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The ZosDataSetProfiles object is a collection of all data set profiles for a server. This object is obtained using the DataSetProfiles property of the ZosServer object.

ZosDataSetProfiles Properties

ZosDataSetProfiles exposes the following properties:

Property Type R/W Description
[index] [name] ZosDataSetProfile R Data set profile with specified index or data set name pattern.
Count Int32 R Number of objects in collection.
Path String R File system path name for collection.

ZosDataSetProfiles Methods

ZosDataSetProfiles exposes the following methods:

Add Method

Adds a new data set profile. Index indicates position for new item. Specify –1 to insert at end. Returns index at which object has been added.



Int32  Add( 
        Int32 index, 
        ZosDataSetProfile profile )


Add(Int32, String, ZosDataSetType, ZosRecordFormat, Int16, Int16, String, String, String, ZosSpaceUnit, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, ZosDataAetEAttr, Int16, Int32 )

Int32  Add(  
        Int32 index,  
        String dsName,  
        ZosDataSetType dsType,  
        ZosRecordFormat recordFmt, [optional]  
        Int16 recordLength, [optional]  
        Int16 blockSize, [optional]  
        String dataClass, [optional]  
        String storageClass, [optional]  
        String managementClass, [optional]  
        ZosSpaceUnit spaceUnit, [optional]  
        Int32 primarySpace, [optional]  
        Int32 nSecondarySpace, [optional]  
        Int32 directoryBlocks, [optional]  
        String unitName, [optional] 
        String volume, [optional] 
        ZosDataAetEAttr eattr, [optional] 
        Int16 pdseVersion, [optional] 
        Int32 maxGens [optional] )


Find Method

Searches for profile with specified name and returns reference to object. Returns null if name is not found.

ZosDataSetProfile  Find(  
        String name  

FindIndex Method

Searches for profile with specified name and returns zero-based index. Returns -1 if name is not found.

Int32  FindIndex(  
    String name  

FromArray Method

Copies the contents of a one-dimensional array into the collection. The existing contents of the collection are completely replaced.

void FromArray( ZosDataSetProfile[] array )

Move Method

Changes the order of data set profiles.

Int32  Move(  
        Int32 indexTo,  
        Int32 indexFrom  

Refresh Method

Refreshes collection.

void Refresh()

Remove Method

Deletes a data set profile, specified by data set name pattern. Returns true if item was removed or false if item is not found.

Boolean  Remove(  
        String name  

RemoveAt Method

Deletes a data set profile, specified by index.

void  RemoveAt(  
        Int32 index  

ToArray Method

Copies the entire collection to a one-dimensional array.

ZosDataSetProfile[] ToArray()


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