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SER4000 - SER4500


SerNet service for DSN Object - Process these requests for DATASET objects:

  • AUTHCHK - Check authorization for data set
  • CATALOG - Catalog a data set
  • COMPAREX - COMPAREX anything to anything
  • CREATE - Create a new data set
  • DATA - Data file access, information/download
  • DATABIND - Data Binary Down
  • DATABINU - Data Binary Up
  • DDDOWNLD - Download from a server ddname
  • DELETE - Delete a data set
  • DETAIL - Provide data set information
  • DOWNLOAD - Copy a data set down to a PC file
  • HMIGRATE - HSM Migrate DSN to cheaper medium
  • HRECALL - HSM Recall DSN from cheaper medium
  • JES4XJR - XJR; SDSF/IOF replacement
  • LIST - Provide a list of data sets
  • LOCKCAN - Cancel any outstanding lock
  • LOCKCHEK - Check on existence of a lock
  • LOCKENQ - Issue a lock
  • RELEASE - Free unused space
  • RENAME - Rename data set
  • SCAN - Scan for character string
  • SCANDPND - Scan for dependencies (SCAN variation)
  • SMFACTIV - Get active SMF dataset info
  • SUBMIT - Submit job, uploaded or HOST data set
  • UNCATLG - Remove a data set from the catalog
  • UPLOAD - Copy a PC file up to a HOST data set
  • ZIPIT - Compress PDS

SER4000E End of data

Explanation: Information, all data has been retrieved (End Of File).

SER4001E Job not found

Explanation: The requested JOB does not exist.

Solution: Check the NAME and JOBID for accuracy.

SER4002E Spool data set not found

Explanation: The requested JES SPOOL dataset does not exist for the given JOB.

Solution: Check the NAME, JOBID, DSID and STARTLINE for accuracy.

SER4003E Duplicate jobnames and no jobid specified

Explanation: Duplicate jobnames.

Solution: Include the correct JOBID for the desired job.

SER4004E Not authorized

Explanation: You are not authorized to view this job output.

Solution: Access to JES jobs is normally controlled by resource classes JESJOBS and JESSPOOL. Verify that your userid is allowed access to JES output with proper permissions to these resource classes.


Legacy SERNET exit SEREX003 also enforces restrictions on JES output access, and this exit is enabled as it is delivered to customers. If resource classes JESJOBS and JESSPOOL are activated and if appropriate rules have been established by your security administrator, we recommend that you disable exit SEREX003. Instructions for disabling this exit are provided in the ChangeMan ZMF Customization Guide.

SER4005E Invalid jobname/jobid combination

Explanation: This JOBNAME/JOBID combination doesn’t exist.

Solution: Correct the NAME or JOBID or both and re-submit.

SER4006E Invalid parameters

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4007E Invalid jobid syntax

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4008E Invalid destination specified

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4009E Unable to process request now, try later

Explanation: Self explanatory.

Solution: Submit the request again.

SER4010E Maximum number of jobs exceeded for job list

Explanation: Too many jobs, not enough room to list them all.

Solution: Try narrowing down the answer set by specifying the JOB NAME in the XML request.

SER4011E Not cancelled, job is on output queue

Explanation: Self explanatory.

SER4012E Not cancelled, active started task or TSO user

Explanation: Self explanatory.

SER4013E Security token map failed

Explanation: Security problem.

Solution: Assure the USERID has access to these resources (JESSPOOL, JESJOBS), contact your security administrator.`

SER4014E Dynamic allocation error

Explanation: Dynamic allocation failed.

Solution: Register 0 contains the return code from the SVC 99 (dynamic allocation). Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4015E Unable to open SYSOUT data set

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4016E Data set is not open

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4017E Data set positioning error

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4018E I/O error reading SYSOUT data set

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4019E JES2/JES3 not available

Explanation: You’re really in trouble.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4020E Severe error

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4021E Invalid userid

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4022E Invalid system name

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4023E Invalid job class

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4024E Invalid output class

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4025E Invalid node name

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4026E Unknown error

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4027E The startline parameter must be numeric

Explanation: The <startLine> specification of JES/SERVICE/READ contained nonnumeric characters.

