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ZDDOPTS: ChangeMan ZDD XML Options

This chapter tells you how to customize the behavior of the ChangeMan ZDD client when accessing a ChangeMan ZMF server.

It also describes the ChangeMan ZDD settings that can be specified for the mainframe server started tasks.

These settings apply to ChangeMan ZMF functions accessed through ZDD.

See Customizing the ChangeMan ZDD Client.

These settings are specified in XML format and stored as members of a PDS library. This library must be allocated to the ChangeMan ZMF server started task using ddname ZDDOPTS:


The ZDDOPTS library is allocated to the started task to which the settings apply.


Skip this chapter if any of these apply:

  • You do not license ChangeMan ZMF

  • You will not use ChangeMan ZDD to access ZMF

  • Your version of ZMF is not 5.3.6 or higher

The first time you initiate a ZDD function that uses these options, the following actions are performed:

  1. XML pages are read from the appropriate ZDDOPTS member on the mainframe.

  2. XML is parsed to get the option values.

  3. Option values are stored in the Windows registry on your PC.

Option information is deleted from the registry when you log off from Windows or restart Windows.


If you update a ZDDOPTS member, you must do a refresh options from the ZDD client for the new settings to take effect:

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click either a ChangeMan ZDD server node or a ChangeMan ZMF instance.

  2. On the ZDD Network shortcut menu, click Refresh Options. It is not necessary to restart the started task.

If you want to use the same options for all servers, allocate the same ZDDOPTS library to all servers. If you want unique behavior for a server, code a different library name at ddname ZDDOPTS.


The following members can be included in the ZDDOPTS library.

Member Name Purpose
AUDIT User-defined options for audit package
BUILD Default settings for build, recompile, and relink dialogs
CHECKIN User-defined options for check in
CHECKOUT User-defined options for check out
COMMAND Enables or disables menu commands
DEMOTE User-defined options for demote package
FREEZE User-defined options for freeze package
LIBTYPE Shows or hides ChangeMan library types
PKGCREAT User-defined options for package creation
PKGPROP Allow or disallow package property fields to be changed
PROMOTE User-defined options for promote package


XML Syntax

Members in the ZDDOPTS library contain well-formed XML pages, but this XML does not follow all of the same syntax rules that apply to XML Services.

The top level XML element for each ZDDOPTS XML page is the \<options> element:

\<options name=”XXXXXXXX” strict=...\>



...where XXXXXXXX is the name of the ZDDOPTS member.

Element names (example: <options>) and attribute names (example: name=) in ZDDOPTS members are case sensitive and should always be specified using lower case. Attribute values in double quotes are not case sensitive and can be specified in upper, lower, or mixed case.

The optional strict=”Y” or strict=”N” attribute above specifies whether unrecognized keywords or element names are ignored. The default is strict=”N”, which ignores unrecognized keywords. This default facilitates migrating to new versions of ChangeMan ZDD that support new keywords or element names. By ignoring unrecognized keywords, older ZDD clients can still be used without displaying an error message when a ZDDOPTS member is read.

There may be times, however, when you want to specify strict=”Y”. With strict=”N”, misspelled keywords or element names will simply be ignored. If you have a ZDDOPTS member that doesn’t appear to be working correctly, specify strict=”Y” so that any misspelled names will be reported as errors.

The strict attribute can be specified in the <options> element of any ZDDOPTS member.

Multiple Attribute Values

Some attributes allow multiple values to be specified. When specifying multiple values, separate the values with spaces, for example:

\<profile application="TST\* DEMO X*">

Most attributes on \<profile> elements accept multiple values.


All ChangeMan ZDD users must be at version 3.2 or higher before specifying multiple attribute values in any ZDDOPTS member. Earlier versions of ZDD do not support multiple values and this will be considered a syntax error.

Wildcard Patterns

Some attribute values allow wildcard patterns to be specified. You can use the following wildcard characters in the pattern string:

Character Function
* Matches zero or more characters
? Matches a single character

For example:

  • The pattern “A*” would match any string that starts with the letter A.
  • The pattern “*Z” would match any string that ends in the letter Z.
  • The pattern “A*Z” would match any string that starts with A and ends with Z.
  • The pattern “A??D” would match a string that starts with A, followed by exactly two characters, and followed by D.
  • The pattern “*” matches any string.

