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Release Libraries List

The Release Libraries wizard will display a list of all allocated libraries for a release by area, application, and library type. You can, optionally, limit the list to specific release area, application, or library type.

Running Release Libraries

There is two pages in the Release Libraries wizard. You can go back and forth between the pages using the Next and Back buttons. The Back button is the back arrow button at the upper left corner of the window.

To start the wizard, right-click on a release or release area. Then choose ZDD Network | Release libraries from the popup menu. You can also right click on a release application, or a release library, and the wizard form will be automatically filled in based on the item you selected.

Options Page

The Options page displays when the wizard starts.

Fields on the Release Libraries Options Page

This table describes the fields and options in the Release Libraries Options page.

Field / Box Description
Release Select the release for which libraries are to be listed.
Release area Select an area, if you wish to list only the libraries for a specific area. If you do not select an area, the list will include libraries all release areas.
Application Select an application, if you wish to list only the libraries for a specific application. If you do not select an application, the list will include all applications.
Library type Select a library type, if you wish to list only the libraries of a specific type. If you do not select a library type, the list will include all library types.
Status Status of the selected release.
Install date Displays the install date of the selected release.

Update the fields in the Release Libraries Options page and press Next to display the list of libraries.

Results Page

The Results page displays the list of release libraries for a release, release area, or application, as shown in the illustration below.

If you want to go back and query for additional information, press Back button, which is a back arrow at the upper left corner of the window.

To end the wizard, press the Close button.

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