Solution: Correct the <startLine> specification and resubmit the XML request.

SER4028E The maxlines parameter must be numeric

Explanation: The <maxLines> specification of JES/SERVICE/READ contained nonnumeric characters.

Solution: Correct the <maxLines> specification and resubmit the XML request.

SER4050E Data set not found:dsname

Explanation: A check to see whether the specified dsname is HSM-migrated resulted in a dataset-not-found condition.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4051E Data set migrated to tape:dsname

Explanation: Dataset dsname was found to be HSM-migrated and this halted processing.

Solution: Recall the dataset and resubmit the request.

SER4052E Data set recall failed:dsname

Explanation: A recall has already been issued for dataset dsname so this halted processing.

Solution: Wait for the recall to complete then resubmit the request.

SER4053E Data set name contains invalid characters:dsname

Explanation: A dataset name specification was found to contain invalid characters.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4054E Wildcard characters are not allowed in the dataset HLQ:dsname

Explanation: A dataset name specification was found to contain a wildcard character in the HLQ (the first 8 bytes). This is not permitted.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4055E Data set name contains no node delimiters:dsname

Explanation: A dataset name specification was found to contain no periods. This is not permitted.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4056E Data set name contains adjoining periods:dsname

Explanation: A dataset name specification was found to contain two (or more) consecutive periods. This is not permitted.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4057E Data set RECFM U not supported for DOWNLOAD service

Explanation: A dataset DOWNLOAD was requested for a load library. This is not permitted.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4058E Dataset is not a PDS(E)

Explanation: DATASET/SERVICE/PDSINIT can only be used against a PDS or a PDS/E.

Solution: Set the <dsName> tag to a valid PDS or PDS/E specification.

SER4059I Dataset directory emptied

Explanation: The DATASET/SERVICE/PDSINIT request completed successfully.

SER4060E Dataset directory initialization failed, RC={return code} Rsn={reason code}

Explanation: The STOW macro used to initialize a directory failed with the return & reason codes specified in the message.

Solution: If the problem persists contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

SER4100E *** I/O Error detected. SerNet terminated download at this point.***

Explanation: Data set OPEN error.

Solution: Open failure can occur for many reasons, one of which is that the VSAM file has SHAREOPTIONS=(2,3) and it is already opened elsewhere.

SER4101I Same fingerprint

Explanation: Information, the files have the same fingerprint.

SER4102I Stamp on server older

Explanation: Information, the file on the server (PC) is older than the file on the mainframe (z/OS).

SER4103E Request locked by another user

Explanation: Self explanatory.

SER4104E Request locked by user {userid}

Explanation: Self explanatory.

SER4105E Invalid target data set organization

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4106I Confirm data set upload request

Explanation: Internal information.

SER4107I Confirm data set load request

Explanation: Internal information.

SER4108W Data set upload request cancelled

Explanation: Internal warning.

SER4109W Data set load request cancelled

Explanation: Internal warning. |

SER4110E Record format U not supported

Explanation: Only RECFM of F, FB, V, VB are supported.

SER4111E Invalid header length; Must be 8 bytes

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4112E No files uploaded

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4113E No files loaded

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4114I File uploaded

Explanation: Information.

SER4115I Files loaded

Explanation: Information.

SER4116E Address space creation failed

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4117E Volume entry not found for unload data set RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4118E IEBCOPY failed: RC={return code} Reason={reason code}

Explanation: Sernet has encountered a problem with IEBCOPY that it can not resolve.

Solution: Record return code and reason code, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4119E IEBCOPY failed: Comp=S{abend-code}-{reason code}

Explanation: IEBCOPY has abended.

