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Drag and Drop Operations

There are two types of drag and drop operations. Normal drag and drop operations with the left mouse button perform a standard action, which is usually to copy or move the files. Using the right mouse button to drag and drop displays a popup context menu, from which you can choose the command to be performed.

Drag and drop works differently with namespace extensions than with the standard file system namespace. With the file system namespace, drag and drop operations are handled entirely by the File Explorer, and ChangeMan ZDD has no control over how they are processed. Namespace extensions, however, handle their own drag and drop operations and can do so in a way that makes sense in the context of the namespace extension.

The standard File Explorer processing for drag and drop often results in handling that is very inefficient, or in handling that does not make sense for a particular drop target. The standard processing is to read a file from the drag source location and then write it to the drop target location.

If you drag a data set (or PDS member) and drop it on another data set, the standard processing downloads the data set when the Explorer reads it and then uploads it back again when the Explorer writes it. The ZDD Network namespace extension handles the drag and drop by copying directly from one data set to the other, avoiding the overhead of uploading and downloading.

The ZDD Network namespace extension handles drag and drop operations in ways that make sense in the context of a particular drop target. For example, you may submit a job by simply dropping a JCL file onto the "Jobs" folder.

Left-Button Drag and Drop

The following table summarizes the handling of left mouse-button drag and drop operations by ChangeMan ZDD. This table applies only to drop target locations within the ZDD Network namespace extension.

Drop Target Drag Source Command
Server "Data Sets" folder Windows file Upload to data set
Data set PDS member Unix file Copy to data set
Data set PDS member Windows file Upload to data set
Data set PDS member Unix file Baseline library Baseline component Package library Package component Promotion library Promotion component Copy to data set
Unix folder Unix directory Unix file Windows file Windows folder Upload to Unix directory
Unix directory Unix file Copy to Unix directory (Ctrl key + left mouse-button) Move to Unix directory (left mouse-button only)
Data set PDS member Baseline library Baseline subdirectory Baseline component Package library Package subdirectory Package component Promotion library Promotion subdirectory Promotion component Copy to Unix directory
"Jobs" folder Windows file Data set (sequential) PDS member Baseline component Package component Promotion component Submit JCL
Application "Packages" folder Package Package library Package subdirectory Baseline library Baseline subdirectory Baseline component Promotion library Promotion subdirectory Promotion component Check out
Windows file Windows folder PDS member Unix directory Unix file Check in
Promotion site Promotion level Promotion library Promotion subdirectory Package library Package subdirectory Package component Promote

Right-Button Drag and Drop

When you drag files with the right mouse button, a popup context-menu displays when you drop onto the target location. The following table summarizes the commands that are available using the right mouse-button drag and drop.


Some commands listed may not be available, depending on other factors, such as package type, component status, and so on.

Drop Target Drag Source Command
Server Windows file Upload to data set Submit JCL
Data set (sequential) PDS member Unix file Baseline component Package component Promotion component Copy to data set Submit JCL
Data set (PDS) Baseline library Package library Promotion library Copy to data set
ChangeMan instance Data set (sequential) PDS member Unix file Baseline component Package component Promotion component Submit JCL Submit XML
Data Sets" folder Windows file Upload to data set
Data set PDS member Unix file Copy to data set
Data set PDS member Windows file Upload to data set
Data set PDS member Unix file Baseline library Baseline component Package library Package component Promotion library Promotion component Copy to data set
Unix folder Unix directory Unix file Windows file Windows folder Upload to Unix directory
Unix directory Unix file Move to Unix directory Copy to Unix directory
Data set PDS member Baseline library Baseline subdirectory Baseline component Package library Package subdirectory Package component Promotion library Promotion subdirectory Promotion component Copy to Unix directory
Windows file or folder on your local computer Data set PDS member Unix file Unix directory Download to Windows folder
"Jobs" folder Windows file Data set (sequential) PDS member Baseline component Package component Promotion component Submit JCL
Application "Packages" folder Windows file Data set (sequential) PDS member Package component Check in Submit XML
Baseline library Baseline subdirectory Promotion library Promotion subdirectory Check out
Baseline component Check out Submit XML
Promotion component Check in Check out Submit XML
Package Package library Package subdirectory Windows file Data set (sequential) PDS member Check in Submit XML
Baseline library Baseline subdirectory Promotion library Promotion subdirectory Check out Scratch
Baseline component Check out Recompile Relink Rename Scratch Submit XML
Package component Check in Recompile Relink Submit XML
Promotion component Check in Check out Recompile Relink Rename Scratch Submit XML
Promotion site Promotion level Promotion library Promotion subdirectory Package library Package subdirectory Promote Demote
Package component Promote Demote Submit XML
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