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Sernet Message Descriptions

SERNET message numbers, message text, explanation, and recommended action are listed in ascending message number order.


SERSTACK - Program stack manager. SERSTACK creates a program stack environment for use by the ENTER and LEAVE macros.

SER0001T High program stack for {program} extended to {integer} K

Explanation: The indicated program had to enlarge its stack of working storage above the 16M virtual storage line.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care if this happens frequently. The module that obtains the working storage may need to be changed to get more storage initially.

SER0002T Low program stack for {program} extended to {integer} K

SER0003T High program stack for {program} allocated {integer} K, used {integer} K, segments {integer}

Explanation: The indicated program issues this message when it terminates to provide statistics about the amount of virtual storage it used above the 16M line.

Solution: If the address space has getmain abends or a lot of page faults then report this message to Micro Focus Customer Care. The amount of storage used might help product developers to identify the program that is using too much virtual storage above 16M.

SER0004T Low program stack for {program} allocated {integer} K,used {integer} K, segments {integer}

Explanation: The indicated program issues this message when it terminates to provide statistics about the amount of virtual storage it used below the 16M line.

Solution: If the address space has getmain abends or a lot of page faults then report this message to Micro Focus Customer Care. The amount of storage used might help product developers to identify the program that is using too much virtual storage below 16M.

SER0020I '{reason} ' recall request will be issued locally for '{dsname}'

Explanation: The dataset recall for dataset 'dsname' will be issued due to 'reason'.

Solution: This message will usually appear when a dataset is migrated to disk, in which case the message can be ignored. It can also appear, though, in error circumstances, in which case the problem should be reported to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0040E Abend during processing - see dump or logrec for details

Explanation: An abend has occurred and recovery and retry will take place. In some cases, a dump is created while in all cases details of the abend are recorded in logrec.

Solution: Report the error to Micro Focus Customer Care, as required.

SER0060I Surveyor terminated

Explanation: The Surveyor subtask has terminated due to shutdown of the STC.

Action: None, information only.

SER0061W uuuuuuuu TCA tttttttt used nnnn msecs of CPU processing ssssssss/mmmmmmmm/cccccccc

Explanation: In the past minute the specified user has used an amount of CPU that exceeds the RUNAWAY specification. In the message:

  • uuuuuuuu is the username.
  • tttttttt is the TCA address.
  • nnnn is the number of CPU milliseconds used.
  • ssssssss/mmmmmmmm/cccccccc is the service/message/scope being executed.

Action: None, information only.

SER0062E uuuuuuuu TCA tttttttt used nnnn msecs of CPU processing ssssssss/mmmmmmmm/cccccccc

Explanation: In the past minute, the specified user has used an amount of CPU that exceeds the RUNAWAY specification and, due to the AUTOKILL setting, will be abended. In the message:

  • uuuuuuuu is the username.
  • tttttttt is the TCA address.
  • nnnn is the number of CPU milliseconds used.
  • ssssssss/mmmmmmmm/cccccccc is the service/message/scope being executed.
  • Action: The user will be abended with code U0046 and a dump will be requested.


SERSUBMT - Submit jobs constructed elsewhere.

SER0200E Invalid data set organization

Explanation: The offending dataset does not have a dataset organization of Physical Sequential (DSORG=PS).

Solution: Determine why the dataset was defined improperly, and re-define.

SER0201E Invalid record format

Explanation: The offending dataset does not have a record format of Fixed, Fixed Blocked, Variable, or Variable Blocked (DCB=RECFM=F,FB,V,VB).

Solution: determine why the dataset was defined improperly and re-define.

SER0202E Unable to allocate internal reader: SVC 99 REASON CODE {error code + info code}, {svc 99 return code}.

Explanation: Dynamic allocation failed for an internal reader.

Solution: Look up the SVC 99 REASON CODE and RETURN CODE in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide - SA23-1371-xx, Chapter 26, section. Interpreting DYNALLOC Return Codes and proceed accordingly.

SER0203E Unable to open internal reader

Explanation: The OPEN for an internal reader failed.

Solution: Scan the started task SYSOUT around the time indicated in the message for any OPEN ERRORS (IEC141), look up the error in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEBIEE) SA38-0674-xx, and proceed accordingly.

SER0204E Unable to allocate JCL file to submit: {svc 99 reason code (error code + info code)}, {svc 99 return code}.

Explanation: Dynamic allocation failed for a JCL dataset, used for submitting jobs.

Solution: Look up the SVC 99 REASON CODE and RETURN CODE in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide - SA23-1371-xx, Chapter 26, section Interpreting DYNALLOC Return Codes and proceed accordingly.

SER0205E Unable to open JCL file to submit

Explanation: OPEN failed for a JCL dataset used for submitting jobs.

Solution: Scan the started task SYSOUT and SYSLOG around the time indicated in the message for any OPEN ERRORS (IEC141), look up the error in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE) SA38-0674-xx, and proceed accordingly.

SER0206E No JOB card found

Explanation: Probably a finger check.

Solution: Inspect your jobcard, what changed? Are you using SEREX002, the SERNET JOB card modification exit? This exit is invoked by SERSUBMT every time a job is to be submitted. Did this code change? Try disabling this exit and see if that helps to isolate the problem.

SER0207E Unable to write to internal reader

Explanation: Hard to believe this message is possible if you’ve successfully gotten past the dynamic allocation and the open.

Solution: Scan the started task SYSOUT and SYSLOG for any related messages (device failure, someone popped the wrong cable, power failure, outstanding reserve by another system maybe a backup job). Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0208E Member {member} not found

Explanation: PDS MEMBER doesn’t exist in specified DATASET, probably a finger check.

Solution: Verify the MEMBER and DATASET exist

SER0209E Member name missing

Explanation: A PDS MEMBER name must be specified that identifies the JOB under submission.

Solution: Determine the missing MEMBER name and include it where appropriate.

SER0210E Job rejected by installation exit

Explanation: SEREX002, the SERNET JOB card modification exit, is invoked by SERSUBMT every time a job is to be submitted. This exit rejected the job submission.

Solution: This could be working as designed, check the exit. For example, if your logic is based on USERID (X02$USER) assure you are testing/inspecting/looking at all 8 bytes of the field.

SER2105E Address Space creation failed RC=xxxxRS=yyyy


Explanation: An attempt at starting a secondary address space, via the ASCRE service, failed with return code xxxx and reason code yyyy.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Technical Support.

SER0220I Job {jobname} {jobid} submitted

Explanation: Normal JOB Submit, JOBNAME and JOBID of submitted JOB.

SER0221I Job {jobname} {jobid} submitted <Notify step added>

Explanation: STEP added in SEREX002, JOB Submitted, JOBNAME and JOBID of submitted JOB.

SER0222I Job {jobname} {jobid} submitted <Modified to notify>

Explanation: JCL modified in SEREX002, JOB Submitted, JOBNAME and JOBID of submitted JOB.

SER0230E {jobname} {Parameters for serex002} Submit: Job rejected by installation exit

Explanation: WTO version of SER0210E, with storage addresses for the JOBCARD and SEREX002 parameters.

Solution: Use these addresses when shooting a dump, or when using IPCS.

SER0231I {jobname} {parameters for serex002} Submit: Job JOBNAME JOBID submitted

Explanation: WTO version of SER0220I, with storage addresses for the JOBCARD and SEREX002 parameters

Solution: Use these addresses when shooting a dump, or when using IPCS.


SERHFS - general purpose interface routine for performing operations on zFS files. The messages issued by this module correspond to messages in SYS1.MACLIB(BPXYERNO), OpenMvs Component Return/Reason Codes. The corresponding BPXYERNO Return Code (Errno) is listed for each SERHFS message.

  • 00 - get error message
  • 01 - list files and directories
  • 02 - create directory
  • 03 - remove directory
  • 04 - create symbolic link
  • 05 - rename file or directory
  • 06 - delete file or symbolic link
  • 07 - query file time stamp
  • 08 - generate hash token
  • 09 - open file
  • 10 - close file
  • 11 - read file
  • 12 - write file
  • 13 - seek to file position
  • 14 - change file size
  • 15 - set dub defaults for subtasks

SER0300I Error in the domain.

Explanation: BPXYERNO EDOM

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0301I Result is too large.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0302I Permission is denied.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0303I The resource is temporarily unavailable.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0304I The file descriptor is incorrect.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0305I The resource is busy.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0306I No child process exists.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0307I A resource deadlock is avoided.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0308I The file exists.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0309I The address is incorrect.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0310I The file is too large.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0311I A function call is interrupted.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0312I The parameter is incorrect.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0313I An I/O error occurred.

Explanation: BPXYERNO EIO

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0314I The file specified is a directory.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0315I Too many files are open for this process.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0317I The filename is too long.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0318I Too many files are open in the system.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0319I No such device exists.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0320I No such file, directory, or IPC member exists.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0321I The exec call contained a format error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0322I No locks are available.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0323I Not enough space is available.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0324I No space is left on the device.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0325I The function is not implemented.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0326I Not a directory.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0327I The directory is not empty.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0328I The I/O control operator is inappropriate.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0329I No such device or address exists.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0330I The operation is not permitted.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0331I The pipe is broken.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0332I The specified file system is read only.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0333I The seek is incorrect.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0334I No such process or thread exists.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0336I The parameter list is too long, or the message too large for the buffer.

Explanation: BPXYERNO E2BIG

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0338I The byte sequence is illegal.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0339I A value is too large to be stored in the data type.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0340I OpenMVS kernel is not active.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0341I Dynamic allocation error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0342I Catalog Volume Access Facility error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0343I Catalog obtain error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0344I Process initialization error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0345I A MVS environmental or internal error has occurred.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0346I Bad parameters were passed to the service.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0347I zFS encountered a permanent file error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0348I zFSzFS encountered a system error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0349I SAF/RACF extract error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0350I SAF/RACF error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0351I Access to the OpenMVS version of the C RTL is denied.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0352I The password for the specified resource has expired.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0353I The new password specified is not valid.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0354I A WLM service ended in error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0355I Socket number assigned by client interface code is out of range.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0356I Socket number assigned by client interface code is already in use.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0357I Offload box error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0358I Offload box restarted.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0359I Offload box down.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0360I Already a conflicting call outstanding on socket.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0361I Request cancelled via SockCallCancel request.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0362I SetIbmOpt specified a name of a PFS that either was not configured or was not a Sockets PFS.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0363I Block device required.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0364I Text file busy.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0365I The descriptor is marked nonblocking, and the required function cannot complete immediately.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0366I Operation now in progress.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0367I Operation already in progress.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0368I Socket operation on a non-socket.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0369I Destination address required.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0370I The message is too large to be sent all at once, as required.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0371I The socket type is incorrect.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0372I Protocol or socket option not available.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0373I Protocol not supported.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0374I Socket type not supported.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0375I The referenced socket is not a type that supports the requested function.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0376I Protocol family not supported.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0377I The address family is not supported.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0378I The address is already in use.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0379I Cannot assign requested address.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0380I Network is down.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0381I Network is unreachable.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0382I Network dropped connection on reset.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0383I Software caused connection abort.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0384I Connection reset by peer.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0385I Insufficient buffer space available.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0386I The socket is already connected.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0387I The socket is not connected.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0388I Cannot send after socket shutdown.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0389I Too many references: cannot splice.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0390I Connection timed out.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0391I The attempt to connect was rejected.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0392I Host is down.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0393I No route to host.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0394I Too many processes.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0395I Too many users.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0396I Disc quota exceeded.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0397I Stale NFS file handle.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0398I Too many levels of remote in path.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0399I Device is not a stream.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0400I Timer expired.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0401I Out of streams resources.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0402I No message of the desired type.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0403I Trying to read unreadable message.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0404I Identifier removed.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0405I Machine is not on the network.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0406I Object is remote.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0408I Advertise error.

