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Checking In To a Package

The Check In To Package command is the same as the Stage from Development function in ChangeMan ZMF. It allows you to stage a component, from any folder on your local drive or network, into a package, as long as these criteria are met:

  • The file extension must match one of the library types defined for the application.

  • The component must not be locked by another user ID.

  • The component must not be a generated component in the package (generated components have a red arrow on the icon and are read only).

  • The package must be in DEV status and the install date must be today’s date or later. Components have a status of Active after being checked in.

    You also have the option of just copying the component into a package without building it (in other words, without transforming it into an executable module).

    If the component you are checking in is not in the package, it will be added (as long as this is allowed by ChangeMan ZMF administration).


If the component you are checking in is already in the package, it will be overlaid, and no warning message will be displayed.

Saving Changes to Personal Libraries

In the Local Admin Parms for ChangeMan ZMF, if “Yes” is specified for Save to Personal and Staging Library, changes you make to the package component after Check In (using ChangeMan ZDD) are only saved in the staging library. The personal library you staged from will not be updated. This is different from the ISPF client, where changes are saved to both the staging library and the personal library.

Selecting Files and Directories for Check In

You may select files, folders, or directories for check in. If you select a folder or directory, the entire tree beneath that folder or directory will be displayed in the Check In dialog box. You can then select or deselect individual files to be checked in.

When you specify a package as the target, instead of a package library, the Component type list box is enabled, where you select the target library.

For Unix components:

  • If the selected files reside in a subdirectory within the tree, the subdirectory structure is maintained when the files are checked in. For example, if you drag the directory “C:\Projects\MyDocs” and drop it onto a package, the entire subdirectory tree under “C:\Projects\MyDocs” will be displayed. If you select a file called “Overview.txt” that resides in the “UserGuide” subdirectory, the file will be checked in as “UserGuide/ Overview.txt”.

  • The To subdirectory edit box allows you to specify a target subdirectory (new or existing). Using the example above, if you specify "Doc" in the To subdirectory box, the component will be checked in as “Doc/UserGuide/Overview.txt”. The To subdirectory field is disabled when the library type is a PDS.

    You can initiate the Check In function using any of the following methods. The last method is the one that is documented in the following section "Running Check In".

  • Drag and drop files/directories with the left mouse button onto a package folder, package library, or package subdirectory.

  • Drag and drop files/directories with the right mouse button onto a package folder, package library, or package subdirectory. When the popup menu displays, choose ZDD NetworkCheck In To Package.

  • Right-click the files/directories to be checked in and choose ZDD NetworkCheck In To Package from the popup menu.

Checking In Components from DB2

The Check In From DB2 command is used to extract a stored procedure from the DB2 catalog and check it into a ChangeMan package. ChangeMan ZMF will connect to DB2 (v11 and later) and extract a native-SQL stored procedure definition, which will then be checked into the package.

The following rules apply when using the Check In From DB2 command:

  • The DB2 v11 or higher is required.

  • The package must be in DEV status and the install date must be today’s date or later.

  • Library type must be a DB2 type with subtype N.

  • The component must not be locked by another user ID.

  • The component must not be a generated component in the package (generated components have a red arrow on the icon and are read only).

Running Check In

There are two to four pages in the Check Out wizard. You can go back and forth between the pages using the Next and Back buttons. The Back button is the back arrow button at the upper left corner of the window.

Right-click the files/directories to be checked in and choose ZDD Network | Check In to Package from the popup menu. Alternatively, you can drag the files to be checked in, and drop them onto a package or package library.

If you wish to check in component directly from DB2, Right click on a package or package library. Select ZDD Network | Check In From DB2 from the popup menu.

Application Page

The Application page is displayed only when the Change Man instance and application are unknown. Thus, you will not see this page if you dropped files onto a package, or right clicked on a package to initiate the operation.

Select the server and ChangeMan instance. You can then select either an application, a release, or both. The Release field will only be present if the ChangeMan instance is licensed for the ERO option.

Press the Next button to advance to the next page. You will not be allowed to alter the ChangeMan instance once you leave this page.

Target Page

On the Target page, you specify which package is the target of the check in operation. Here you also specify the standard check in options.