Solution: Record abend-code and reason code, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4120E IEBCOPY SYSPRINT file already in use; RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4121W IEBCOPY completed with warnings; RC=4

Explanation: Internal warning.

SER4122I User authorized: {dataset}

Explanation: Information, the user is authorized for access to DATASET.

SER4123W Undefined entity: {dataset}

Explanation: Internal warning, DATASET is undefined.

SER4124I Data set {dataset} created

Explanation: Information, DATASET is created.

SER4125E Comparex not licensed

Explanation: Comparex is not licensed.

Solution: Contact your Sernet administrator.

SER4126E Unable to load Comparex: RC=12

Explanation: The LOAD for Comparex failed.

Solution: Make sure the Comparex load library is available to the Sernet started task, check the STEPLIB/JOBLIB concatenation and LNKLST.

SER4127I Data set {dataset} cataloged

Explanation: Information.

SER4128E Record length exceeds maximum allowable

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4129E File considered empty

Explanation: No records transferred to client.

SER4130E {dataset} not deleted, reason={reason code}

Explanation: Dataset was not deleted.

Solution: Look up the SVC 99 reason code in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide - SA23-1371-xx, Chapter 26, section Interpreting DYNALLOC Return Codes and proceed accordingly.

SER4131I Data set {dataset} deleted

Explanation: Information, the dataset was deleted.

SER4132W Data set information not available

Explanation: The dataset may be migrated.

SER4133I HMIGRATE issued for {dataset}

Explanation: Information, a request to MIGRATE the dataset was issued.

SER4134W Data set {dataset} already migrated

Explanation: Warning, a request was made to MIGRATE a dataset which is already migrated.

SER4135E HMIGRATE request failed: RC={return code}

Explanation: The request to MIGRATE a dataset failed.

Solution: Look up the return code in z/OS DFSMShsm Managing Your Own Data - SC236870-xx, Appendix B section Return Codes from User Macros, and proceed accordingly.

SER4136E HMIGRATE request failed: DFSMShsm not active

Explanation: DFSMShsm is not active.

Solution: Start DFSMShsm.

SER4137E HMIGRATE request failed: Locate error

Explanation: Unable to locate the target dataset (return code = 402).

Solution: The dataset may no longer exist, perhaps another user/task deleted or renamed the dataset since the last time the ZDD client refreshed the dataset list.

SER4138I HRECALL issued for {dataset}

Explanation: Information, a RECALL request was issued for DATASET.


SER4140E HRECALL request failed: RC={return code}

Explanation: The RECALL request failed.

Solution: Look up the return code in z/OS DFSMShsm Managing Your Own Data - SC236870-xx, Appendix B section Return Codes from User Macros, and proceed accordingly.

SER4143E Job Review not licensed

Explanation: XCH is not licensed.

Solution: Determine why XCH is not licensed.

SER4144E Invalid request

Explanation: Internal error, something is wrong with the JOBID for a XJR request.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4145I Job {jobname}({jobid}) cancelled

Explanation: Information.

SER4146I Job {jobname}({jobid}) deleted

Explanation: Information.

SER4147I Job {jobname}({jobid}) data set {dataset} deleted

Explanation: Information.

SER4148I Job {jobname}({jobid}) requeued

Explanation: Information.

SER4149I Job {jobname}({jobid}) data set {dataset} requeued

Explanation: Information.

SER4150W No matching data sets found

Explanation: Internal warning (no bytes used by this object).

SER4151E Superlocate error

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4152E Invalid data set name filter mask

Explanation: An invalid mask has been passed to SERVLDSN.

Solution: See the following discussion.

SERVLDSN performs a super locate and returns a list of data set names which match a filter provided by the caller. SERVLDSN can optionally return additional data set information from the catalog and/or VTOC.

The filter consists of a fully or partially qualified data set name. A partially qualified data set name can contain any combination of the following wild characters: "?" or "*".