    The following table gives examples of how wildcard patterns work.

Pattern Description Match No Match
A* Match any string that starts with the letter A. A B
*Z Match any string that ends in the letter Z. Z ZA
A*DE Match a string that starts with A and ends with the letters DE. ABCDE ABCDEF
A??DE Match a string that starts with A, followed by exactly two characters, followed by DE. ABCDE ABCDEF
* Match any string. Z

Translating Comments in ZDDOPTS Members


This section describes modifications you may need to make if you are using certain code pages on your mainframe.

ZDDOPTS members use the following XML syntax for comments:

<!-- xxx -->
If you use certain code pages on your mainframe, and if you follow the standard procedure in Unload Mainframe Components to populate the SERCOMC SAMPXML library on the mainframe, the ! in XML comments may be changed to a different character. This change renders the XML invalid.

This table shows how ! is translated for each code page:

Code Page Language Translation
00424 Hebrew !
00875 Greek ]
01140 English-US, Portuguese !
01141 German Ü
01142 Danish, Norwegian _
01143 Finish, Swedish _
01144 Italian é
01145 Spanish ]
01146 English-UK !
01147 French §
01148 Malay ]
01149 Icelandic Æ
01153 Polish, Hungarian ]
01154 Russian ]
01155 Turkish Ð
01156 Latvian, Lithuanian !
01157 Estonian _
01158 Ukrainian ]
01164 Vietnamese ]

When ! is changed to a different character, users see the following error message (or something similar) the first time they execute a ZMF function that uses a ZDDOPTS member with a comment:

ChangeMan [ChangeMan ZMF instance] on server [ChangeMan ZDD server]
  has invalid XML data specified for ZDDOPTS in [library(member)].
Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value.

There are two solutions to this problem:

  • On the mainframe, manually edit the members that you copy from the SERCOMC SAMPXML library to the ZDDOPTS library to fix the ! in comments. The hexadecimal code for ! is 5A.
  • Manually upload the sample ZDDOPTS files as text files to the mainframe from the workstation where you installed the ChangeMan ZDD client. The translation of ASCII text to hexadecimal will preserve the ! in comments. The default location for ZDDOPTS members on your workstation is:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts

Profile Names

Many of the ZDDOPTS members have \<profile> elements with an optional profile name (name=”” attribute).

The profile names are not case sensitive. Below is an example:

<profile name=“Einstein”>

The “name” attribute can be used by an HLLX exit to select a specific profile. There can be multiple profiles with the same name, in which case the first matching profile will be selected. A given profile can also have multiple names. If it has multiple names, it will match any of the names. The profile name is not case sensitive.

Named profiles can only be selected using an HLLX exit. If you are not using HLLX exits, do not specify a profile name.

For example, say we have the following profiles:

<profile name=“Tarzan Jane” application=“DEMO TEST”>
<profile name=“Tarzan Jane” application=“*”>
<profile name=“KingKong Godzilla” application =“DEMO”>
<profile name=“KingKong Godzilla” application =“TEST”>
<profile name=“KingKong Godzilla” application =“*”>

If an HLLX exit sets the “optsProfile” to “Godzilla”, then the third profile will be selected if the application is “DEMO”, the fourth profile would be selected if the DEMO is “TEST”, and the last profile would be selected if the application is anything else.

If the profile contains no “name” attribute, then it will match any name. Client Pack always selects the first matching profile. Therefore, unnamed profiles should always be placed after the named profiles.

The profile name can be set from one of the user options HLLX preprocessing exit points or from any exit prior to user options being displayed.


The AUDIT, DEMOTE, FREEZE, and PROMOTE members of the ZDDOPTS library specify user-defined options for the Audit, Demote, Freeze, and Promote Package wizards. Each of these members contains one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of options for the corresponding wizard.

