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SER 7000 - 7900


JES2/JES3 Interface. General purpose interface module for JES2/JES3 subsystem functions. On each call, a function code is passed by the caller to indicate the type of function to be performed:

  • Initialize
  • Job List
  • Active Job List
  • Data set list
  • Cancel job
  • Delete held output
  • Re queue held output - change class/dest
  • Open data set
  • Get record
  • Close data set
  • Free list - job, data set, or message list
  • Job summary message list
  • Terminate

SER7002I {userid} cancelled job {jobname}, jobid={jobid}

Explanation: Job cancelled using XML Services or an interface like ChangeMan ZDD.

Solution: Information only; no action required.

SER7008I {userid} canceled job {jobname} and purged the output, jobid={jobid}

Explanation: Job purged using XML Services or an interface like ChangeMan ZDD.

Solution: Information only; no action required.

SER7008I uuuuuuuu canceled job nnnnnnnn and purged the output, jobid=iiiiiiiii

Explanation: A request from user uuuuuuuu to purge the output for jobname nnnnnnnnn and jobid iiiiiiiii was received.

Solution: Information only.


File input and output, including PDS/SEQ I/O through SERBSAM; PAN/LIB reads through SERIFACE; PAN/LIB updates through PAN#1 or

SER7100I Function {function} complete: RC=0

Explanation: Information.

SER7101I Null file {operation} operation complete: RC=0

Explanation: Information.

SER7102E Unable to allocate {dataset}: RC=8

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Check the spelling of dataset.

SER7103E Null member list; RC=8

Explanation: Data set being processed is either PDS, PANVALET or LIBRARIAN; all three require a member list containing at least one member.

Solution: Supply a list of members.

SER7104E File type {type} not supported

Explanation: Invalid file type.

Solution: Correct the file type. Valid file types are SEQuential, PANVALET or LIBRARIAN.

SER7105E {value} parameter error: RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7106E Incorrect file type: Request={request} Actual={actual} RC=8

Explanation: Incorrect file type.

Solution: Determine why the file type is incorrect.

SER7107E Invalid request: Member list requested for sequential data set

Explanation: A sequential data set is a single entity, and is not subdivided into members.

Solution: Correct the request.

SER7108E Invalid request: Member name specified for sequential data set

Explanation: A sequential data set is a single entity, and is not subdivided into members.

SER7109E Invalid request: Panvalet member already disabled

Explanation: An attempt was made to DELete (disable) a Panvalet member which is already DELeted (disabled).

SER7110E Invalid request: Member name missing

Explanation: Member name required for PDS, PANVALET, or LIBRARIAN data sets.

Solution: Supply a member name.

SER7111E Record format U not supported

Explanation: RECFM=U is not supported.

Solution: Change to a supported record format (RECFM=F,FB,V,VB).

SER7112E Data set {dataset} in use

Explanation: Another function has exclusive use of the DATASET.

Solution: Try again later.

SER7113E Probable Panvalet library on host: Terminated RC=8

Explanation: A PUT for a SEQ data set looks suspiciously like a PUT for a PANVALET dataset, and has been terminated.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7114E Open error: Dsn={dataset}

Explanation: The DATASET failed to open.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the JES2 datasets for the Sernet started task for related information.

SER7115E {dataset} Open abend S{abend-code}-{reason code}

Explanation: DATASET failed to open.

Solution: Lookup the ABEND-CODE and reason code in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA380665-xx. Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the JES2 data sets for related messages, look these messages up in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE) SA38-0674-xx. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7116W Member {member} not found

Explanation: Information.

SER7117E Update error: RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7118E Update error RC=8, abend S{abend-code}-{reason code}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Lookup the ABEND-CODE and reason code in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA380665-xx. Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the JES2 data sets for related messages, look these messages up in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE) SA38-0674-xx. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7119E Update error: Directory full

Explanation: Unable to update because the data set’s directory is full.

Solution: Try compressing the dataset. If this doesn’t fix the problem try allocating a similar dataset with more directory blocks than the original, copy the original data set to the new data set, rename the new data set to the original data set and try again.

SER7120E Update error: Stow error RC={return code} Reason={reason code}

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Look up return code and reason code in z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets SC23-6852-xx, Chapter 5, STOW Completion Codes. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7121E Cannot rename Panvalet superset.subset: RC=8

Explanation: Super.sub format not supported.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7122E SERIFACE error: {error}

Explanation: Internal error. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


Xch DATA handling.