? A question mark indicates that exactly one alphanumeric or national character can occupy that position.
* A single asterisk by itself indicates that one qualifier must occupy that position. A single asterisk within a qualifier indicates that zero or more characters can occupy that position.
** A double asterisk indicates that zero or more qualifiers can occupy that position. A double asterisk is invalid within a qualifier. It must be preceded or followed by either a period or blank.

If any wild characters are specified in high level qualifier, all catalogs will be searched and performance will be significantly degraded.


Filter ABC.TEST???.D?TA
Filter ABC.T*.*.DATA
Filter ABC.*X*.DATA
Filter ABC.**.DATA

SER4153E Invalid function code

Explanation: Valid function codes are list names only (00), list catalog information (01), list full information (02), list VTOC (03), and free dataset list (255).

SER4154I Serial lock obtained

Explanation: Information.

SER4155E Serial lock could not be obtained

Explanation: Lock is already owned.

SER4156I Serial lock released

Explanation: Information.

SER4157I Serial lock is owned

Explanation: Information.

SER4158E Serial lock not found

Explanation: Internal notification.

SER4159E {dataset} space release rc={svc99 return code}

Explanation: Unable to release the UNUSED SPACE for this DATASET.

SER4160I Unused space released {dataset}

Explanation: Information.

SER4161I Data set renamed to {newname}

Explanation: Information.

SER4162E Data set not cataloged

Explanation: Internal notification.

SER4163E Data set not found: OBTAIN RC={return code} Reason={reason code}

Explanation: Data set not found.

Solution: Look up return code and for the OBTAIN function in z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis - SC23-6863-xx.

SER4164E Volume not available: UCBLOOK RC={return code} Reason={reason code}

Explanation: The volume may be offline.

Solution: Contact operations to verify the volume is available.

SER4165E Rename failed: RENAME RC={return code} Reason={status-code}


Solution: Look up the return code and status-code for RENAME in z/OS V1R8.0 DFSMSdfp Advanced Services (SC26-7400-06) and proceed accordingly.

SER4166E Recatalog failed: CATALOG RC={return code} Reason={reason code}

Explanation: The recatalog function failed.

Solution: Look up the return code and status-code for CATALOG in z/OS V1R8.0 DFSMSdfp Advanced Services (SC26-7400-06) and proceed accordingly.

SER4167E No matches found for these criteria

Explanation: SERSCAN was unable to find any datasets matching the specified criteria.

Solution: Examine the criteria, determine if this is an error.

SER4168E Scan of a load module is not supported

Explanation: Scanning a load module is not supported.

Solution: Determine why the target dataset is in load module format.

SER4169E Enter components in alphabetical order.

Explanation: Components must be in alphabetical order.

Solution: Correct the component order.

SER4170E String exceeds end of record using this starting point

Explanation: The string is too long.

Solution: Correct the string length.

SER4171I Scan request cancelled

Explanation: Information, the scan request has been cancelled.

SER4172E Severe error detected while scanning

Explanation: Severe error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4173I Confirm submit jobs request

Explanation: Internal dialogue processing request.

SER4174I Submit jobs request cancelled

Explanation: Internal dialogue processing request.

SER4175I Data set {dataset} uncataloged

Explanation: Information, the dataset was uncataloged.

SER4176E IEBCOPY compress rc={return code} for {dataset}

Explanation: Unable to compress the dataset with IEBCOPY.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4177I Compress request is only valid for partitioned data set

Explanation: Information.

SER4178I Data set {dataset} compressed

Explanation: Information

SER4179I {userid} created data set {dataset}

Explanation: Information.

SER4180I {userid} updated data set {dataset}

Explanation: Information.

SER4181I {userid} updated member {dataset}({member})

Explanation: Information.

SER4182I {userid} deleted data set {dataset}

Explanation: Information.

SER4183E Download from ddname {ddname} is not supported

Explanation: Error, unsupported DDNAME.


SER4184E {object} {message} request is not allowed with product {product}

Explanation: A TSO user was trying to issue a forbidden (for TSO) request.