Profiles are specified by profile name an application. You may specify one or more applications associated with each profile. Applications may be specified using wildcard patterns. The first matching profile is the one used. For information on using HLLX exits to select profiles by name, see Profile Names.

The structure of an AUDIT, DEMOTE, FREEZE, or PROMOTE member is as follows:

<options name= ...> (AUDIT, DEMOTE, FREEZE, or PROMOTE)

<profile ...>
<field name= .>
<field name= .>


<profile ...>
<field name= .>
<field name= .>



This table shows the elements for the AUDIT, DEMOTE, FREEZE, and PROMOTE members.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element name
profile Complete set of user variables for the audit, demote, or promote package wizards. application
field Properties for a particular field. name

Attributes for <options> Element

These are the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name “AUDIT” No 8 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"

Attributes for <profile> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <profile> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Profile name Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 8 “*”
application Application mnemonic Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 4 “*”

The “name” attribute can be used by an HLLX exit to select a specific profile. For more information on profile names, see Profile Names.

Attributes for <field> Element

This table shows attributes for the <field> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description / Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Field name. No 1 - 16 Value required
Values are described in Name Values for <field>. length Maximum number of characters. Valid values: 1 -72 No
default Default value for field. No Field is left blank
readonly Determines whether the field can be changed by users. No 1 "N"
“Y” Field cannot be changed.
“N” Field can be changed.
label Defines the field label. Can be any text, any case. The number of characters that are actually displayed depends on the size of the display field. No 0 – 256 Value required
help Help text. Displayed in a tool tip when the mouse hovers over the field. No 0 - 4096
required Determines whether a field is required or can be left blank. No 1 "N"
“Y” This field is required and cannot be left blank.
“N” This field can be left blank.
uppercase Determines whether the case of the field will remain as entered or will be changed to upper case.
“Y” Field will be changed to upper case. No 1 "N"
“N” Field will remain as entered.
validation Validation performed on data entered in the field. No 0-8 "None"
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. Ignored if list is also specified.
“YN”: Y or N
“ALPHA”: A-Z or national (#, $, @)
“ALPHANUM”: A-Z, national (#, $, @), 0-9
“NUMERIC”: 0-9
“SYMBOL”: Same as ALPHANUM, except first character must be alphabetic or national.
“DSNAME:Valid data set name
“NONE”: No validation performed
list List of possible values for field, separated by semicolons (“;”). User can select one of the values from a dropdown list. The validation attribute is ignored if list is specified. Yes.

Name Values for <field> Element

This table describes values for the name attribute of the <field> element.

Name Value Description User Defined Values Length
UserVariable01 - UserVariable05 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-8
UserVariable06 - UserVariable10 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-72



Sample AUDIT, DEMOTE, FREEZE,and PROMOTE members are delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample members, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the files:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\member.xml

where member is AUDIT, DEMOTE, FREEZE, or PROMOTE.

BUILD Options

The BUILD member of the ZDDOPTS library specifies default settings for the Build, Recompile, and Relink dialog boxes. The BUILD member includes one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of rules for the Build dialog.

Profiles are specified by profile name, build function, application, language, build procedure, and library type. Any or all of these can be specified using wildcard patterns. The first matching profile is the one used. For information on using HLLX exits to select profiles by name, see Profile Names.

The structure of a BUILD member is as follows:

<options name=”BUILD”>

<multiple init= .>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>




This table shows the elements for the BUILD member.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element. name
multiple Specifies how the Build dialog box fields are to be initialized when multiple components are being built at the same time. init
profile Complete set of fields for Build dialog box. application
field Properties for a particular field in the dialog box. name

Attributes for <options> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name “BUILD” No 5 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"

Attributes for <multiple> Element

Attributes for the <multiple> element are shown below.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
init Field initialization for multiple components “None” No 0-5 "All"

The <multiple> element specifies how the Build dialog box fields are to be initialized when multiple components are being built at the same time. The following table describes the values that can be specified for the init attribute:

Values Description
None None of the dialog box fields will be filled in.
First Dialog box fields will be filled in with values from the first component for which history or a designated build procedure can be found.
All History for all of the components will be examined. Those fields that contain the same value for all components will be filled in. Fields for which values differ from component to component will be left blank.

