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The ZosPackageSite object represents package site information for a single site.

This object can be obtained using the Site property or Sites property of ZosPackage. It can also be obtained from the GetSite method of ZosPackage. A ZosPackageSite object can be created using the constructor and then used to update package site information.

ZosPackageSite Constructor

The following constructors can be used to initialize a new ZosPackageSite object:

ZosPackageSite(String, String, String, String, DateTime, DateTime)

    String primaryContactName,  
    String primaryContactPhone,  
    String alternateContactName,  
    String alternateContactPhone,  
    DateTime installStartTime,  
    DateTime installEndTime) 


ZosPackageSite(String, String, String, String, String, DateTime, DateTime)

        String siteName,  
        String primaryContactName,  
        String primaryContactPhone,  
        String alternateContactName,  
        String alternateContactPhone,  
        DateTime installStartTime,  
        DateTime installEndTime 



siteName - Site name

primaryContactName - Primary contact name

primaryContactPhone - Primary contact phone

alternateContactName - Alternate contact name

alternateContactPhone - Alternate contact phone

installStartTime - Install start date and time

installEndTime - Install end date and time

ZosPackageSite Properties

ZosPackageSite exposes the properties below. All properties are read-only. You must construct a new object in order to change any properties.

Property Type R/W Description
SiteName String R Site name
PrimaryContactName String R Primary contact name
PrimaryContactPhone String R Primary contact phone
AlternateContactName String R Alternate contact name
AlternateContactPhone String R Alternate contact phone
InstallStartTime DateTime R Install start date and time
InstallEndTime DateTime R Install end date and time


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