Explanation: BPXYERNO EADV

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0409I srmount error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0410I Communication error on send.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0411I Protocol error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0412I Protocol error.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0413I Cross mount point.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0414I Remote address change.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0415I The asynchronous I/O request has been canceled.


Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0416I Socket send/receive gotten out of order.

Explanation: BPXYERNO ETcpOutOfState

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0417I Unattached streams error.

Explanation: BPXYERNO ETcpUnattach

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0418I Streams push object error.

Explanation: BPXYERNO ETcpBadObj

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0419I Streams closed error.

Explanation: BPXYERNO ETcpClosed

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

Explanation: BPXYERNO ETcpLinked

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER0421I Tcp error.

Explanation: BPXYERNO ETcpErr

Solution: Look up value for BPXYERNO in z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 3 (EZY) - SC27-3656-xx, z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference - SA23-2281-xx and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes - SA23-2284-xx and proceed accordingly.


SERVFILE - Service for FILE objects

  • ACCESS - Check callers access
  • COPY - Copy a file
  • CREATE - Create a new file
  • DELETE - Delete a file
  • DOWNLOAD - Copy a file down to a client
  • EXPORT - Export file to an MVS dataset
  • IMPORT - Import file from an MVS dataset
  • LIST - Provide a list of files
  • MKDIR - Make a new file directory
  • RENAME - Rename file
  • RMDIR - Remove a file directory
  • UPLOAD - Copy a client file up to a HOST file

SER0500I Service completed.

Explanation: Requested service completed successfully.

SER0501I End of data.

Explanation: Normal end of file reached.

SER0502E The path name is not valid. It must start with a slash (/).

Explanation: The path name does not begin with a /.

Solution: Check the path name and correct.

SER0503E zFS Error: {serhfs error code`}

Explanation: An error was received by SERHFS.

Solution: Refer to SERHFS messages above.

SER0504E The MVS dataset failed to allocate.

Explanation: Unable to locate the MVS dataset.

Solution: Check the spelling of the DDNAME and the associated DSNAME.

SER0505E The MVS dataset failed to open successfully.

Explanation: Located the dataset but couldn’t open it.

Solution: Assure the DSNAME is a valid dataset.

SER0506E Input/output error on the MVS dataset.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred on the dataset entered.

Solution: Check logs for further messages about the dataset.

SER0507W zFS file exists but access is denied.

Explanation: You do not have access to the requested zFS file.

Solution: Contact your security administrator.

SER0508E Permissions must be exactly 3 bytes in the range 0-7.

Explanation: Permissions length must not exceed 3 bytes and contain a numeric value between 0-7.

Solution: Correct input and resubmit.

SER0509I File uploaded: Time {hh:mm}.

Explanation: Information, file was uploaded at HH:MM.

SER0510I Confirm file upload request.

Explanation: Information only.

SER0511W File upload request cancelled.

Explanation: Warning, the request to upload specified file has been cancelled.

SER0512I List service complete. The list is empty.

Explanation: Information only.

SER0513E Copy service from path cannot be a directory.

Solution: Confirm and correct path.

SER0514E Download bypassed due to finger print match.

Explanation: Displays when an attempt is made to download a file that already exists identified through finger print match.

Solution: Verify correct file is being downloaded.

SER0515E Invalid data format.

Explanation: The date format entered is incorrect YYYYMMDD.

Solution: Correct format and reenter date.

SER0516E The pathname is not valid for searching when directory expansion is requested.

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/LIST requested detected a pathname of '/' and an <expandDirectory> setting of 'Y'. This combination is not allowed due to the large processing potential.

Solution: Amend the request and resubmit it as required.

SER0517I The compress flag is invalid. Valid values are Y, C, E, N, H, L, D or y.

Solution: Enter one of the acceptable values.

SER0518E The date supplied contains a non-numeric character.

Explanation: Invalid date format; date must be numeric.

Solution: Enter date with numeric characters.

SER0519E Cannot specify file with recurse

Explanation: Bad combination resulting in recursion.

Solution: Remove recursion.

SER0520E Path start with a slash (/).

Explanation: The pathname does not begin with a /.

Solution: Check the pathname, correct and resubmit.

SER0521E Error creating local session.

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Retry; If problem persists call Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0522E Error reading specified file/path.

Explanation: Unable to read the file/path entered.

Solution: Verify correct file/path and resubmit.

SER0523I File ENQ obtained.

Explanation: Information only.

SER0524E Requested File ENQ not available.

Explanation: Enqueue failed.

SER0525E Error setting up thread-level security for {userid}; RC={return code}, RS={reason code}

Explanation: Unable to create security environment for your userid. Additional messages will be displayed based on the circumstances of the error.

SER0526E Error during ACEE creation for {member}; SAF RC={return code}, RACF RC={return code}.

Explanation: Unable to create security environment. Additional messages will be displayed based on the circumstances of the error.

SER0528E Member not found: mmmmmmmm

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/IMPORT specified member mmmmmmmm but that member could not be found.

Solution: Correct the member name and resubmit the request as required.

SER0529E Character special files are not supported

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/COPY was requested for a character special file. Such files are not supported.

Solution: Correct the member name and resubmit the request as required.

SER0530E Data set migrated to tape: dsname

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/IMPORT or FILE/SERVICE/EXPORT specified dataset name dsname and that dataset was on migration level-2.

Solution: Recall the specified dsname and resubmit the request.

SER0531E Data set recall failed: '{dsname}

Explanation: A dataset recall request for dataset dsname failed.

Solution: Recall the specified dsname and resubmit the request.

SER0532E Security prevented the change in file format - chattr RC=xxxxx Reas=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/CHANGE request incurred an EPERM error.

Solution: Investigate the cause of the error and, if required, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0534E Error incurred during directory expansion: Return=xxxx Reason=yyyyyyyy

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/LIST request incurred the detailed error.

Solution: If required, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0535W uuuuuuuu File bypassed due to RC=xxxx RS=yyyyyyyy - pathname

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/LIST request incurred the detailed error.

Solution: If required, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0536W Incomplete result set due to preceding error(s) - see SER0535W messages in SERPRINT

Explanation: A FILE/SERVICE/LIST request incurred an error and is, therefore, reporting partial results.

Solution: If required, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0537E Invalid file format supplied - c

Explanation: The <fileFormat> specification of c was invalid. Valid values are 1 thru 8.

Solution: Correct the specification and resubmit the request.

SER0538E Record prefix contains a length greater than is supported

Explanation: An HFS record was encountered whose length exceeds the maximum supported length.

Solution: None. The process will not complete.

SER0539E A file format of zero (FTFFNA) is not permitted

Explanation: A <fileFormat> specification of zero was detected and is invalid.

Solution: Set a valid value of 1 thru 8 and resubmit the request.

SER0540W File already exists and was not replaced

Explanation: An HFS file to be written already exists and <replace> wasn't specified or was set to N.

Solution: If the file is to overwritten, resubmit the request with <replace>Y.

SER0542E Intermediate mkdir permissions not granted

Explanation: You do not have rights to create intermediate directories in the given directory.


This is the main driver module for the SerNet started task. SERVER attaches a subtask for each application licensed under this facility.

SER0600E Task abended: {abend-code}- Contact SerNet Administrator

Explanation: The Sernet STC has failed.

Solution: Collect the STC output from JES/SDSF, note the location of any dumps.

SER0601I Obsolete trace parameter specified - defaulted to YES

Explanation: An old (obsolete) format of the TRACE parameter was specified.

Solution: See the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide for TRACE keyword formats and modify command options.

SER0602E Incomplete dataset allocation information provided by SEREX006; abend will be issued.

Explanation: Exit SEREX006 didn’t populate enough fields in the X06DSECT to allow either SMS or non-SMS dataset allocations.

Solution: Review the SEREX006 coding to ensure it populates enough fields. There are comments in the supplied code to help with this.

SER0603E TCP/IP logons will not be allowed due to an error in passticket initialization.

Explanation: This message is displayed during startup of the SerNet started task and denotes an error invoking code that implements passticket support, SERSET. TCP/IP logons will be inhibited by this error; however the started task will continue with logon support being provided by Cross Memory Services (XMS). Additional messages will be issued as WTO’s and can be found in the JESMSGLG dataset.

Solution: If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0604I The prefix for the dynamic allocation of log datasets is {prefix}.

Explanation: Information, displays the prefix defined in global administration for your user-specific log datasets.

SER0605I SERVER SEREXnnn loaded

Explanation: The specified user exit was loaded and will be called.

Solution: Information only.

SER0606I SEREX006 Activated

Explanation: Exit SEREX006 was loaded and will be called to provide allocation information for user log datasets.

Solution: Information only.

SER0607I Operating system from ECVT is opsys

Explanation: This message details the operating system level and is for support reasons only.

Solution: Information only.

SER0610I Server started with reusable ASID

Explanation: The SERNET started task was started with z/OS START command parameter REUSASID=YES to make the ASID reusable.

Solution: This message is information only.

SER0611I Storage protection is being used.

Explanation: The SerNet started task initialized with the PROTECT=YES parameter coded in SERSYSIN. This parameter provides protection for vital internal control blocks.

SER0612I Storage protection is not being used.

Explanation: The SerNet started task initialized with the PROTECT=NO parameter coded in SERSYSIN.

ER0613I Client Registrar Active

Explanation: Client Pack Registrar support was requested and the associated code has been attached.