Attributes for <profile> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <profile> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Profile name Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 8 “*”
function Build function “Build” “Recomp” “Relink” “Query” Yes 0 - 6
application Application mnemonic Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 4 “*”
libtype Library type Wildcard pattern Yes 0 – 3 “*”
language Language Wildcard pattern Yes 0 – 8 “*”
procname Build procedure Wildcard pattern Yes 0 – 8 “*”

The “name” attribute can be used by an HLLX exit to select a specific profile. For more information on profile names, see Profile Names.

The “function” attribute can be used to select different profiles based upon the type of build operation (Build, Recompile, Relink). You can specify more than one function for a profile, if it is to be used for more than one type of build operation. If no function attribute is specified, then the profile can be selected for any type of build operation.

Multiple values should be separated by spaces.

Attributes for <field> Element

Attributes for the <field> element are shown in the following table. Attributes can be coded in any order.


Some of the attributes apply only to user-defined fields that display on the User Options page of the Build wizard. They are: "label", "length", "required", "uppercase", and "validation".

Attribute Description / Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Field name. No 1-16 Value required
Values are described in Name Values for <field> Element.
default Defines what value is automatically inserted in the Build dialog field when the field is initially blank. No Depends on the field Field is left blank
readonly Determines whether the field on the Build dialog can be changed by users. No 1 "N"
“Y” Field cannot be changed.
“N” Field can be changed.
label Defines the field label on the Build dialog. Can be any text, any case. The number of characters that are actually displayed depends on the width of the displayed characters.
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. No 0 – 256 Value required
help Help text. Displayed in a tool tip when the mouse hovers over the field. No 0 - 4096
length The maximum number of characters allowed for entry in a UserOption field. Cannot exceed the field size defined for that particular UserOption. See Name Values for \<field> Element for specific lengths.
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. No 2 Max. length defined for a User Option field.
required Determines whether a field is required, whether a field can be left blank. No 1 "N"
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only.
“Y” This field is required and cannot be left blank.
“N” This field can be left blank. Delivered ZMF skeletons process blank User Options as if they were set to “N”.
uppercase Determines whether text will be folded to upper case. No 1 "N"
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only.
“Y” Text will be folded to uppercase.
“N” Text will remain as entered (no conversion to uppercase). No 1 “N”
validation Validation performed on data entered in this field.
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. Ignored if list is also specified. No 0-8 "NONE"
“YN”: Y or N
“ALPHA”: A-Z or national (#, $, @)
“ALPHANUM”: A-Z, national (#, $, @), 0- 9
“DSNAME: Valid data set name
“NUMERIC”: 0-9
“SYMBOL”: Same as ALPHANUM, except first character must be alphabetic or national.
“NONE”: No validation performed
list List of possible values for field, separated by semicolons (“;”). User can select one of the values from a dropdown list. The validation attribute is ignored if list is specified. Yes. Use “;”.

Name Values for <field> Element

This table describes the values that may be specified for the name attribute of the <field> element.

Name Value Description User Defined Values Length
Language Language name No Alphanumeric 0-8
BuildProc Build procedure name No Alphanumeric 0-8
Db2PreCompile DB2 precompile option No "Y" or "N" 1
Db2Subsystem DB2 subsystem name No Alphanumeric 0-4
CompileOptions Compile parameters No Any text 0-34
LinkOptions Link parameters No Any text 0-34
UserOption01 – UserOption20 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-1
UserOption101 – UserOption105 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-1
UserOption201 – UserOption203 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-2
UserOption301 – UserOption303 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-3
UserOption401 – UserOption403 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-4
UserOption801 – UserOption805 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-8
UserOption1001 – UserOption1002 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-10
UserOption1601 – UserOption1602 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-16
UserOption3401 – UserOption3402 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-34
UserOption4401 – UserOption4402 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-44
UserOption6401 – UserOption6405 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-64
UserOption7201 – UserOption7205 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-72
UserVariable01 - UserVariable05 User variable Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-8
UserVariable06 - UserVariable10 User variable Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-72


A sample BUILD member is delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample BUILD member, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the file:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\Build.xml


The CHECKIN member of the ZDDOPTS library specifies default settings for the Check-In wizard. The CHECKIN member includes one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of defaults for the Check-In wizard.

