites
package.Level = ZosPackageLevel.Simple
Dim info As New ZosPackageInfo(package);
info.Title = “Second package”
Dim package2 As ZosPackage = Package.Create(app, info);



var package : ZosPackage;
var site : ZosPackage app = package.GetSite(“NEWYORK”);
var sites : ZosPackage [] = package.Sites;
package.Level = ZosPackageLevel.Simple;
var info : ZosPackageInfo = new ZosPackageInfo(package);
info.Title = “Second package”;
var package2 : ZosPackage = Package.Create(app, info);


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