Solution: Determine why this request was attempted.

SER4185I File uploaded: Hash <{token}-{byte-count}\>

Explanation: Information.

SER4186I File uploaded: Time <{time}> Size <{size}>.

Explanation: Displays time and size of file.

SER4187I Same timestamp.

SER4188E Data set could not be opened.

Explanation: Data set being opened or downloaded. There may be various causes - security, resources etc.

SER4189E Member not found.

Explanation: The member entered is not found.

Solution: Correct member and resubmit.

SER4190E Invalid data format.

Explanation: The date format entered is invalid.

Solution: Enter correct date format YYYYMMDD

SER4191E I/O error.

Explanation: There is an input/output error on selected dataset. Look at logs for more information.

SER4192E Insufficient space

Explanation: Look at logs for more information.

SER4193E Directory full

Explanation: The directory you are attempting to use does not contain sufficient space for dataset allocation.

Solution: Clean up the selected directory and retry.

SER4194E Record format U required for binary data.

Explanation: Displays when the record format for binary dataset is not defined as RECFM=U.

SER4195E Load module update is not supported

Explanation: Update operation is not supported for load modules.

SER4196I Serial lock is owned by UTok=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: A dataset LOCKENQ request failed because the lock was owned by a different userid (user token of xxxxxxxx).

Solution: Wait for the user to release the lock and resubmit the request.

SER4197E Serial lock release failure, Rc=xxxx

Explanation: A dataset LOCKCAN request failed with return code xxxx.

Solution: If this error persists contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

SER4226E {userid} SERVDSNO Download truncated: RecLen={record-length} RecCount={record-count}

Explanation: Trace information.

SER4251E Download from a DDname requested but the DDname is blank

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4252E Dataset ENQ failure Dsn=’{data set}’.

Explanation: Another task may be holding the dataset.

Solution: Determine the task if it is still holding and free the dataset.

SER4253E Unable to acquire lock table lock.

Explanation: Internal error

Solution: If persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4254E Abend while processing the lock table - see dump.

Explanation: Internal error

Solution: If the error persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4255E Lock table is full.

Explanation: Internal error

Solution: If the error persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4256E Lock table does not exist.

Explanation: Internal error

Solution: If the error persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4260E Generation must be a valid signed or unsigned whole number

Explanation: A request contained an invalid <generation> specification.

Solution: Correct the <generation> specification and resubmit the request.

SER4261E Lock for Dsn=dsname member is unavailable - owned by UTok=xxxxxxxx

Explanation: An internal lock request failed because the lock was owned by a different userid (user token of xxxxxxxx).

Solution: Wait for the user to release the lock and resubmit the request.

SER4262E Generation only relevant for PDSE library type 2

Explanation: A request contained a <generation> specification but the associated dataset was not of library type 2 with a non-zero generation count.

Solution: Either remove the <generation> specification or correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4263E Generation exceeds MAXGEN limit for this library

Explanation: A request contained a <generation> specification that exceeded the maximum number of generations defined for the dataset.

Solution: Either correct the <generation> or dataset name specification and resubmit the request.

SER4264E Lock for Dsn=dsname mmmmmmmm already owned

Explanation: A lock was requested for dataset name dsname and member mmmmmmmm that was already owned. This represents an internal logic error.

Solution: If this error persists contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

SER4265W Lock for Dsn=dsname member not owned so cancel was bypassed

Explanation: A lock cancellation request failed because the lock wasn`t owned by the caller.

Solution: If this error persists contact Micro Focus Technical Support.


SerNet Service for Member Object - The main purpose of this module is to process the following request for MEMBER object:

  • DELETE - Delete a member
  • LIST - Provide a member list
  • RENAME - Rename a member
  • COPY - Copy member(s) from DSN1 to DSN2

SER4300I Confirm copy request

Explanation: Internal copy dialogue confirmation request.

SER4301I Copy request cancelled

Explanation: Internal copy dialogue, request cancelled.