Profiles are specified by profile name, application, and library type. Any or all of these can be specified using wildcard patterns. The first matching profile will be the one used. For information on using HLLX exits to select profiles by name, see Profile Names.

The structure of a CHECKIN member is as follows:

<options name=”CHECKIN”>

<profile …>
<field name= …/>
<field name= …/>

<profile …>
<field name= …/>
<field name= …/>




The following table shows the elements for the CHECKIN member.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element. name
profile Complete set of command definitions. user
field Properties for a particular field in the dialog box name

Attributes for <options> Element

The following table shows the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name "COMMAND" No 7 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"


Attributes for <profile> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <profile> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Profile name Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 8 “*”
application Application mnemonic Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 4 “*”
libtype Library type Wildcard pattern Yes 0 – 3 “*”

The “name” attribute can be used by an HLLX exit to select a specific profile. For more information on profile names, see Profile Names.

Attributes for <field> Element

Attributes for the <field> element are shown in the following table. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description / Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Field name. Values are described in Name Values for <field>. No 1 - 16 Value required
default Defines what value is automatically inserted in the Build dialog field when the field is initially blank. No Depends on the field Field is left blank
readonly Determines whether the field on the Build dialog can be changed by users. No 1 "N"
“Y” Field cannot be changed.
“N” Field can be changed.
label Defines the field label on the Build dialog. Can be any text, any case. The number of characters that are actually displayed depends on the width of the displayed characters.
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. No 0 – 256 Value required
help Help text. Displayed in a tool tip when the mouse hovers over the field. No 0 - 4096
length The maximum number of characters allowed for entry in a UserOption field. Cannot exceed the field size defined for that particular UserOption. See Name Values for <field> Element for specific lengths.
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. No 2 Max. length defined for a User Option field.
required Determines whether a field is required, whether a field can be left blank. No 1 "N"
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only.
“Y” This field is required and cannot be left blank.
“N” This field can be left blank. Delivered ZMF skeletons process blank User Options as if they were set to “N”.
uppercase Determines whether text will be folded to upper case. No 1 "N"
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only.
“Y” Text will be folded to uppercase.
“N” Text will remain as entered (no conversion to uppercase).
validation Validation performed on data entered in this field. No 0-8 "NONE"
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. Ignored if list is also specified.
“YN”: Y or N
“ALPHA”:A-Z or national (#, $, @)
“ALPHANUM”: A-Z, national (#, $, @), 0- 9
“DSNAME: Valid data set name
“NUMERIC”: 0-9
“SYMBOL”: Same as ALPHANUM, except first character must be alphabetic or national.
“NONE”: No validation performed
list List of possible values for field, separated by semicolons (“;”). User can select one of the values from a dropdown list. The validation attribute is ignored if list is specified. Yes.
Use “;”.

Name Values for <field> Element

This table describes the values that may be specified for the name attribute of the <field> element.

Name Value Description User Defined Values Length
UserOption01 – UserOption20 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-1
UserOption101 – UserOption105 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-1
UserOption201 – UserOption203 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-2
UserOption301 – UserOption303 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-3
UserOption401 – UserOption403 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-4
UserOption801 – UserOption805 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-8
UserOption1001 – UserOption1002 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-10
UserOption1601 – UserOption1602 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-16
UserOption3401 – UserOption3402 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-34
UserOption4401 – UserOption4402 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-44
UserOption6401 – UserOption6405 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-64
UserOption7201 – UserOption7205 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-72
UserVariable01 - UserVariable05 User variable Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-8
UserVariable06 - UserVariable10 User variable Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-72


A sample CHECKIN member is delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample CHECKIN member, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the file:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\CHECKIN.xml


The CHECKOUT member of the ZDDOPTS library specify user-defined options for the Check Out wizard. Each of these members contains one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of options for the corresponding wizard.