Solution: Information only.

SER0614I Client Pack Registrar Refresh Requested

Explanation: This advises that a CPR REFRESH operator command has been issued, and the Shared Memory Object will be preserved and set up as in the beginning.

Solution: Information only.

SER0615I Client Pack Registrar Restart Requested

Explanation: This advises that a CPR RESTART operator command has been issued, and the Shared Memory Object will be discarded and replaced with a new one.

Solution: Information only.

SER0616E Invalid CPR parameter. Valid parameters are REFRESH or RESTART.

Explanation: The CPR operator command was issued without a valid operand.

Solution: Correct the operand and reissue the command.

SER0617E CPR=YES is valid only on zOS 2.2 or later system.

Explanation: Client Pack Registrar support but the operating system is at a lower level than is required.

Solution: CPR support will not be available.

SER0618I Storage reuse is active

Explanation: Client Pack Registrar support but the operating system is at a lower level than is required.

Solution: CPR support will not be available.

SER0619I Storage reuse is inactive

Explanation: The REUSE parm was set to NO.

Solution: Storage will not be reused.

SER0620I Storage relief is in force

Explanation: The RELIEF parm was set to YES or defaulted to YES.

Solution: Storage relief will be used.

SER0621I Storage relief is not in force

Explanation: The RELIEF parm was set to NO.

Solution: Storage relief will not be used.

SER0622I Cell pool services enabled

Explanation: CPOOL(YES) was either specified or defaulted.

Solution: None; this message is purely informational.

SER0623I Cell pool services disabled

Explanation: CPOOL(NO) was specified to prevent the use of cell pools.

Solution: None; this message is purely informational.

SER0624I Cell pool size {0,S3} Request count {1,N4} High-water mark {2,N4}

Explanation: For each of the five cell pools this message details the number of requests made and the highest degree of concurrency.

Solution: This message could be used to review the ACTIVEUSERS and ACTIVEMDUS specifications; otherwise it is purely informational.

SER0625I Serialisation lock freed

Explanation: The UNLOCK operator command was issued and it freed the internal locking serialisation word.

Solution: Information only.

SER0626E Abend while processing CPOOLS command, dump suppressed

Explanation: The CPOOLS operator command was issued and it abended. No dump will be produced.

Solution: Information only.

SER0650E Invalid trace command syntax

Explanation: The TRACE command has been used improperly.

Solution: See the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide for Trace keyword formats and modify command options.

SER0660I Unix services are available

Explanation: At startup, SERVER has verified that UNIX System Services are available on this system and that appropriate security elements are defined in your security system.

Solution: No action required.

SER0661W Warning; Unix services are not available on this system

Explanation: At startup, SERVER cannot find elements of UNIX System Services at startup.

Solution: If you want to use any z/OS UNIX service, TCP/IP, or other functions that require the kernel services, have your systems programmer activate z/OS UNIX in full function mode.

SER0662W Warning; Invalid UID. Unix services disabled

Explanation: There is a problem with the security setup for this SERNET instance.

Solution: See the instructions in the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide for setting up SERNET security for UNIX System Services.

SER0663W Security profiles for Unix services not correctly configured. Unix services disabled

Explanation: At startup, SERVER executed RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH and determined that appropriate security permissions are not granted to the userid for this started task to allow it to access UNIX System Services functions.

Solution: Ensure that started task user ID is either running as UID 0 or has both of the following:

  • Update access to BPX.SERVER in the FACILITY class.
  • Read access to SUPERUSER.FILESYS in the UNIXPRIV class.

SER0664W Warning; Add a TIMEOUT value for improved storage utilization and performance.

Explanation: This message is a warning that a zero TIMEOUT value has been adopted for this instance of the SerNet started task. This is due to either not providing a TIMEOUT specification in SERSYSIN or specifying TIMEOUT=0. The implication of TIMEOUT=0 is that the started task will continue to manage idle user tasks and this is a cost in terms of both processing and storage.

SER0670E ARM registration failed, RC={return code}, RS={reason code}; SERNET server or STCnn won't be restarted in the event of failure.

Explanation: Displays when ARM registration requested via ARM=YES specification in SERSYSIN has failed. Refer to SYS1.MACLIB(IXCYARM) and the IBM manual MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for additional information on displayed return and reason codes.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0671W ARM requested but disabled in Sysplex; STC won't be restarted in the event of failure.

Explanation: Displays when ARM registration requested via ARM=YES specification in SERSYSIN and the facility is not active.

Solution: Activate ARM support in XCF and restart the SerNet started task.

SER0672I Server SERNET successfully registered with ARM and will be restarted in the event of failure.

Explanation: Information, the started task has successfully registered with ARM and will be restarted if the task fails.

SER0673E ARM de-registration failed, RC={return code}, RS={reason code}.

Explanation: ARM de-registration failed withe the return and reason code displayed. The values for these codes are explained in SYS1.MACLIB(IXCYARM) and the IBM manual MVS Programming: SYSPLEX Services Reference.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0674I STC successfully de-registered from ARM.

Explanation: Information.

SER0675W RACF LISTUSER command failed, SRC={system rc}, RC={return code}, RS={reason code}.

Explanation: The command that failed is meant to verify the presence of an OMVS segment for the userid under which the SerNet started task is running. Since the command failed, that verification can not be done so the started task will still initialize but be aware that if the OMVS segment is missing from the userid, then runtime errors might occur.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0676E No OMVS segment defined for user {user id}.

Explanation: The OMVS segment is missing from the userid, then runtime errors might occur.

Solution: Add an OMVS segment to the userid.

SER0677W USS Query Dub status failed, RV=xxxx, RC=yyyy, RS=zzzz

Explanation: A call to BPX1QDB (query dub) failed with the detail specified. Processing to ascertain the status of Unix System Services support will continue.

Solution: Information only.

SER0700I CPU ID: {cpu-id}, Company: {company}

Explanation: Sernet Capacity (MSU) report information.

SER0701I Product: {product-id} Name: {product-name}

Explanation: Sernet Capacity (MSU) report information.

SER0710I Prod Current Maxusers HwmTotal HwmHour ViolHrs

Explanation: The PRODUCTS operator command was issued and this is the title line.

Solution: Information only.

SER0711Ipppp ccccccc mmmmmmmm hhhhhhh uuuuuuuuu vvvvvvvv

Explanation: The PRODUCTS operator command was issued and this is the detail line.

pppp - the product name ccccccc - the current number of users mmmmmmmm - the maximum number of users hhhhhhh - the user high-water mark for the lifetime of the STC uuuuuuuuu - the user high-water mark for the past hour vvvvvvvv - the number of hours in which the maximum number of users was exceeded.

Solution: Information only.

SER0712I ppp is either inactive or not licensed

Explanation: The USERS operator command was issued with an operand of a product name of ppp and that product is unlicenced.

Solution: Information only.

SER0720I LPAR: llllllll / nnn

Explanation: The LPARS operator command was issued. Each LPAR defined is listed under llllllll and its corresponding number under nnn.

Solution: Information only.

SER0721I No LPAR detail available

Explanation: The LPARS operator command was issued but was unable to provide output.

Solution: Information only.

SER0702I Capacity MSU: {range} Hours: {hours }

Explanation: Sernet Capacity (MSU) report information.

SER0703I Report Time : {date/time } Hours: {hours} Key: {key}

Explanation: Sernet Capacity (MSU) report information.

SER0704I Machine type: {mach. type }, Model: {model }, LPAR: {lpar} / {int}.

Explanation: Information; Displays the machine, model number and LPAR of the started task you are currently accessing. For example: SER0704I Machine type: 2096, Model: S02, LPAR: D001 / 3

SER0705I LPAR Capacity MSU: {number }-{number }, Hours: {num of hours }.

Explanation: Information; Displays LPAR capacity between specific hours.

SER0800I Sernet - Initialization in progress: Csa={0,X4:08} Dsa={1,X4:08} Asid=x'{2,X2:04)’

Explanation: Iinformational.

SER0801I Execution parameters specified:

Explanation: Information, list of SERNET KEYWORD parameters for this execution of the Sernet started task.

SER0802E Error: Parameters could not be loaded from DDNAME: {ddname}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization. Something is amiss with the DDNAME specified for SERNET KEYWORD startup parameters.

Solution: Check the spelling of the DDNAME parameter, the DDNAME in the JCL for the Sernet started task, the DSN (dataset name) for the corresponding DDNAME. Check the spelling of the MEMBER name if this is a partitioned dataset.

SER0803E Error: Unrecognized parameter keyword: {unrecognized keyword}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization due to the UNRECOGNIZED KEYWORD.

Solution: Check the spelling of the UNRECOGNIZED KEYWORD. Consult the Sernet Installation guide for KEYWORD formats.

SER0804W Obsolete parameter ignored: {obsolete parameter}

Explanation: An old parameter was used.

Solution: If this keyword needs updating, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation and Migration guides. If this parameter is no longer relevant, remove it.

SER0805E Error: Unrecognized parameter value: {unrecognized value}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization due to the UNRECOGNIZED VALUE.

Solution: Check the spelling of the UNRECOGNIZED VALUE. Consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation guide for KEYWORD formats.

SER0806E Error: Invalid parameter value length: {invalid parm}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization due to the length of the INVALID PARM.

Solution: Examine the INVALID PARM, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, correct, and re-submit.

SER0807E Error: Invalid parameter value syntax: {invalid value}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization due to the syntax of the INVALID VALUE.

Solution: Examine the INVALID VALUE, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, correct, and re-submit.

SER0808E Error: Parameter value not numeric: {invalid value}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization due to the syntax of the INVALID VALUE.

Solution: Examine the INVALID VALUE, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, correct, and re-submit.

SER0809E Error: DDNAME only allowed within JCL parm: {invalid value}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization due to the syntax of the INVALID VALUE. The DDNAME keyword may only be specified as a PARAMETER on the EXEC card for the Sernet started task.

Solution: Remove the DDNAME keyword from the parameter dataset specified by the DDNAME PARAMETER on the EXEC card for the Sernet started task.

SER0810I SerNet server "{ssid}" initialized and ready for communications

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task identified by SSID successfully initialized.

SER0811I Automatic termination (expiration) set for {hh:mm}

Explanation: Information. Local time for automatic termination. This is controlled by the EXPIRE keyword, which specifies local time for automatic termination.

SER0812E Error: Parameter value not within valid range: {invalid value}

Explanation: Severe error, the STC fails at initialization due to the syntax of the INVALID VALUE.

Solution: Examine the INVALID VALUE, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, correct, and re-submit.

