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The ZosFileFormatMapping object represents a single file format mapping. This object can be obtained using the Item property of ZosFileFormatMappings. ZosFileFormatMapping maps a data set name pattern to a local file format.

ZosFileFormatMapping Constructor

The following constructor can be used to initialize a new ZosFileFormatMapping object:

            String name,  
            ZosFileFormat format  


name Name pattern

format File format

ZosFileFormatMapping Properties

ZosFileFormatMapping exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Name String R Name pattern.
FileFormat ZosFileFormat R File format

ZosFileFormatMapping Examples

Examples of using ZosFileFormatMapping are shown below:


ZosFileFormatMapping format;
String name = format.Name;
ZosFileFormat type = format.FileFormat;



ZosFileFormatMapping^ format;
String^ name = format->Name;
ZosFileFormat^ type = format->FileFormat;


Visual Basic

Dim format As ZosFileFormatMapping;
Dim name As String = format.Name
Dim type As ZosFileFormat = format.FileFormat



var format : ZosFileFormatMapping;
var name : String = format.Name;
var type : ZosFileFormat = format.FileFormat;


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