Profiles are specified by profile name an application. You may specify one or more applications associated with each profile. Applications may be specified using wildcard patterns. The first matching profile is the one used. For information on using HLLX exits to select profiles by name, see Profile Names.

The CHECKOUT user-defined options are used for batch check out operations only. The Check Out wizard does not display any user options page when performing online check out operations. Batch check out is normally used only for like type “other” and for previous baseline versions.

The structure of a CHECKOUT member is as follows:

<options name="CHECKOUT">

<components .>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>



This table shows the elements for the AUDIT, CHECKOUT, DEMOTE, FREEZE, and PROMOTE members.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element name
profile Complete set of user variables for the audit, demote, or promote package wizards. application
field Properties for a particular field. name


Attributes for <options> Element

These are the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name "CHECKOUT" No 8 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"

Attributes for <components> Element

These are the attributes for the <components> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
warn Number of components before warning displayed Number No 0-8 No limit
max Maximum number of components that user can check out Number No 0-8 No limit

Attributes for <profile> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <profile> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Profile name Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 8 “*”
application Application mnemonic Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 4 “*”

The “name” attribute can be used by an HLLX exit to select a specific profile. For more information on profile names, see Profile Names.

Attributes for <field> Element

This table shows attributes for the <field> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description / Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Field name. Values are described in Name Values for <field>. No 1 - 16 Value required
length Maximum number of characters. Valid values: 1 - 72 No 2 Field length
default Default value for field. No Field is left blank
readonly Determines whether the field can be changed by users. No 1 "N"
“Y” Field cannot be changed.
“N” Field can be changed.
label Defines the field label. Can be any text, any case. The number of characters that are actually displayed depends on the size of the display field. No 0 – 256 Value required
help Help text. Displayed in a tool tip when the mouse hovers over the field. No 0-4096
required Determines whether a field is required or can be left blank. No 1 "N"
“Y” This field is required and cannot be left blank.
“N” This field can be left blank.
uppercase Determines whether the case of the field will remain as entered or will be changed to upper case. No 1 "N"
“Y” Field will be changed to upper case.
“N” Field will remain as entered.
validation Validation performed on data entered in the field. No 0-8 "NONE"
NOTE This is an attribute for the UserOption fields only. Ignored if list is also specified.
“YN”:Y or N
“ALPHA”: A-Z or national (#, $, @)
“ALPHANUM”: A-Z, national (#, $, @), 0-9
“NUMERIC”: 0-9
“SYMBOL”: Same as ALPHANUM, except first character must be alphabetic or national.
“DSNAME: Valid data set name “NONE” No validation performed
list List of possible values for field, separated by semicolons (“;”). User can select one of the values from a dropdown list. The validation attribute is ignored if list is specified. Yes.

Name Values for <field> Element

This table describes values for the name attribute of the <field> element.

Name Value Description User Defined Values Length
UserVariable01 - UserVariable05 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-8
UserVariable06 - UserVariable10 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-72


Sample AUDIT, CHECKOUT, DEMOTE, FREEZE,and PROMOTE members are delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample members, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the files:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\CHECKOUT.xml


The COMMAND member of the ZDDOPTS library allows certain menu commands to be disabled in the ChangeMan ZDD user interface. The COMMAND member includes one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of command settings.

Profiles can be specified by either user ID or security group name. Using group name requires that the server be at the SerNet 7.1.3+ level.

If both user= and group= filters are specified in the profile, the profile will be selected if either filter matches. Both the user ID and group name filters may contain wildcard patterns. The first matching profile will be the one used.