SER0813E Error: The sum of ASID and ASIDS4RECALL must not exceed 256

Explanation: The sum of the values specified for the ASID and ASIDS4RECALL parms cannot exceed 256.

Solution: Review the ASID and ASIDS4RECALL specifications.

SER0814I The ASIDS4RECALL value is nnn

Explanation: The ASIDS4R operator command was issued to report on the active specification for ASIDS4RECALL.

Solution: Information only.

SER0820E No applications started under SERNET, or no valid licenses for the applications found; Shutting down

Explanation: No application keyword options (apl=port) were input to program SERVER in the SERNET started procedure.

Solution: Code at least one apl=port SERNET keyword option in the PARM parameter for program SERVER, or code it in the library member referred to by the DD name specified in the DDNAME=ddname keyword option. See the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide for the format of SERNET keyword options and for methods to input keyword options to a SERNET started task.


If at least one apl=port keyword option is input to SERNET, but there are no valid licenses for that application, then the application is shut down and a LICnnnnE message is displayed to describe the license error. The started task is not shut down, even if no applications are left running.

SER0821I {product} licensed

Explanation: Informational. The PRODUCT has a valid license.

SER0822E SerNet already active for subsystem ID "{ssid}" - Terminating

Explanation: Severe error, the Sernet started task fails at initialization. There is already an active Sernet started task for SSID.

Solution: Probable user error, determine why an attempt was made to start a Sernet started task for the already and currently active SSID.

SER0823E Name/token service failed: RC={name token return code}

Explanation: Severe error, the Sernet started task fails at initialization. An IEANTCR call to create a name/token pair failed.

Solution: Look up the NAME TOKEN RETURN CODE in z/OS V1R8.0 MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG (SA22-7610-13). Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0824I Attempting to load {feature} to determine if feature present; Please ignore any associated CSV003I message.

Explanation: Information, checking for FEATURE presence.

SER0825I {module} found

Explanation: Information, program named module was found.

SER0826I {module} not found

Explanation: Information, program named module was found.

SER0830I DB2 subtask attached: {ssid}

Explanation: Information, a task for the DB2 subsystem with ID ssid has been attached to the Sernet started task.

SER0831I IMS subtask attached: {ssid`}

Explanation: Information, a task for the IMS subsystem with ID ssid has been attached to the Sernet started task.

SER0832I Address Space Manager active

Explanation: Information, the Address Space Manager is active.

SER0833I XML Data Space Manager active

Explanation: Information, the XML Data Space Manager is active.

SER0834I MailMan Interface active

Explanation: Information, the MailMan Interface is active.

SER0835I TCB Manager active.

Explanation: Information only.

SER0836E ATTACH failed: RC={return code}

Explanation: Severe error, the Sernet started task fails at initialization.

Solution: Look up the ATTACH RETURN CODE in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN (SA22-7609-08) and proceed accordingly.

SER0837I Waiting for application to initialize: {application}

Explanation: Information, waiting for the APPLICATION to initialize.

SER0838I Application initialization complete: {application}

Explanation: Information, application initialized.

SER0839I Posted application to start: {application}

Explanation: Information, application posted.

SER0840I Midnight crossover; Applications notified; It is now {weekday}

Explanation: Information, the day of the week is now weekday.

SER0841I Activity Log Manager active

Explanation: The activity log TCB has been attached.

Solution: Information only.

SER0842I Surveyor active

Explanation: A RUNAWAY specification was provided so the Surveyor TCB was started.

Action: None, information only.

SER0843I Users will be sssssss after using nnnnn msecs of CPU in a minute

Explanation: In response to a RUNAWAY specification the Surveyor TCB was started.

  • sssssss - When AUTOKILL is omitted this string reads 'warned'. When AUTOKILL is specified this string reads 'abended'.

  • nnnnn - The number of CPU milliseconds from the RUNAWAY specification.

Action: None, information only.

SER0844W Lock table serialisation lock freed

Explanation: Over the period of a minute, it was detected that the lock table had been left in a locked state so the serialisation lock was freed.

Action: None, information only.

SER0850I Operator command: {command}

Explanation: Operator command command was issued for the started task.

Solution: Information only, no action required.

SER0851W Unrecognized operator command ignored: {command}

Explanation: Warning, the command is unrecognized.

Solution: Examine the command, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands to determine the error, re-issue the command.

SER0852E Application unrecognized; Please reenter

Explanation: The application specified on a Sernet started task modify (F) command is invalid.

Solution: Examine the command, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands to determine the error, re-issue the command.

SER0853E Application unavailable; Please try later

Explanation: The application specified on a Sernet started task modify (F) command is unavailable.

Solution: This may be working as designed. If this command needs to be issued, determine why the application is unavailable at this time.

SER0854E Required command parameter missing

Explanation: Sernet started task modify (F) missing parameter error.

Solution: Examine the command, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands to determine the missing parameter, re-issue the command.

SER0855E Invalid command syntax; Please reenter

Explanation: Sernet started task modify (F) command syntax error.

Solution: Examine the command, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands to determine the correct syntax, re-issue the command.

SER0856W Unexpected operator START command ignored

Explanation: Warning, an unexpected start command was encountered.

Solution: Determine the origin of the start command.

SER0857W Unexpected MOUNT command ignored

Explanation: Warning, an unexpected mount command was encountered.

Solution: Determine the origin of the mount command.

SER0858W Command of unknown type "{verb}" (in cibverb) ignored

Explanation: Sernet started task modify (F) command syntax error, unrecognized verb.

Solution: Examine the command, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands to determine the correct verb, re-issue the command.

SER0859W Null operator command ignored

Explanation: Sernet started task modify (F) command syntax error, null operator command ignored.

Solution: Examine the command, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands to determine the correct syntax, re-issue the command.

SER0860W The specified trace ID is incorrect / not numeric

Explanation: The ID on a trace modify command must be numeric.

Solution: Issue a modify trace command with no operands to display the current trace IDs. Select the correct ID and re-issue the command.

SER0861W Do not specify an ID when turning on trace

Explanation: Trace modify command syntax error.

Solution: Examine the command, consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands to determine the correct syntax, re-issue the command.

SER0862W The specified trace entry cannot be located

Explanation: The ID on a trace modify command cannot be located.

Solution: Issue a MODIFY TRACE command with no operands to display the current trace IDs. Select the correct ID and re-issue the command.

SER0863W A trace with these criteria is already active

Explanation: Modify trace command collision, this flavor of trace already exists.

Solution: Use the existing TRACE criteria, or turn off the trace with this criteria and reissue the command.

SER0864I NETTRACE enabled

Explanation: Information, the Sernet NETTRACE facility has been enabled.

SER0865I NETTRACE modified:

Explanation: Information, the Sernet NETTRACE facility has been modified.

SER0866I NETTRACE disabled:

Explanation: Information, the Sernet NETTRACE facility has been disabled.

SER0867E NETTRACE not active

Explanation: A NETTRACE MODIFY command was issued, but the NETTRACE facility is not enabled.

Solution: Enable the NETTRACE facility. consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands.

SER0868I EPvt used={integer}K avail={integer}K Pvt used={integer}K avail={integer}K

Explanation: Information, memory utilization for PRIVATE and EXTENDED PRIVATE areas.

SER0870I Expiration time extended to {hh:mm}

Explanation: Information, a MODIFY EXTEND COMMAND was issued, the new time for Sernet started task is HH:MM.

SER0871E No expiration set; Extension not possible

Explanation: A MODIFY EXTEND COMMAND was issued, there is no RUNFOR or EXPIRE KEYWORDS in the startup parms for this Sernet started task.

Solution: Specify RUNFOR or EXPIRE in the startup parms for this Sernet started task.

SER0872I Address Space Manager attached

Explanation: Information, the task for the Address Space Manager has been attached to the Sernet started task.

SER0873E Rejected; Unknown task {task}

Explanation: An unknown task was specified in a Sernet MODIFY COMMAND.

Solution: Correct the command and re-submit.

SER0874W Rejected; Address Space Manager already attached

Explanation: Warning, an attempt was made to attach the Address Space Manager, but it is already attached and active.

Solution: Determine the source of the attach, examine SERPRINT and SYSLOG for any related messages.

SER0875I Address Space Manager detached

Explanation: Information, the Address Space Manager has been detached.

SER0876W Rejected; Address Space Manager not currently attached

Explanation: Warning, an attempt was made to detach the Address Space Manager, but the Address Space Manager is not attached.

Solution: Determine the source of the detach, examine SERPRINT and SYSLOG for any related messages.

SER0879W {command} command not implemented; Future usage

Explanation: Warning, this command isn’t ready.

SER0880I TEST Turned on.

Explanation: Information, command was issued to turn TEST on.

SER0881I TEST Turned off.

Explanation: Information, command was issued to turn TEST off.

SER0882I TRACE Turned on.

Explanation: Information, TRACE command was issued to turn on trace ID.

SER0883I TRACE ID {id} turned off

Explanation: Information, a MODIFY TRACE command was issued to turn off trace ID.

SER0884I TRACE Turned on with message option: {trace option}

SER0885I TRACE ID {id} Toggled on.

Explanation: Information, TRACE command was issued to toggle on trace ID.

SER0886I TRACE ID {id} Toggled off

Explanation: Information, TRACE command to toggle trace ID is off.

SER0890E Unicode initialization failed with rc={return code}, rsn={reason code}.

Explanation: See z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference for additional information.

SER0891E Unicode conversion failed with rc={return code}, rsn={reason code}.

Explanation: See z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference for additional information.

SER0892I Trace ID {id} removed

Explanation: Information, a MODIFY TRACE command was issued to remove trace ID id.

SER0893I XDC not active.

Explanation: Information, XDC is not active.

SER0900W No active ASID is defined. Specify ASID in start up parameters.

Explanation: Warning, ASID must be defined in the started task.

SER0905I Procname: pppppppp Class: c Expires: eeeee Parms: parms

Explanation: The ASIDS operator command was issued and this detail line will be issued once for each active spawned address space.The content of each detail line is:

pppppppp - the started procedure name

c - the operating class

eeeee - the expiry time or 'Never'

parms - the parameter string passed to the started procedure

Information only.

SER0901I Number of Address Spaces:{integer1} Expiration Timeout:{integer2} Minutes

Explanation: Information from a MODIFY ASIDS COMMAND, showing the number (integer1) of address spaces and the timeout value in minutes (integer2).

SER0902I Initiator:{initiator} Classes:{classes} Maximum:{int1} Active:{int2}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY ASINITS COMMAND, displays the initiator classes, maximum number (int2) of active address spaces, and current number (int2) of active address spaces for the given initiator.

