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The ZosReleaseComponentFile object represents a component in a release area, and

can be either a PDS member or a Unix file. This object can be obtained using the GetComponent or GetComponents methods of either ZosReleaseArea or ZosReleaseLibrary.

ZosReleaseComponentFile Properties

ZosReleaseComponentFile exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Name String R File name for component, including file extension. Inherited from ZosReleaseComponentObject
Path String R Full file system path name for the component. Inherited from ZosReleaseComponentObject
IsUnix Boolean R Indicates whether component is a PDS member or Unix file.
ComponentName String R Component name.
ComponentType String R Component type (library type).
LikeType ZosLikeType R Like type
DataSetName String R Data set name for release area library
Package String R Package from which component originated.
CheckInTime DateTime R Date and time component was last checked in to release area.


ZosReleaseComponentFile Methods

ZosReleaseComponentFile exposes the following methods:

Refresh Method

Refreshes the component information.

void  Refresh() 


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