The structure of a COMMAND member is as follows:

<options name=”COMMAND”>

<profile ...>
  <command name= .>
  <command name= .>

<profile ...>
  <command name= .>
  <command name= .>



The following table shows the elements for the COMMAND member.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element. name
profile Complete set of command definitions. user
command Enable or disable menu commands. name


Attributes for <options> Element

The following table shows the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name "COMMAND" No 7 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"

Attributes for <profile> Element

The following table shows the attributes for the <profile> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
user z/OS user ID(s) Wildcard pattern Yes 0 – 7 “*”
group z/OS security group(s) (requires SerNet 7.1.3+) Wildcard pattern Yes 0 – 7 None

Attributes for <command> Element

The following table shows the attributes for the <command> element. Commands are always enabled by default.

The command name may contain wild characters. If a command name matches multiple \<command> elements with wild character patterns, the first matching \<command> element is used for that command.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Command name "*" No 1-16 Value required
enable Indicates whether command is enabled or disabled. “Y” or “N” No 1 “Y”

The following types of commands are not supported in the COMMAND member by the ChangeMan ZDD client, and will be ignored, if specified:

  • Download and Upload commands
  • New, Copy, and Move commands
  • Recall, Migrate, and Compress commands
  • View, Edit, Compare, and Merge

Due to the nature of ChangeMan ZDD as a Windows file system, most of the operations above can be performed in Windows functions without explicit use of the ZDD menus. As such, disabling these options using the ZDDOPTS COMMAND member would be ineffective. The Windows functions cannot be disabled as this would cause technical problems.


A sample COMMAND member is delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample COMMAND member, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the file:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\Command.xml


You can suppress the display of application library types in ChangeMan ZDD with XML entries in the LIBTYPE member of the ZDDOPTS library. Use the LIBTYPE member to emulate customization in ZMF exit program CMNEX035 you have made to suppress the display of “hidden” library types.


ZMF exit program CMNEX035 contains multiple tables to suppress the display of library types in particular functions such as checkout, stage, browse compressed listing, and browse baseline. The LIBTYPE member of ZDDOPTS suppresses all displays of specified library types in baseline and package folders in the specified applications, effectively disabling all ZMF functions for those library types in the specified applications.

The LIBTYPE member includes one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of library type settings for an application. Application can be specified using wildcard patterns. The first matching profile is the one used.

The structure of a LIBTYPE member is as follows:

<options name=”LIBTYPE”>

<profile ...>
  <libtype name= .>
  <libtype name= .>

<profile ...>
  <libtype name= .>
  <libtype name= .>



This table show the elements for the LIBTYPE member.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element. name
profile Complete set of library type definitions. Application
libtype Show or hide properties for a particular library type. Library type can be specified using a wildcard pattern. name

Attributes for <options> Element

These are the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name “LIBTYPE” No 7 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"

Attributes for <profile> Element

These are the attributes for the <profile> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
application Application name Wildcard pattern Yes 1 - 4 “*”

Attributes for <libtype> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <field> element. The default is to show all a library types.

Attribute Description / Values Multiple Values Length Default
name 3 character library type or wildcard pattern. No 1-3 None
listing Listing library type filters. One or more wildcard patterns, separated by spaces. Yes 1-3 "LST"
show Indicates whether library type is shown or hidden. No 1 "Y"
“Y” Show library type
“N” Hide library type


A sample LIBTYPE member is delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample LIBTYPE member, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the file:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\LibType.xml


The PKGCREAT member of the ZDDOPTS library specifies user-defined options for the New Package wizard. The PKGCREAT member includes one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of rules for the New Package wizard.

Profiles are specified by profile name and application. You may specify one or more applications associated with each profile. Applications may be specified using wildcard patterns. The first matching profile is the one used. For information on using HLLX exits to select profiles by name, see Profile Names.

The structure of a PKGCREAT member is as follows:

<options name=”PKGCREAT”>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>




This table shows the elements for the PKGCREAT member.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element. name
profile Complete set of user variables for the New Package wizard. application
field Properties for a particular field in the New Package dialog boxes.

Attributes for <options> Element

These are the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name “PKGCREAT” No 8 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"

Attributes for <profile> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <profile> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Profile name Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 8 “*”
application Application mnemonic Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 4 “*”

The “name” attribute can be used by an HLLX exit to select a specific profile. For more information on profile names, see Profile Names.