SER0903I Jobname:{jobname} Class:{class} Expires:{hh:mm} Parms:{parms}

Explanation: Information, a MODIFY ASIDS command was issued to display address space activity. The jobname, class, expiration time (hh:mm) and parameters (parms) are displayed for active address spaces.

SER0904I {integer} active address spaces are running at this time.

Explanation: Information, displays the number (integer) of active address spaces.

SER0905I Procname: pppppppp Class: c Expires: eeeeeParms: parms

Explanation: The ASIDS operator command was issued and this detail line will be issued once for each active spawned address space.The content of each detail line is:

pppppppp - the started procedure name

c - the operating class

eeeee - the expiry time or 'Never'

parms - the parameter string passed to the started procedure

Solution: Information only.

SER0906I ### <UserId> <TcaAdr> <TcbAdr> <Storage> <CPUmsec>

Explanation: The TCBS operator command was issued and this is the title line.

Solution: Information only.

SER0907I nnn oooooooo tttttttt bbbbbbbb ssssssssss ccccccccc

Explanation: The TCBS operator command was issued and this detail line will be issued once for each active TCB. The content of each detail line is:

nnn - the relative number of the TCB

oooooooo - the TCB owner

tttttttt - the TCA address associated with the TCB

bbbbbbbb - the TCB address

ssssssssss - the amount of storage owned by the TCB

ccccccccc - the amount of CPU used by the TCB

Solution: Information only.

SER0910I TCP/IP termination requested

Explanation: A TCPIP STOP command was issued.

Solution: Await completion of the command, signified by SER0915I.

SER0911I TCP/IP termination already in progress

Explanation: A TCPIP STOP command was issued but TCP/IP was already stopping.

Solution: Await completion of the already issued command, signified by SER0915I.

SER0912W TCP/IP initialization requested

Explanation: A TCPIP START command was issued.

Solution: Await completion, signified by SER0915I.

SER0913I TCP/IP initialization already in progress

Explanation: A TCPIP START command was issued but TCP/IP was already starting.

Solution: Await completion of the already issued command, signified by SER0915I.

SER0914I TCP/IP restart requested

Explanation: A TCPIP RESTART command was issued.

Solution: Await completion, signified by SER0915I.

SER0915I TCP/IP request finished processing

Explanation: The specified TCP/IP command has completed.

Solution: None.

SER0916I TCPIP Stop Requested

Explanation: Information, a TCPIP STOP was requested.

SER0917I TCPIP Restart Requested

Explanation: Information, a TCPIP RESTART was requested.

SER0918I TCPIP Start already in progress.

Explanation: Information, a TCPIP start has already been started.

SER0919I TCPIP Stop already in progress.

Explanation: Information, a stop for TCPIP has been requested for but there is already a TCPIP stop in progress already.

SER0920I Current Users:{integer1} Maximum Users:{integer2}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY USERS command, displays the current number of users (integer1) and the maximum number of allowed users (integer2).

SER0921I No traces are currently active

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY TRACE command.

SER0922I Trace information follows:

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY TRACE command.

SER0923I Trace ID: {integer} User ID: {userid}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY TRACE command, displays the trace ID (integer) for the userid.

SER0924I Trace started for user: {userid}, ID: {integer}

Explanation: Information, a trace for user userid was started with ID (integer).

SER0925I Trace entry added

Explanation: The TRACE,Y operator command was issued to add an entry for a specific userid.

Solution: Information only.

SER0926I Trace entry deleted

Explanation: The TRACE,N operator command was issued to delete an entry for a specific userid.

Solution: Information only.

SER0927W The specified trace entry could not be found

Explanation: The TRACE,N operator command was issued to delete an entry for a specific userid but the entry could not be found.

Solution: Correct the command and reissue it.

SER0928W The specified trace entry already exists

Explanation: The TRACE,Y operator command was issued to add an entry for a specific userid but such an entry already exists.

Solution: Correct the command and reissue it.

SER0930E ISGQUERY error, RC={return code}, RS={reason code`}.

Explanation: Displays when an inquiry on enqueue status using IBM’s ISGQUERY interface failed with the return and reason codes shown.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0931I User: {userid} QName: {qname} RName: {rname}

Explanation: Information only. Displays when issuing the ENQ operator command and details an outstanding enqueue.

The replacement values in the message are as follows:

User: aaaaaaaa bbbb QName: cccccccc RName: ddddddddddddddddd

  • aaaaaaaa=’SYSTEM’ or userid enqueue was raised on behalf of

  • bbbb = Shr or Excl- enqueue type

  • cccccccc = the QNAME value from the ENQ invocation

  • ddddddddddddddddd = the RNAME value from the ENQ invocation

SER0932E Enqueue not found, QName: {qname} RName: {rname}

Explanation: QName: cccccccc RName: ddddddddddddddddd was not found. IBM’s ISGQUERY interface indicated no outstanding enqueue exists for the specified QName/RName combination.

Solution: Ensure the QName/RName combination exists by reissuing the ENQ command.

SER0933I Enqueue successfully released.

Explanation: Information, a dataset was successfully dequeued.

SER0934E Only Names of type SPFEDIT, SYSIEWLP, SYSDSN and CHGMAN may be dequeued.

Explanation: An unacceptable name type has been entered.

Solution: Correct and resubmit.

SER0940I Warning; EXPIRE/RUNFOR time nearing: {hh:mm}

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task is approaching shutdown time of hh:mm.

SER0941I EXPIRE/RUNFOR time reached; Shutting down

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task will be shutting down.

SER0942I SHUTDOWN time reached; Shutting down

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task is shutting down.

SER0943I SerNet orderly SHUTDOWN initiated; Grace period of {integer} minutes allowed

Explanation: A SHUTDOWN request for the SERNET started task has been made. If users are connected, the shutdown will proceed after the expiration of the specified grace period minutes. If no users are connected when the SHUTDOWN request is made, the shutdown proceeds immediately.

Solution: Users must complete their current tasks and logoff.

SER0944I SerNet orderly SHUTDOWN initiated; No grace period; Immediate termination

Explanation: SERNET is shutting down, and users are detached immediately.

Solution: No action required, but users are not allowed to complete their tasks.

SER0945I Notifying applications of pending shutdown.

Explanation: SERNET is shutting down and notification have been issued.

Solution: Users must logoff.

SER0946I Notifying applications to terminate immediately.

Explanation: Information, a notification has been sent to SERNET to terminate immediately.

SER0947I Waiting for application tasks to terminate.

Explanation: Information, waiting for SERNET started task to terminate.

SER0948I Waiting for system tasks to terminate.

Explanation: Information, the system tasks are terminating.

SER0949I Final shutdown. Detaching all tasks.

Explanation: Information, all tasks are being detached for final shutdown.

SER0950W Timeout waiting for application {application} to terminate.

SER0951E Timeout waiting for application {application} to terminate. Forcing abend with dump.

Explanation: The application termination has timed out forcing an abend with a dump.

Solution: Review the dump/problem resolution, contact Micro Focus Customer Care for further assistance.

SER0952W Intentional abend <S0C3> requested

Explanation: Informational warning, the Sernet started task is terminated with a S0C3, at the request of a MODIFY ABEND command.

Solution: Save the output of the started task for dump/problem resolution.

SER0953E Task abnormally terminated: Comp={code} Function={main}/{sub} NSI={next sequential instruction}

Explanation: Severe error, the Sernet started task has abnormally terminated with system completion code code. The failing module’s function (main) and subfunction (sub) are displayed along with the address of the instruction after the one which just failed (next sequential instruction).

Solution: Save the output of the started task for dump/problem resolution, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0954E Task abnormally terminated: Comp={code} Function={main}/{sub} NSI={next sequential instruction} (dump suppressed)

Explanation: Severe error, the Sernet started task has abnormally terminated with system completion code code. The failing module’s function (main) and subfunction (sub) are displayed along with the address of the instruction after the one which just failed (next sequential instruction).

Solution: Save the output of the started task for dump/problem resolution, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER0955I Recovery routines: Cleanup={cleanup} Retry={retry}

Explanation: Information, displays the names of the Cleanup (cleanup) and Retry (retry) routines for the ESTAE exit, established for attached users.

SER0956I Abending program: {program}+{offset}

Explanation: Information, the name of the abending program (program) and the hexadecimal offset to the failing instruction (offset).

SER0957I PSW at time of abend: {pswhigh} {pswlow}

Explanation: Information, displays an eight byte PSW at the time of ABEND, the high order bytes are in pswhigh, the low order bytes are in pswlow.

SER0958I GPR {reglabel}: {regcon1} {regcon2} {regcon3}{regcon4}

Explanation: Information, displays the contents of GPRs (reglabel) in regcon1, regcon2, regcon3, regcon4. This is repeated three times to display all sixteen GPRs.

SER0959I XML syntax warning has been turned off

Explanation: Information, the XML syntax warning feature has been disabled.

SER0960I XML syntax warning has been turned on

Explanation: Information, the XML syntax warning feature has been enabled.

SER0961I XML syntax warning is: {value}

Explanation: The current status (value) of the XML warning feature.

SER0962E Invalid syntax for WARN= command

Explanation: Error, the WARN command has a syntax error.

Solution: Check the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B for the format of the WARN command.

SER0963E Invalid trace component entered (Must be 'CMN' or 'SER').

Explanation: An invalid trace component has been entered. The allowed trace components are CMN or SER.

Solution: Enter a valid trace component and resubmit.

SER0964I Trace classes set.

Explanation: Information.

SER0965I User or class must be specified.

Explanation: Information, you must specify user or class.

SER0966I Classes active for component ’component name’.

Explanation: Information, class status for specified component.

SER0967I Task abnormally terminated: Comp={completion code} Function={function1}/{function2} NSI={next sequential instruction}.

Explanation: Information; Displays when the task has terminated based on the specific function. See dump that is produced.

SER0968I Task abnormally terminated: Comp={completion code} Function={function1}/{function2} NSI={next sequential instruction} (dump suppressed).

Explanation: Information; Displays when the task has terminated based on the specific function. No dump is produced for this message.

SER0969I IPv6 support has been turned on.

Explanation: Information.

SER0982I STOP command Issued

Explanation: Information, a STOP command was issued.

SER0983E Not APF authorized - terminating

Explanation: Severe error, the Sernet started task terminates.

Solution: Determine why the Sernet program libraries are not authorized.

SER0989I Waiting for application to terminate: {app}

Explanation: Information, issued during shutdown processing, waiting for a Sernet application (app) to terminate.