SER4302I Copy complete

Explanation: Information.

SER4303I Copy complete: Members={member-count} Records={record-count}

Explanation: Information.

SER4304W IEBCOPY completed with warnings; RC=4

Explanation: Information, processing continues.

SER4305E {dataset} {access-type} denied, rc=8

Explanation: ACCESS-TYPE to DATASET is denied.

Solution: Determine why the ACCESS-TYPE is denied, contact your security administrator.

SER4306E {dsorg} copy not supported: {dataset}

Explanation: DSORG not supported for COPY.

Solution: Correct the DATASET, determine why this DSORG occurs for the given DATASET.

SER4307E Open failed for data set {dataset}

Explanation: Open for dataset failed.

Solution: Determine the time of the error, examine the SYSLOG and the Sernet job output for the corresponding time, look for messages related to the same DATASET.

SER4308E RECFM=U not supported: {dataset}

Explanation: Dataset has a record format (RECFM) of U, which is not supported.

Solution: Correct the DATASET.

SER4309E No members matched in {dataset}

Explanation: Nothing was done, no matching members in dataset.

Solution: The dataset may be empty. Examine this dataset and determine why no members matched.

SER4310E No members allowed from {dataset}

Explanation: Nothing was done, SEREX005/Member Level Security has dis-allowed all members in dataset.

Solution: Determine if this is working the way you think it should be working. Contact your security administrator.

SER4311E Read error on data set {dataset}

Explanation: A read error has occurred.

Solution: Note the timestamp of this message. Examine SYSLOG and the Sernet SYSPRINT/SERPRINT/JOB LOG datasets for DATASET messages corresponding to the recorded timestamp.

SER4312E Write error on data set {dataset}

Explanation: A write error has occurred.

Solution: Note the timestamp of this message. Examine SYSLOG and the Sernet SYSPRINT/SERPRINT/JOB LOG datasets for DATASET messages corresponding to the recorded timestamp.

SER4313E S{ABEND-CODE}-{reason code} abend writing {dataset}

Explanation: An error occurred while writing DATASET.

Solution: Look up ABEND-CODE and reason code in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA380665-xx, and proceed accordingly.

SER4314E IEBCOPY failed: RC={return code} Reason={reason code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record return code and reason code, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4315E IEBCOPY failed: Comp=S{abend-code}-{reason code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record ABEND-CODE and reason code, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4316E IEBCOPY SYSPRINT file already in use; RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4317I Member {dataset}({member}) deleted

Explanation: Information

SER4318W No members found

Explanation: Information.

SER4319I Member {oldname} renamed to {newname}

Explanation: Information.

SER4320E Member {member} already exists

Explanation: This MEMBER name already exists.

SER4321E Data set is not specified

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was issued with a blank dsname.

Solution: Specify a valid dsname and resubmit the request.

SER4322E Data set migrated to tape:dsname

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and the associated dataset name dsname was on migration level-2.

Solution: Recall the specified dsname and resubmit the request.

SER4323E Data set recall failed:dsname

Explanation: A dataset recall request for dataset dsname failed.

Solution: Recall the specified dsname and resubmit the request.

SER4324E Generations option must be Y or N

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and the <generations> tag specified an invalid value.

Solution: Set the tag to Y or N and resubmit the request.

SER4325E Data set name contains invalid characters:dsname

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and the specified dataset name dsname was invalid.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4326E Wildcard characters are not allowed in the dataset HLQ: dsname

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and the dataset name specification was found to contain a wildcard character in the HLQ (the first 8 bytes). This is not permitted.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4327E Data set name contains no node delimiters:dsname`

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and the dataset name specification was found to contain no periods. This is not permitted.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4328E Data set name contains adjoining periods:dsname`

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and the dataset name specification was found to contain two (or more) consecutive periods. This is not permitted.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4329E Data set name not found in catalog:dsname`

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and the specified dataset name could not be located.

