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Browsing and Editing Components

You can browse and edit ChangeMan ZMF components as you would any other file on your desktop, as long as you have the required z/OS server security and ChangeMan ZMF authority.

Using ChangeMan Edit

ChangeMan Edit is included with ChangeMan ZDD and supports path names that exceed 259 characters.

If ChangeMan Edit is your default editor, you can start it by right-clicking a file and choosing ZDD Network | Edit from the popup menu; otherwise, choose Programs | ChangeMan ZDD | ChangeMan Edit from the Windows Start menu. The ChangeMan Edit dialog box displays (if the file is not offline).

If the file you are attempting to edit has been migrated, the following message displays: An unknown error occurred while accessing \<file name>.

To recall the data set, right-click the file and choose ZDD Network | Recall Data Set from the popup menu.

Online help is available within ChangeMan Edit. You can also refer to the ChangeMan ZDD Tools Guide for more information.

ChangeMan Edit does not create temporary (intermediate) or backup files, so you are not required to change any settings to use it with ChangeMan ZDD.

Using Other Text Editors

You can browse and edit components using a text editor you have associated with a particular file extension.

The following example shows a COBOL program being edited with the SlickEdit® editor:

You can also specify a default editor on the Editor tab of ZDD Network Properties. Then, when you right-click a file and choose ZDD Network | Edit from the popup menu, the default editor is started.


It is sometimes necessary to change some settings for your text editor when using it with ChangeMan ZDD; these setting changes are required to prevent temporary (intermediate) and backup files from being created. For more information, see Using with Text Editors.

Editing Procedures

To edit a component in a package folder, you must first lock it. If it is not locked, you will still be able to edit it, but when you try to save it, you will have to Save As another file.

To work outside of a package folder, copy the component from the package folder to your personal folder. After editing it, copy it back to the package folder.

You can also copy new components to a package.

Use one of the following methods to copy components to a package:

  • Drag-and-drop with the left mouse button to a package library folder.

  • Choose File | Save As from your text editor and save to a package library folder.

  • Use the copy or xcopy commands from a batch file and point to a package library folder.

  • Use the Check In function. See Checking In To a Package.


The first three methods require copying to a specific package library folder, for example SRC. The fourth method (Check In) allows you to drop the component on a high-level package folder; it automatically goes to the correct staging library.

Viewing Listings

For ChangeMan ZMF source components in that are in baseline or in a package, you can browse the corresponding listing component. To browse the listing for a source component, right-click the source file and choose ZDD Network | View Listing from the popup menu.

By default, the listing is assumed to have a library type of LST. If a source library type uses a listing library type, other than LST, your administrator will need to change the default listing for that source type. This is done through the LIBTYPE member in the ZDDOPTS library, described in Serena® ChangeMan® ZDD Server Installation Guide.

You can also customize which viewer program is a used to browse listings on the Listings tab of ZDD Network Properties. Then, when you right-click a file and choose ZDD Network | View Listings from the popup menu, this viewer is started. This same viewer will also be used to view JES output listings under the Jobs folder. The default viewer is Windows Notepad.

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