Solution: If the Sernet started task is not shutting down, this message may identify the reason. For example, if there are currently ZDD users logged on, the Sernet started task is waiting for the XCH application to terminate.

SER0990I Statistics; Real time: {HnnMnnSnn}

Explanation: Information, shutdown statistics, the elapsed time for the Sernet started task in hours (Hnn) minutes (Mnn) and seconds (Snn).

SER0991I Statistics; Applications: {integer}

Explanation: Information, shutdown statistics, the number (integer) of active Sernet started task applications (XCH, CMN, AST etcetera).

SER0992I Statistics; Users attached: {integer}

Explanation: Information, shutdown statistics, the number (integer) of users attached during this run of the Sernet started task.

SER0993I Statistics; Called count: {integer}

Explanation: Information, shutdown statistics, the number (integer) of calls.

SER0994I Statistics; Concurrent max: {integer}

Explanation: Information, shutdown statistics, the maximum number of concurrent users during this run of the Sernet started task.

SER0995I Statistics; Abended: {integer}

Explanation: Information, shutdown statistics, the number (integer) of programs which had abnormal endings (ABENDs).

SER0996I Statistics; Detached inactive: {integer}

Explanation: Information, shutdown statistics, the number (integer) of inactive users detached at termination of the Sernet started task.

SER0997I Trace user set.

Explanation: Information, a trace command to set the user has been issued.

SER0998I SerNet ABEND request cancelled

Explanation: The ABEND,0000 operator command was issued to request the cancelling of an abend on hitting a particular trace point.

Solution: Information only.

SER0999I SerNet server "{ssid}" termination complete, RC={code}

Explanation: Information, the Sernet Started task with sub system ID (ssid) was terminated, ending with a return code of code.


Provide general purpose communications API.

SER1000I {sernet-task} TCP/IP environment active at {ip-address}..{port}

Explanation: Information, the TCP/IP environment for application (sernet-task) is active with IP address ip-address and port port.

SER1001I {sernet-task} TCP/IP local host name: {host}

Explanation: Information, the local host name is host.

SER1005E {sernet-task} portname Invalid TCP/IP protocol header received: {header} {header+4} IP=ip-addr:port

Explanation: Warning, an invalid TCP/IP protocol header was received for sernet-task. The first four bytes of the header are in header, the next four bytes of the header are in header+4. The ip-addr:port shows the IP address and port that the invalid request is originating from.

SER1014E XCH *Error* Specified port number already in use:{pppp}

Explanation: The port specified {pppp} is in use elsewhere.

SER1017E The specified TCP/IP procedure is not active: {procedure}

Explanation: Error, the TCPIP procedure name is incorrect.

Solution: Determine the correct procedure name for TCP/IP and re-submit.

SER1018I The following TCP/IP procedures are active: {procedure}

Explanation: Information, the name of the active TCP/IP procedure.

SER1019E There are no TCP/IP procedures active

Explanation: Information, there are no active TCP/IP procedures.

SER1020I {sernet-task} TCP/IP {function}: RC={code} ErrNo={error} TCA={tca-address} Task={sernet-task} TCB={tcb-address} TIE={tie-address} Sock={socket}

Explanation: TCP/IP error information for function function.

Solution: Look up the error in z/OS V2R1.0 Communications Server: IP and SNA codes - SC27-3648-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER1023E There are no TCP/IP procedures active

Explanation: Error, Sernet cannot use TCP/IP because TCP/IP is not active.

Solution: If TCP/IP is required for Sernet, determine why there are no active TCP/IP procedures on this LPAR.

SER1024E {sernet-task} SERCOMM Attach: TCA={tca-address} unknown connection method {connection method}

Explanation: Error, an unknown connection method (connection method) was specified. There are two valid methods of connection, XM (Cross Memory) and TCP/IP.

Solution: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1025E {sernet-task} SERCOMM Session not in SEND state: TCA={tca-address} State={state}

Explanation: Error, SERCOMM expected the sernet-task session to be in the SEND state, instead it is in the (state) state.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1026E {sernet-task} SERCOMM Session not in RECEIVE state: TCA={tca-address} State={state}

Explanation: Error, SERCOMM expected the sernet-task session to be in the RECEIVE state, instead it is in the (state) state.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1027E Timeout in socket ACCEPT processing

Explanation: An attempt at accepting a new TCP/IP client failed to complete in the designated time period.

Solution: The client request will not complete but normal processing will continue. If the problem persists report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1004I pppppppp TCP/IP vv socket acquired

Explanation: The instance of the SERMAIN controlling task, pppppppp, initialized its TCP/IP communication and is now listening on a socket of release vv.

Solution: Information only.

SER1057W {sernet-task} SERCOMM Attach: TCA={tca-address} IP={ipaddress}..{port}

Explanation: NETTRACE information.


Storage Manager.

SER1100T {sernet-task} Storage obtain: TCB={tcb-address} PSW={low order fullword} R0={register0}, Out: RC={code} R1={register1} Size={size}

Explanation: Trace information regarding the request for storage.

SER1101T {sernet-task} Storage release: TCB={tcb-address} PSW={low order fullword} R0={register0} R1={register1}, Out: RC={code} Size={size}

Explanation: Trace information regarding the request for storage.

SER1102I uuuuuuuu Cell pool for nnk requests is about to take a secondary extent

Explanation: Sernet storage management has detected that the cell pool named in nnk is about to take a secondary extent.

Solution: Information only.


SerNet Message Logger - WTO messages to the console or SYSLOG and write them to the log file. The default is to write messages to the log file only.

SER1200W Message logger Write failed to obtain storage

Explanation: The message logger failed to write a message to the log file because it could not obtain necessary working storage.

Solution: Look for error messages in the server's joblog. If the storage shortage is caused by a storage shortage then try to increase the region size.

SER1201W Message logger Close failed because the caller is in cross memory mode

Explanation: The message logger was called to close the log file but the caller was in cross memory mode. This is a logic error that should never occur.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1202W Serloger called to write a message but the log control block is missing

Explanation: The message logger was called to write a message but the log control block could not be found.

Solution: Make sure Serloger is called to open the log file and build its log control block before issuing any messages. If the log was opened and has not been closed then report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1204W Message logger Open failed to create the log file environment

Explanation: The message logger failed to create its log file environment due to an error in one of the following initialization steps: 1. Name/Token Create (IEANTCR) 2. Load for one of the required modules 3. Open for the log file Solution: Look for error messages in the joblog. If this is not caused by a configuration error then report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1205W Message logger unable to obtain XM storage because there is no Log cb

Explanation: The message logger tried to obtain storage in cross memory mode but it could not determine which TCB to use because there was no Log control block.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1206W Message logger unable to release XM storage because there is no Log cb

Explanation: The message logger tried to release storage in cross memory mode but it could not determine which TCB to use because there was no Log control block.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1207W Message logger request failed because the Log cb id is invalid

Explanation: Message logger Write or Close failed because the Log control block id was invalid.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1208W Message logger Open failed because caller is in cross memory mode

Explanation: Message logger open was called in cross memory mode. This is a logic error that should not occur.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1209W Message logger Open failed to obtain the Log cb

Explanation: The message logger failed to open the log file because it could not obtain storage for the Log control block.

Solution: Look for error messages in the server's joblog. If the storage shortage is not caused by an error then try to increase the region size.


This Module is used for peer to peer communication with the client workstation. It is a component of the X:CHANGE messenger facility. This module is invoked internally, users don’t normally have access to this function. The following example shows the KEYWORDS generated for a representative SERVXPPC invocation:


SER1300E SERVXPPC Invalid parameter syntax

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1301E SERVXPPC Invalid parameter for TCP/IP

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1302E SERVXPPC MSG= text must be enclosed in single quotes

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1303E SERVXPPC MSG= text exceeds maximum length of 128 characters

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1304E SERVXPPC Unrecognized keyword: {keyword}

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1305E SERVXPPC Required keyword missing: Specify A= or N=

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1306E SERVXPPC SMF= parameters must be enclosed in parentheses

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1307E SERVXPPC Communication failure

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1308I SERVXPPC Notify user IP: {ip-address} Msg: {message}

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1309E SERVXPPC Timeout occurred while waiting for socket to become ready

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


Started Task Module Loader - Load, refresh and display load modules used by the SerNet started task.

SER1400E Module name not found for {command} command: {module}

Explanation: The named module was not found.

Solution: Correct the module name, verify the STEPLIB/JOBLIB concatenation contains the correct SERCOMM and CMNZMF load libraries.

SER1401E Module name found but not refreshable: {module}

Explanation: The module was found, but is not refreshable.

Solution: Recycle the Sernet started task to pick up the new module.

SER1402I Name={module} old/new EPA={addressold}/{addressnew} RC={code}

Explanation: Information, the module module at addressold was replaced with a new copy at addressnew.

SER1403I Name={module} old/new token={old-token}/{new-token}

Explanation: Information, the old-token for module was replaced with new-token.

SER1404I Name={module} EPA={address} token={token}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODLIST command (for example MODLIST,ALL), displays the entry point address address and token for the named module module.`

SER1405I Name={module} {module-function}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODLIST command (for example MODLIST,ALL), displays the module-function for the named module.

SER1407I Module loaded from dsname

Explanation: A MODLIST command was issued and this detail line specifies the dataset from which the detailed module was loaded.

Solution: Information only.

SER1406I Name={module} Module prologue description suppressed - nonstandard

Explanation: Information, the named module has a nonstandard header, no prologue description is available.


Explanation: TRACE information, the SERMODLR VSAM OPEN ended with a return code of CODE.


Make a nested service request - Invokes a service from within a service. NOT TO BE CONFUSED with "within SerNet STC" It attaches SERVSRVA and waits for it to finish.

SER1600E Unable to attach SERVSRVA

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1601E CMNVROUT did not find service: {major-function} {minor-function} {parameter}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1650E Invalid length passed: {length}

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


SER1721E Creation of token Serena.ASinit failed, R15={xx}

Explanation: While executing as a part of address space creation module SERASINI invoked IBM's IEANTCR service which failed with the return code shown.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1731E Retrieval of token Serena.ASinit failed, R15={xx}

Explanation: Module SERMOUNT invoked IBM's IEANTRT service which failed with the return code shown.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1732E Failure in extraction of address space parm, R15={xx}, R0={xx}

Explanation: Module SERMOUNT invoked IBM's ASEXT service which failed with the return and reason codes shown.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1733E {xxx} XM post failed, R15={yyyyyyyy}, R0={zzzzzzzz}

Explanation: One of a sequence of cross-memory POSTs failed with the return and reason codes shown.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER1734E Recall R15={xxxxxxxx}, R0={xxxxxxxx} for {dsname}

Explanation: The recall of the specified dataset ended with the return and reason codes shown.