Solution: Correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4330E Error in trying to retrieve IGWFAMS info fordsname

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted and an error was detected in a call to IGWFAMS.

Solution: If required contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

SER4331E Generation number requested is beyond the dataset MAXGEN setting

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request was submitted that contained a <generation> specification that exceeded the maximum number of generations defined for the dataset.

Solution: Either correct the <generation> or dataset name specification and resubmit the request.

SER4332E Generation specification must be a valid signed or unsigned number

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request contained an invalid <generation> specification.

Solution: Correct the <generation> specification and resubmit the request.

SER4333E Generation only applicable to PDSE library type 2

Explanation: A MEMBER/SERVICE request contained a <generation> specification but the associated dataset was not of library type 2 with a non-zero generation count.

Solution: Either remove the <generation> specification or correct the dataset name and resubmit the request.

SER4335IuuuuuuuuSERVMBRO Recover: Dsn=dsname Member=mmmmmmmm Generation=ggggggggggg`

Explanation: The member generation detailed in the message was successfully recovered.

Solution: Information only.

SER4336 Member recovered

Explanation: The MEMBER/SERVICE/RECOVER completed successfully.

Solution: Information only.

SER4359I uuuuuuuu deleted member dsname (member info)

Explanation: The member (generation) detailed in the message was successfully deleted

Solution: Information only.


  • Service for SYSTEM object - The main purpose of this module is to process the following requests for the SYSTEM object:
  • LIST - List SerNet appls, options, interfaces
  • OPER - Issue operator commands

SER4400E Unknown system request type: {request}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4401E No system information found

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4402I Timeout enabled

Explanation: Information, a TIMEOUT or SDNOTIFY KEYWORD was included at Sernet startup.

SER4403I Timeout disabled

Explanation: Information, TIMEOUT has been disabled.

SER4404I Operator command issued

Explanation: Information, an operator command was issued.

SER4407E Unknown Product name {ppp}

Explanation: The SERVICE/PRODUCT/USERS XML service takes as input a {ppp} specification and the supplied value was unrecognised. Valid values are ALL, XCH, CMN, ZMF, RLM, ZDD, ECL and CLP.

Solution: Correct the {ppp} specification and resubmit the XML service request.

SER4406I System service list complete

Explanation: The SYSTEM/LIST request completed successfully.

Solution: Information only.

SER4408I {n} users reported

Explanation: Gives a count on the number of users reported upon by the SERVICE/ PRODUCT/USERS XML service.


Inter-MVS Object transfer - Copy from source data set to target data set across different MVS platforms

SER4500I Inter-system copy request has been scheduled

Explanation: Information.

SER4501I Inter-system copy request cancelled

Explanation: Information.

SER4502I Confirm inter-system copy request

Explanation: Internal copy dialogue confirmation.

SER4503E {keyword} data set is not specified

Explanation: Internal error, data set name is blank.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4504E {keyword1} must be specified for {keyword2} data set

Explanation: Internal dialogue error concerning UNIT or VOLUME.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care

SER4505E Allocation requested, but {keyword} not provided

Explanation: Internal dialogue to allocate a new data set, concerning data set characteristics (space allocation type (cylinders, tracks, blocks) primary and secondary allocation, directory block allocation, VOLUME, UNIT, RECFM, LRECL, BLKSIZE).

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4506E {userid/password} not provided for target logon

Explanation: Internal error, something is missing when attempting to logon to the target system.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4507E No communication type specified

Explanation: TCP/IP is required to communicate between systems, no communication type was specified for this request.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER4508E No member entries in source list

Explanation: No members in source dataset, nothing to copy.

SER4509E {dataset} {accesstype} access denied

Explanation: The user does not have the authority to perform ACCESS-TYPE on dataset.

Solution: Contact your security administrator.

SER4510E {dsorg} unsupported to copy {dataset}

Explanation: Supported DSORGs are Panvalet/Librarian, SEQ, and PDS.

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