  • Xch DATA
  • PDS/SEQ I/O through SERBSAM;
  • VSAM native


  • SERBSAM - File Storage Area manipulation

  • SERSTMGR - Getmain/Freemain storage
  • SERTRACE - Issue trace messages to //SERPRINT


It is always assumed that any given file has already been allocated via SERXFLIO and that Xio$Dsnm & Xio$Ddnm are filled to reflect that.

File attributes will be reflected in the SerXioDs block. If extended attributes are requested, such as for a VSAM cluster (data and index component names must be excluded) then this can only be gathered by first opening the file and getting the feedback. Unless otherwise specified, the file is then closed and resources released. It is kept open only when necessary such as in the case of a client wanting to download all or part of the file and a long dialogue is anticipated. Open failure can occur for many reasons, one of which is that the VSAM file has SHAREOPTIONS=(2,3) and it is already opened elsewhere. This must be explicitly detected and described, even to the point of tattling on just what other job name owns it.

Long dialogues must be aware that client power outages and task abends cannot leave the file open. Protection must be implicit such that interruptions are covered with a closing of any open file and resource freeing as necessary.

SER7200E {message} {message-text}

Explanation: Information.

SER7201E Open error: RC=8

Explanation: Information.

Solution: Examine SYSLOG, SERPRINT, and the JES2 data sets for the Sernet started task for related messages. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7202E Record format U not supported for update RC=8

Explanation: Information.

SER7203E Probable Librarian file: RC=8

Explanation: Information.

Solution: This file looks like a Librarian file, which is not supported by SERXDATA.

SER7204E Probable Panvalet file: RC=8

Explanation: Information.

Solution: This file looks like a Panvalet file, which is not supported by SERXDATA.

SER7205E PDS/SEQ information not supported: RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7206E Only VSAM Clusters can be processed: RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7207E Error in positioning to start key: RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7208E Synchronous error: Fdbk={feedback} RecNo={recno} RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record FEEDBACK and RECNO, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7209E Logical error: Fdbk={feedback} RecNo={recno} RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record feedback and recno, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7210E I/O error RC={return code} Reason={reason code} Dsname={dataset}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record return code, reason code contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7211E I/O error Comp=S{abend-code}-{reason code} Dsname={dataset}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record the abend-code and reason code. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7212W Member {member} not found in data set {dataset}

Explanation: Information.

Solution: This member is no longer in dataset, perhaps another user has deleted this member.

SER7213E Short record or RKP/KEYLEN specified incorrectly: RC=8

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7214E I/O error RC={return code} Reason={reason code} Ddname={ddname}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record return code, reason code, and ddname. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7215E I/O error Comp=S{abend-code}-{reason code} Ddname={ddname}

Explanation: Internal error.

Solution: Record return code, reason code, and ddname. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7216E Member mmmmmmmm generation nnnn not found in library dsname

Explanation: An attempt at locating generation nnnn of dsname(member) failed.

Solution: If required, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7123E Current member already exists and was not replaced

Explanation: An attempt at updating a PDS directory failed because the 'replace' option wasn't set.

Solution: If required, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7124E Member version not found

Explanation: An attempt at updating a PDS directory failed because the target member wasn't found.

Solution: If required, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.


SER7900E Unable to acquire lock table serialisation lock

Explanation: A request for internal locking services could not be satisifed due to contention.

Solution: If this error persists, report it to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7901E Abend while processing lock table - see dump or logrec for details

Explanation: A request for internal locking services abended. An SVC dump will be requested.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7902E <User_ID><T_Elapsed><Type><Locked_DsName(Member)...> Total=xxxx

Explanation: A LOCKS command was issued and this is the title line.

Solution: Information only.

SER7903Iuuuuuuuu HhhMmmSss tttt dddddddd(mmmmmmmm)

Explanation: A LOCKS command was issued and this is the detail line:

Uuuuuuuu – the userid holding the lock

HhhMmmSss – the time at which the lock was acquired

Tttt – the lock type

dddddddd(mmmmmmmm) the dataset and member name(s)

Solution: Information only.

SER7904I No active locks found

Explanation: A LOCKS command was issued but no internal locks were found.

Solution: Information only.

SER7905E Lock table is full

Explanation: A request for internal locking services failed because the lock table is full.

Solution: Issue the XCH,LOCKS and CMN,LOCKS commands to see what locks exist. If in need of help report the error to Micro Focus Technical Support.

SER7906E ENQ failure for dsname(member)

Explanation: An ENQ request for the detailed dataset and member combination failed.

Solution: Examine the cause of the contention. If in need of help report the error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

SER7910E Lock to be deleted is not owned: dsname(member)

Explanation: A caller issued a request for internal locking services to delete a particular lock but the caller was not the owner of the lock.

Solution: Report this error to Micro Focus Customer Care.

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