Solution: This message is for information only.


SER1802I TCB manager termination started.

Explanation: Shutdown of the SerNet started task has started so the TCB manager has been told to quiesce.

Solution: Information only

SER1803I TCB manager termination ended.

Explanation: The TCB manager has finished its quiesce process.

Solution: Information only

SER1804I TCB manager used {xxx} of {yyy} TCBs.

Explanation: This message is issued to permit tuning of the TCB parameter in SERSYSIN. It shows the high water mark for the number of TCBs in concurrent use by the TCB manager facility, xxx, and the TCB setting yyy.

Solution: If there’s a sizeable difference between xxx and yyy then it might be a good idea to reduce the TCB setting in SERSYSIN. Note that the minimum and maximum values for this keyword are 8 and 64.


SerNet applications driver - This module is responsible for initializing the communications environment within the MVS side of SerNet. There is also some cross-memory responsibility. SERMAIN maintains the listening process for TCP/IP. This module is also responsible for processing commands passed through from SERVER, for example:


SER2000I {sernet-task} Serena Network shutting down; Please exit!

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task is shutting down.

SER2001I {sernet-task} Warning! 60 seconds before detaching inactive task: {userid}

Explanation: Information, userid is approaching the inactive TIMEOUT interval specified when the Sernet started task was initialized.

SER2002I pppp Abend during cross-memory POST, see LOGREC for details

Explanation: An abend occurred in POST processing. An SVC dump will be requested.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2003I Ending {sernet-task} session for inactive user {userid} with TCA={tca-address}

Explanation: Information, userid with tca-address has been de-activated due to reaching the inactive TIMEOUT interval specified at Sernet initialization.

SER2004I {sernet-task} Detach user {userid}: TCA={tca-address} IP={ip-address}..{port}

Explanation: Information, a request has been made to detach userid with tca-address and ip-address/port.

SER2005I {sernet-task} Detach user {userid}: TCA={tca-address} ASID={asid}

Explanation: Information, a request has been made to detach userid with tca-address and asid.

SER2006E {sernet-task} CMNSTART unavailable; Application CMN terminated: S{load-abend-code}-{load-reason code}

Explanation: Error, unable to load module CMNSTART, the Sernet started task fails at initialization.

Solution: Look up the load-abend-code and load-reason code in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA38-0665-xx, and proceed accordingly. If the load-abend-code ends in ’78’, try increasing the region size and resubmit

SER2007W Detaching stalled {sernet-task} subtask for user {userid} with TCA={tca-address}

Explanation: Sernet has detected and detached a stalled userid.

Solution: Check for any outstanding TAPE mounts, check if the stalled userid is waiting for a migrated dataset, check for any outstanding REPLIES at the z/OS CONSOLE.

SER2009I {sernet-task} Users: {integer}.

Explanation: User count.

SER2010I {sernet-task} ###<User_ID><T_Elapsed><T_LastAct><Partner Identifier> Users={integer}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY USERS command, report header for information that follows in message (S) SER2011I. Displays the total elapsed time (T_Elapsed), last active time (T_LastAct), PartnerIdentifier (usually IP address) and the number of active users (integer).

Example output from a MODIFY STC,USERS command:
SER0850I Operator command: USERS
SER0920I Current Users:1 Maximum Users:32767
SER2010I CMN ###<User_ID><T_Elapsed><T_LastAct><Partner Identifier> Users=1
SER2011I CMN 001 USER015 H00M00S15 H00M00S12

SER2011I {sernet-task} {usernum} {userid} {HnnMnnSnn1} {HnnMnnSnn2} {partner-id}

Explanation: Information in response to a MODIFY USERS command, displays the USER NUMBER (usernum), total elapsed time in hours minutes and seconds (HnnMnnSnn1), last active time in hours minutes and seconds (HnnMnnSnn2) and IP address (partner-id) for the named userid. See SER2010I for an example (above).

SER2012I {sernet-task} No active users found

Explanation: Information, no active users.

SER2013I {sernet-task} <User_ID><T_Elapsed><Type><Locked_DsName(Member)...>Total={integer}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY LOCK command, report header for information that follows in SER2014I and/or SER2016I message (s).

SER2014I {sernet-task} {userid} {elapsed} {type} {dataset}

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY LOCK command, displays the USERID, ELAPSED time, TYPE and DATASET name for a lock.

SER2015I {sernet-task} {userid} {elapsed} {type} {dataset}({member})

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY LOCK command, displays the USERID, ELAPSED time, TYPE, DATASET, and MEMBER name for a lock.

SER2016I {sernet-task} No active locks found

Explanation: Information, in response to a MODIFY LOCK command.

SER2017E {sernet-task} Unable to detach user {userid}

Explanation: Sernet was unable to detach userid.

Solution: Check SYSLOG and Sernet started task output, was the USERID active, is there an outstanding reply at the z/OS console, did the USERID end abnormally?

SER2018I {sernet-task} Detach user {userid} TCA={tca-address}

Explanation: Information, a request was issued to detach userid with tca-address.

SER2019I User high-water mark for:ppp in the preceding hour:nnnn

Explanation: The maximum number of users of product ppp during the past hour was nnnn.`

Solution: Information only.

SER2020I User high-water mark for:ppp in the lifetime of this STC:nnnn

Explanation: The maximum number of users of product ppp during the the STC was active was nnnn.

Solution: Information only.

SER2021I Report time:yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm, Key:xxxxxxxx

Explanation: This is a timed checksum message to account for preceding licencing messages.

Solution: Information only.

SER2022I Max users forpppofnnnnwas reached during xxxx hour-long period(s) in the lifetime of this STC

Explanation: The maximum number of users of product ppp was exceeded during xxxx hours while the STC was active.

Solution: Information only.

SER2023I pppp ### Prod <User_ID><T_Elapsed><T_LastAct><Partner Identifier> Prod-MaxUsers=xxxxLPAR-Users=yyyy

Explanation: A USERS command was issued. For product pppp the maximum number of users from the product licence is xxxx and the current number of users for the LPAR is yyyy.

Solution: his is the title line for the USERS command and is for information only.

SER2024Ipppp### Prd-M <User_ID><TcaAddr ><TcbAddr ><Storage><CPUms>

Explanation: A USERS DETAIL command was issued.

Solution: his is the title line for the USERS DETAIL command and is for information only.

SER2025I pppp nnn lllll uuuuuuuu tttttttt bbbbbbbb ssssssss cccccc

Explanation: A USERS DETAIL command was issued. The content of each detail line is:

pppp - the port name - either XCH or CMN

nnn - the relative number of each detail line

lllll - the licenced product name

uuuuuuuu - the userid

tttttttt - the user TCA address

bbbbbbbb - the user TCB address

ssssssss - the amount of storage currently owned by the TCB

cccccc - the number of CPU milliseconds used by the TCB

Solution: This is the detail line of the USERS DETAIL command and is for information only.

SER2062W Force terminating tasks due to resource constraints

Explanation: Either the number of users of the STC is unusually high or the STC is short-on-storage. Either way the STC will try to purge TCAs to salvage the situation.

Solution: If this error persists report it to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2061W Unrecognized operator command

Explanation: Warning, an unrecognized operator command was issued.

Solution: Consult the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide, Appendix B Modify Commands, correct the command and re-submit.

SER2063I pppp TCP/IP termination complete

Explanation: A TCPIP STOP command for product pppp has finished.

Solution: None

SER2064I pppp TCP/IP initialization complete

Explanation: A TCPIP START command for product pppp has finished.

Solution: None.

SER2113T SERASTSK: CsvQuery says Rc: {0,X4:08} Rs: {1,X4:08} Attrs: {2,X4:08}

Explanation: To permit SERDRT operation SERASTSK will manage the presence of module SERASINI in the LPA. This message documents the results of a CSVQUERY invocation.

Solution: This message is for tracing purposes only.

SER2114T SERASTSK: CsvDyLpa says Rc: {0,X4:08} Rs: {1,X4:08} Erdat: {2,X8:16}

Explanation: To permit SERDRT operation SERASTSK will manage the presence of module SERASINI in the LPA. This message documents the results of a CSVDYLPA invocation.

Solution: Non-zero Rc and Rs values represent a problem that should be reported to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2115T SERASTSK: Failure in trying to add SERASINI to the LPA

Explanation: An attempt at adding module SERASINI to the LPA failed.

Solution: Use of SERDRT will be restricted to asynchronous callers. Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care

SER2116T SERASTSK: Maximum Recall Address Spaces active

Explanation: The number of instances of SERDRT, set by the ASIDS4RECALL SERSYSIN control statement, has been reached.

Solution: New instances of SERDRT will await termination of existing instances.

SER2117T SERASTSK: No longer at Maximum Recall Address Spaces

Explanation: The number of instances of SERDRT, set by the ASIDS4RECALL SERSYSIN control statement, has dropped below its maximum.

Solution: This message is for information only.


SerNet Local Call Receive - SERLFLSH implements the local call version of the "flush" function for the client side. The function of SERLFLSH is similar to the cross-memory equivalent, SERXFLSH.

SER2150E Local session disconnected from SerNet

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2151I Local session disconnected from SerNet

Explanation: Information, part of shutdown processing.

SER2152E Local receive failed: Server task completion code {CODE}

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2153E Local flush operation timeout.

Explanation: Timeout error in SERLFLSH processing.

Solution: If this persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


DB2 Call Attach Facility monitoring.

SER2200I Attempting DB2 CAF Connect, ID={ssid}

Explanation: Information, attempting to connect to DB2 with subsystem ID of SSID.

SER2201W DB2 CAF down; attempting reconnect

Explanation: Warning, the DB2 subsystem is not available. Sernet will periodically attempt to reconnect to DB2.

SER2202W DB2 CAF down; attempting reconnect

Explanation: Warning, the DB2 subsystem is not available. Sernet will periodically attempt to reconnect to DB2.

SER2203I DB2 CAF connect OK, ID={ssid}

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task has successfully connected to DB2 with sub-system ID of SSID.

SER2204I DB2 CAF connect OK, ID={ssid}, DB2 VRM={db2-version}

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task has successfully connected to DB2 with sub-system ID of ssid and db2-version.

SER2205I Detected DB2 "Stop Quiesce"

Explanation: Information, the DB2 subsystem is terminating.

SER2206I DB2 CAF disconnect

Explanation: Information, the Sernet started task has disconnected from the DB2 Call Attach Facility.

SER2207E Unable to load DSNALI: DB2 Call Attach Interface

Explanation: Error.