Fields on the Target Page

The following table describes the fields on the Target page:

Field / Box Description
Package This field is enabled if you selected an application (instead of a package) as the target. Select the package into which the components will be checked in.
Component type This field is enabled if you selected an application or package (instead of a package library) as the target. Select a library type to which the components/directories will be checked in.
To subdirectory This field is enabled if the source is a Unix component or directory. You may optionally specify a subdirectory to which the source will be checked in. If the subdirectory does not exist, it will be created.
Change description This field is enabled only if the library type selected in the "Component type" field has Staging Versions enabled. Type a description that will display in the Staging Versions dialog box. Optional.
Lock after check in Check this box to lock the component; the component must be locked to edit it from the package folder. If a component is locked by another user ID, you will not be allowed to check it in.
Build Check this box to build the component (create an executable module in the staging library). If you do not check this box, the component will be copied to the package but will not be built.
Show other options Displays the Other Options page which allows you to set user options. There is a ChangeMan ZMF administrative option, “Enable component user variables”, that can be set using ISPF option A.G.1 (part 5). If this administrative option is disabled, then the check box will be unchecked and disabled (grayed out).
Job Card The job card used for submitting a batch job. This field is enabled only if components are like type OTH. Default values are displayed initially. If you change the values, they will be stored in your registry and used as the defaults in the future. Each time this dialog displays, the last character of the jobname is incremented alphabetically. If the \&SYSUID parameter in the Notify field is not overridden, the user ID is automatically substituted.


Components Page

The Components page specifies the input files to check in. If you are checking in components directly from DB2, the DB2 page will display instead of this page.

Fields on the Components Page

The following table describes the fields on the Components page:

Field / Box Description
New name Allows you to specify a new name, so that component is staged with a different name than the original file. Disabled if multiple components are selected.
File format This drop-down list allows you to override the file format. The default selection will be the format that is defined for the staging library data set name or Unix file name. This default file format is defined in the server properties on the "Data Set Formats" tab or the "Unix File Formats" tab. For details, see File Formats Page or File Formats Page. The file format drop down list is present only when checking in from a Windows folder.
Files Select the files to check in.
History The History button allows you to display a list of other packages that contain the selected components. Only packages that have not been baselined are included in this list.

Selecting Components

There are two ways to select or deselect components:

  • Select or deselect components individually using the check boxes in the Components list.

  • Use the Selection filter field to enter one or more name patterns with wild characters, delimited by semicolons. Then press the Select or Clear button.

Displaying History for Selected Components

The History button, found on the Components page or the DB2 page, allows you to display a list of other packages that contain the selected components. Only packages that have not been baselined are included in this list. You should make sure that you are

coordinating the changes with other developers who have checked out or staged the components into other packages.

Other packages that contain the selected components are displayed. Only packages that have not been baselined are included in this list. This information will help you coordinate the changes with other developers who have checked out or staged the components into other packages.

DB2 Page

If you are checking in components directly from DB2, the DB2 page will display instead of the standard Components page.

Fields on the DB2 Page

The following table describes the fields on the Components page:

Field / Box Description
DB2 subsys Select the DB2 subsystem whose catalog contains the stored procedure that you wish to check in to the package. The DB2 subsystem must be at least DB2 v11.
DB2 location If the Stored Procedure is located at a remote DB2 instance you can specify its location here. The usual requirements for DRDA access to remote DB2 tables, from the DB2 ID specified above, must be in place.
Schema Schema name used to qualify the stored procedure definition to be extracted on the DB2 subsystem.
SP name Name of stored procedure to be extracted from DB2. Currently limited to 8 characters.
Version Select the DB2 version for the stored procedure that you wish to extract. If you select "Other (specify)", you must enter a specific version identifier in the text box on the right. Active version: Currently active version of the stored procedure. First date/time: Version containing the earliest CREATEDTS value. Latest date/time: Version containing the latest of either of the CREATEDTS or ALTEREDTS values. Highest routine ID: Version with the greatest ROUTINEID. Other (specify): Version specified in text box to the right.
Component Enter the name of the component to be checked in using this stored procedure definition. If not specified, then the stored procedure name will be used as the component name.
Add comments to component Check this box to insert SQL comments into the top of the extracted stored procedure component. These comments identify the ChangeMan package.
History The History button allows you to display a list of other packages that contain the selected components. Only packages that have not been baselined are included in this list.

Other Options Page

If the "Show other options" box was checked on the Target page, the Other Options page will be displayed.

The Other Options page displays only if customer-defined options have been specified in the CHECKIN member of the ZDDOPTS library.

Saving Package Components from a Text Editor

Sometimes you may want to use a text editor to edit a package component directly from the staging library. Each time you save that component in the text editor, you are implicitly performing a check in operation.

Under certain circumstances, additional information may be required in order to complete the check in operation:

  • Save Staging Versions (SSV) is enabled for the library type: Change description needed.

  • Component type is like other (OTH): Job card needed.

    When additional information is needed, you will be prompted with the Check In dialog box illustrated below.

The following table describes the fields on the Check In dialog box.

Field Description
Server name The z/OS server for the check in operation.
ChangeMan ChangeMan instance for the check in operation.
Package name IThe package into which the components will be checked in.
Component type Component type to which the components will be checked in.
Component name Component name(s) to be checked in.
Change description Enter or select a change description that will display in the Staging Versions dialog box.
Job card Job card for batch check in. If the \&SYSUID parameter in the Notify field is not overridden, the user ID is automatically substituted.


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