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Updating Package Information

Package information can be updated using the package Properties sheet. Not all fields can be updated. Some fields are restricted by ChangeMan ZMF; other fields may be restricted by your administrator through the PKGPROP member in the ZDDOPTS library (described in Serena® ChangeMan® ZDD Server Installation Guide).


Right-click a package to display its Properties sheet. The following table lists the pages that may be updated; also listed are the corresponding pages of the New Package wizard that you can refer to for field descriptions and instructions.

Properties Sheet Page New Package Wizard Page
Package General Page
Description Description Page
Implementation Implementation Page
Scheduling Scheduling Page
Applications Affected Applications Page
Participating Participating Packages Page
Other Options Other Options Page
Site Site Page (All site)
Sites Sites Page (DP site)


The pages displayed on the properties sheet depend on the package attributes. Refer back to "Wizard Pages" on page 260 to see which pages you can expect to see.

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