Solution: Assure the DB2 SDSNLOAD dataset is available to the Sernet started task (STEPLIB/JOBLIB concatenation or LNKLST).

SER2208W DB2 CAF shutting Down: FORCE/ABTERM, ID={ssid}

Explanation: Warning, the DB2 Call Attach Facility is abruptly terminating.

SER2209E DB2 CAF, ID={ssid} RC={code} Reason={db2-code}; CAF Problem

Explanation: Error, the Sernet started task is unable to connect to DB2(ssid).

Solution: Look up the db2-code in the DB2 for z/OS Codes manual. This is probably a release mix-up, verify the SDSNLOAD dataset available to the Sernet started task is the same as the SDSNLOAD dataset for DB2(ssid).

SER2210E DB2 CAF, ID={ssid} RC={code} Reason={db2-code}; Subsystem problem

Explanation: Error, the Sernet started task is unable to connect to DB2(ssid).

Solution: Look up the db2-code in the DB2 for z/OS Codes manual.

SER2211E DB2 CAF, ID={ssid} RC={code} Reason={db2-code}; Subsystem problem: SUBSYS

Explanation: Error, the Sernet started task is unable to connect to DB2(ssid).

Solution: Look up the db2-code in the DB2 for z/OS Codes manual.

SER2212E DB2 CAF, ID={ssid} RC={code} Reason={db2-code}; Subsystem problem: PLAN

Explanation: Error, the Sernet started task is unable to connect to DB2(ssid).

Solution: Look up the db2-code in the DB2 for z/OS Codes manual.

SER2250T SERDB2CA: DB2 F1={major-function} F2={minor-function}

Explanation: Trace information


IMS monitoring.

SER2300E Failed to attach DFSRRC00: RC={code}

Explanation: The Sernet started task was unable to attach the IMS region controller.

Solution: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2301I Unable to load DFSRRC00, subtask terminated: RC=8

Explanation: Assure the IMS RESLIB is available to the Sernet started task (JOBLIB/STEPLIB or LNKLST).

SER2302I IMS disconnect

Explanation: Information, part of shutdown processing.

SER2303E PCB window {pcbname} not found in PSB {psbname}

Explanation: Internal error, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2304E Get Next error code={dl/i-status-code}, RC=8

Explanation: Internal error. Look up the DL/I-STATUS-CODE in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 4: IMS Component Codes (GC18-9715-01), Chapter 8 DL/I codes. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care

SER2305E ESTAE exit abend code: {code}

Explanation: The IMS region controller (DFSRRC00) has taken the ESTAE exit with abend code code.

Solution: Look up the code in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 3: IMS Abend Codes GC19-4242, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2310E Control region {imsid} abend {code}

Explanation: The IMS subsystem (imsid) has issued an abend (code).

Solution: Look up the code in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 3: IMS Abend Codes GC19-4242, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2311E Control region {imsid} abend {code}: Control region down

Explanation: The IMS subsystem (imsid) is terminating, and has sent a termination message (U0002) to each IMS dependent region.

Solution: This may be a normal part of shutdown processing.

SER2312E Control region {imsid} abend {code}: PSB not found

Explanation: A U0428 has been received from IMS, indicating the requested PSB cannot be found.

Solution: Look up the code in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 3: IMS Abend Codes GC19-4242. Determine if this is the correct PSBNAME, if the PSBNAME is correct maybe the IMSID specified at startup is invalid. Has this ever worked? If it has worked in the past, try to determine what has changed since the last time it worked.

SER2313E Control region {imsid} abend {code}: Application group name or resources not valid

Explanation: IMS security violation (U0437) the requested IMS resources (LTERM, PSB,TRANSACTION CODE etc.) are not available to this dependent region (the Sernet started task). Look up the code in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 3: IMS Abend Codes GC19-4242. If this is a new application assure that local security definitions have been applied.

SER2314E Control region {imsid} abend {code}: PSB stopped or locked, restart (/START) advised

Explanation: The requested PSB is stopped or locked.

Solution: IMS error (U0456), determine why the PSB is locked or stopped. Issue a START command if necessary. Look up the code in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 3: IMS Abend Codes GC19-4242.

SER2315E Control region {imsid} abend {code}: PSB already scheduled in another region

Explanation: IMS error (U0457), the requested PSB is currently scheduled, no parallel scheduling has been specified in the IMSGEN for this PSB.

Solution: Determine why a duplicate job for the PSB was submitted. If parallel scheduling is desired re-examine the SCHDTYP operand on the APPLCTN macro in the IMSGEN for this PSB. Look up the CODE in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 3: IMS Abend Codes GC19-4242.

SER2316E Control region {imsid} abend {code}: At least one data base in PSB stopped or locked

Explanation: IMS error (U0458), at least one of the data bases for this program (PSB) has been stopped.

Solution: Determine why the data base is stopped. Look up the CODE in IMS Messages and Codes Reference, Volume 3: IMS Abend Codes GC19-4242.

SER2317E Control region {IMSID} abend {CODE}: Control program not active

Explanation: IMS operational error (U0688), the IMSID control region is not active.

Solution: Determine why the IMSID control region is inactive (Is the IMSID specified at Sernet startup valid?).


XML MDUL Unicode converter SERVMDUU is called by SERUSER to convert XML MDULs before they are compressed for transmission and just after they are decompressed after reception.

SER2400E Invalid SERVMDUU parameter specified: Reason={reason}

Explanation: Internal Error. See the Notes in the following section on SERCHCV.

SER2401E Invalid record length prefix.


The SERNET Characters Converter converts a block of text from one CCSID to another.

z/OS Administration Issues

This module uses z/OS Unicode Services. Refer to the z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx.

Prior to z/OS 1.7 and APARs for some earlier releases conversion may fail because the installation has not installed the required conversion definitions. The following instructions apply to such pre-z/OS 1.7 installations:

Use "D UNI,FROMID=nnnnn" and "D UNI,TOID=nnnnn" operator commands to see which conversions have been installed. The output tells you pairs of CCSIDs and the conversion technique search order for each pair. "00037-01208-ER" for example.

SERCHCV uses CCSID 00037 (U.S. EBCDIC) when it generates error response text. Therefore for UNICODE users the installation must install conversion "00037-01208-ER" (UTF-8) or "00037-01200-ER" (UTF-16).

The server's CCSID is specified by its LCLCCSID=nnnnn start parameter. The default is LCLCCSID=00037. If the server's CCSID number is "nnnnn" then, prior to dynamic conversions in z/OS 1.7, when the installation runs the CUNMIUTL utility to generate the system's conversion image they must code conversion definitions like this:

For UTF-8:

  • CONVERSION 01208,nnnnn,ER;
  • CONVERSION nnnnn,01208,ER;
  • CONVERSION 00037,01208,ER;

For UTF-16:

  • CONVERSION 01200,nnnnn,ER;
  • CONVERSION nnnnn,01200,ER;
  • CONVERSION 00037,01200,ER;


UNICODE text may begin with a Byte-Order-Mark (BOM) that indicates the encoding, as shown in the following table:

CCSID Description
01208 The highest available version of UTF-8
01200 The highest available version of UCS-2
13488 UCS-2 Unicode 2.0 and ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Subset of 01200)

The number of bytes for each UCS-2 character in UTF-8 format can be determined from the following table:

UCS-2 (hex) UTF-8 (binary) Description
0000 to 007F 0xxxxxxx ASCII
0080 to 07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx up to U+07FF
0800 to FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx other UCS-2


The range D800 to DFFF is to be excluded from treatment by the third row of this table which governs the UCS-4 range 0000 0800 to 0000 FFFF. In each of the above, a series of x's is the UCS bit representation of the character. For example, UCS-2 U0080 transforms into UTF-8 11000010 10000000. See for UNICODE 8.0 character code charts, i.e. the character sets (glyphs).

SER2500I CCSID {source-ccsid} to {target-ccsid} RC={code1} Rsn={code2}, {bytes-in-done} of {bytes-in-todo} in, {bytes-out-done}

Explanation: Summary statistics for CCSID character conversion.

SER2501E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: CUNLCNV RC={return code} Rsn={reason code}

Explanation: The unicode conversion failed.

Solution: Look up the return code and reason code in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly.

SER2502E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Invalid character in source text

Explanation: During conversion a character was encountered which is not defined in CCSID2.

Solution: Look up CUN_RS_SUB_ACT_TERM in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly. If further assistance is needed contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2503E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Truncated MBCS character in source

Explanation: An incomplete multi byte character was found.

Solution: Look up CUN_RS_MBC_INCOMPLETE in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly. If further assistance is needed contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2504E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Unconvertible character in source

Explanation: An invalid character was found in the source buffer.

Solution: Look up CUN_RS_MAL_CHAR_ACT_TERM in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly. If further assistance is needed contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2505E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Undefined CCSID conversion

Explanation: The specified conversion is not supported in the current conversion image.

Solution: Use the DISPLAY UNI command as shown at the beginning of this section to determine the current conversions. Refer to z/OS MVS System Commands - SA38-0666-xx for the DISPLAY UNI command format. Look up CUN_RS_CCSID_NOT_SUPP in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly. If further assistance is needed contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2506E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Conversion service rejected its DDA storage

Explanation: The DDA buffer is too small.

Solution: Sernet will attempt to retry the conversion with a bigger DDA buffer. Look up CUN_RS_DDA_BUF_SMALL in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly. If further assistance is needed contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2507E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Bad stage 2 UCS-2 character at offset {OFFSET}

Explanation: An invalid character was encountered at OFFSET.

Solution: Look up CUN_RS_STAGE2_FAIL in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly. If further assistance is needed contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2508E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Work buffer is too small

Explanation: The work buffer is too small.

Solution: Look up CUN_RS_WRK_EXH in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and contact Micro Focus Customer Care

SER2509E CCSID {ccsid1} to {ccsid2} conversion failed: Output buffer full

Explanation: Output buffer too small, Sernet will try again with a bigger buffer.

Solution: Look up CUN_RS_TRG_EXH in z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference - SA38-0680-xx and proceed accordingly. If further assistance is needed contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER2510E Hex input data at offset {offset} : {data}

Explanation: Input buffer for debugging purposes.

SER2511E Byte {byte} x at offset {offset} is undefined in CCSID {ccsid}

Explanation: The content of the undefined BYTE at OFFSET for CCSID is displayed for debugging purposes.

SER2600E Abend while parsing IGGCSI00 output, see LOGREC for details

Explanation: An abend occurred while a catalog search was being done using IGGCSI00.

Solution: Investigate why the catalog contains invalid data.

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