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The ZosPromotionSite object represents a ChangeMan promotion site for an application. This object can be obtained using the GetPromotionSite or GetPromotionSites methods of ZosApplication.

ZosPromotionSite Properties

ZosPromotionSite exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
Name String R Promotion site name
Path String R Full file system path name for the promotion site
LocalReaderClass Char R Local internal reader class
RemoteReaderClass Char R Remote (site) internal reader class
ForcePriorSiteDemote Boolean R Indicates whether to force demotion of prior sites


ZosPromotionSite Methods

ZosPromotionSite exposes the following methods:

GetPromotionLevel Method

Gets a specific promotion level by either name or level number.


ZosPromotionLevel GetPromotionLevel(String)

ZosPromotionLevel  GetPromotionLevel( 
        String name 


ZosPromotionLevel GetPromotionLevel(Int16)

ZosPromotionLevel  GetPromotionLevel( 
        Int16 level 


GetPromotionLevels Method

Gets an array containing the promotion sites for the application. Results can be optionally filtered by the folder name ( using wild characters.

ZosPromotionLevels[]  GetPromotionLevels(
        String filter [optional] 

Refresh Method

Refreshes the promotion site information.

void  Refresh() 


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