Attributes for <field> Element

This table shows attributes for the <field> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description / Values Multiple Values Length Default
name Field name. Values are described in Name Values for <field> Element. No 1 - 16 Value required
length Maximum number of characters. Valid values: 1 - 72 No 2 Field length
default Default value for field. No Field is left blank
readonly Determines whether the field can be changed by users. No 1 "N"
“Y” Field cannot be changed.
“N” Field can be changed.
label Defines the field label. Can be any text, any case. The number of characters that are actually displayed depends on the size of the display field. No 0 – 256 Value required
help Help text. Displayed in a tool tip when the mouse hovers over the field. No 0 - 4096
required Determines whether a field is required or can be left blank. No 1 "N"
“Y” This field is required and cannot be left blank.
“N” This field can be left blank.
uppercase Determines whether the case of the field will remain as entered or will be changed to upper case.
No 1 "N"
“Y” Field will be changed to upper case.
“N” Field will remain as entered.
validation Validation performed on data entered in the field. Ignored if list also specified. No 0-8 "NONE"
“YN”: Y or N
“ALPHA”: A-Z or national (#, $, @)
“ALPHANUM”: A-Z, national (#, $, @), 0-9
“DSNAME: Valid data set name
“NUMERIC”: 0-9
“SYMBOL”: Same as ALPHANUM, except first character must be alphabetic or national.
“NONE”: No validation performed
list List of possible values for field, separated by semicolons (“;”). User can select one of the values from a dropdown list. The validation attribute is ignored if list is specified.
Use ;”.


Name Values for <field> Element

This table describes values for the name attribute of the <field> element.

Name Value Description User Defined Values Length
UserVarLen101 - UserVarLen199 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-1
UserVarLen201 - UserVarLen211 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-2
UserVarLen301 - UserVarLen310 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-3
UserVarLen401 - UserVarLen410 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-4
UserVarLen801 - UserVarLen810 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-8
UserVarLen1601 - UserVarLen1605 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-16
UserVarLen4401 - UserVarLen4405 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-44
UserVarLen7201 - UserVarLen7205 User options Yes Any text, subject to validation 0-72



A sample PKGCREAT member is delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample PKGCREAT member, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the file:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\PkgCreat.xml


The PKGPROP member of the ZDDOPTS library is used to disallow users from changing selected fields of the package properties. The PKGPROP member includes one or more profiles. Each profile is a complete set of property field settings.

Profiles can be specified by either user ID or security group name. Using group name requires that the server be at the SerNet 7.1.3+ level.

If both user= and group= filters are specified in the profile, the profile will be selected if either filter matches. Both the user ID and group name filters may contain wildcard patterns. The first matching profile will be the one used.

The structure of a PKGPROP member is as follows:

<options name=”PKGPROP”>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>

<profile ...>
  <field name= .>
  <field name= .>



This table shows the elements for the PKGPROP member.

Element Description Attributes
options Top-level document element. name
profile Complete set of field definitions. user
field Allow or disallow field to be changed. name

Attributes for <options> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <options> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name ZDDOPTS member name “PKGPROP” No 7 Value required
strict Report error or ignore unrecognized keywords "Y" or "N" No 1 "N"


Attributes for <profile> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <profile> element.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
user Mainframe user ID Wildcard pattern Yes 0 - 7 “*”
group z/OS security group(s) (requires SerNet 7.1.3+) Wildcard pattern Yes 0 – 7 None


Attributes for <field> Element

This table shows the attributes for the <field> element. Attributes can be coded in any order.

Attribute Description Values Multiple Values Length Default
name (continued) Field name “PackageTitle” No 1-21 Value required
name (continued) Field name “ProblemAction” No 1-21 Value required
readonly Determines whether the field can be changed by users. “Y” Field cannot be changed. No 1 "N"
“N” Field can be changed.



A sample PKGPROP member is delivered in the Samples\ZddOpts subdirectory of the ChangeMan ZDD client installation directory.

You can view the sample PKGPROP member, formatted by your default XML browser, by double clicking on the file:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Samples\ZddOpts\PkgProp.xml

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