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Checking In to Next Area

Area check-in copies components from the libraries for one area into the libraries for another area. Check-in advances release components through the hierarchy of areas that progressively integrate release components.

Area check-in accomplishes these objectives:

  • Populates the area libraries for the next area defined for the release.

  • Makes the components available to build processes in other packages in the same application that are attached to the release.

  • Makes the components available to build processes in other packages in the same application that define this release as a prior release.

  • Makes the components available to build processes in packages in other applications if this application is defined as a related application.

  • Continues the process of squeezing out multiple versions of the same component that are in development at the same time and are intended for install at the same time.

    Check-in to next area is subject to these rules and conditions.

  • The target area for area check-in is predetermined. When you define an area in a release, you specify the next area.

  • The check-in rule for the target area determines whether the area must be audited or blocked before check-in to the next area is allowed.

  • The check-in rule for the target area can restrict who can perform check-in to the target area.

  • A single check-in operation copies components from a set of release area application libraries into the corresponding set of area application libraries in the next area. If there are several applications joined to a release, you perform multiple check-in operations to copy all area components to the next area.

  • You can check-in all components from a selected application, or you can check-in selected components from a selected application.

  • If a component already exists in the target area library, you must explicitly override a “check-in components disallowed” condition to overlay the component.

  • A component in a target area library can only be overlaid by the person who last checked in the component to the target area. This rule can be overridden in the definition of the target area.

  • If a component that already exists in an area library cannot be overlaid, it must be retrieved before it can be checked in again.

Running Check in to Next Area

There are three pages in the Check In wizard plus a Results page. You can go back and forth between the pages using the Next and Back buttons. The Back button is the back arrow button at the upper left corner of the window. You cannot go back from the Results page.

To start the Check In wizard, right on a component in a release "Changes" folder and choose Check in to next area.


Check In Options Page

The Check In Options page displays first when the wizard starts.

Fields on the Check In Options Page

This table describes the fields and options in the Check In Options page.

Field / Box Description
From Release area Displays the release area that you are checking in from.
Application Displays the application that you are checking in from.
To Release Displays the release that you are checking in to.
To Area Displays the area that you are copying package components into.
No superseded components Select this option to display only components that are eligible for checkin, including overlays that may be overridden, but exclude any overlay by a component with a newer last-staged date, regardless of the hash token, SETSSI, user ID, or originating package. If this option is not selected, only components that are eligible for checkin, including overlays that may be overridden, will be displayed.

Components Page

The Components page allows you to select the components to check in.

Fields on the Components Page

This table describes the fields and options in the Components page.

Field / Box Description
Release Displays the current release.
From area Displays the area that you are copying package components from.
Selection filter Enter one or more name patterns with wild characters, delimited by semicolons. Then press the Select or Clear button to select components for check in. Alternately, you may select components individually using the check boxes in the Component list.
Component list Displays the components that are available for check in. Select components individually or use the Selection filter to select using a pattern.

Selecting Components

There are two ways to select or deselect components:

  • Select or deselect components individually using the check boxes in the Components list.

  • Use the Selection filter field to enter one or more name patterns with wild characters, delimited by semicolons. Then press the Select or Clear button.

Overlay Page

The Overlay page lists components that will be overlaid in the area you are checking in to.

After reviewing this information, if you decide to check the components in, click Finish. Otherwise, click Back or Cancel.

Results Page

After the check in operation is complete, the results are displayed in the Results page as shown below.

Just press the Close button after reviewing the results.

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