Installing as a Per-User Product
On a multi-user Windows Server machine, you can install ChangeMan ZDD as a per-user installation, where some users are allowed to use ZDD, while others are not. ChangeMan ZDD will only be visible and enabled for those users who are allowed access to the product.
The ZDD installer has a new checkbox on the Settings page labeled “Per-user access to ZDD for authorized users only”. The checkbox will only appear when you are installing onto a Windows Server machine. It also appears anytime you are installing a debug build of ZDD.
You can also set the per-user option by specifying “/peruser” as a command-line argument when running the installer. The per-user option is primarily designed for a Windows Server machine, although you could install it in per-user mode on a desktop machine using the command line argument.
The ZDD installer is actually a per-machine installer, even when you specify the per-user option. The per-user option suppresses the installation of selected components and registry keys for all users. Per-user registry keys and menu shortcuts are not handled by the installer.
In a per-user installation, ZDD dynamically registers the product and installs menu shortcuts for authorized users at runtime.
ZDD determines which users are allowed to use ZDD by checking their access permissions to a to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Micro Focus\ChangeMan ZDD\Security\User
If a user has read access to that registry key, he will be allowed to use ZDD. You can set permissions on the registry key using the Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
This user access checking will be performed only when ZDD is installed as a per-user installation. Otherwise, in the standard installation, ZDD is registered globally for all users.
See the Security section for more information on secure configuration.