Job Filters Page

Job Filters Page

The Job Filters page allows you to specify which jobs are included in this folder. You may also define filters on the Filters page of the folder properties

All jobs on the z/OS server that match the filter (and its rules) are included in this folder.

You define a filter by choosing a Job Type and specifying a Job Name or User ID:

Field Description
Job Type Choose a job type. The None option is used when the folder will contain only other folders.
Job name or user ID Type a job name or user ID. Wild characters * or ? may be used. This information is used in conjunction with the Job Type to determine what jobs are included in the folder. Refer to the table below for more information.

The following table provides detailed information for specifying filters for different job types.

Job Type Job Name or User ID Description Uses
None N/A Used when the folder will contain only other folders.
All Jobs - Job Name Job Name Returns all jobs that match a job name pattern, regardless of the owner ID. See your jobs submitted by ChangeMan ZMF, such as Build, Recompile, and Relink. Specify the job name you used on the Job statement.
All Jobs - Owner User ID Returns all jobs that have an owner ID equal to the specified user ID. See all the jobs you submitted that have an owner ID equal to your user ID. Jobs submitted by ChangeMan ZMF, such as Build, Recompile, and Relink, have an owner ID equal to the instance name. You may want to use the previous option, All Jobs - Job Name for viewing this type of job.
Active Jobs - Job Name Job Name Returns all running jobs when the job name matches the specified job name. See all started tasks with the specified job name.
Active Jobs - Owner User ID Returns all running jobs when the owner ID matches the specified user ID. See all active jobs owned by the user ID.
Active Jobs - All N/A Returns all running jobs.

You may view the jobs that were selected by that filter by clicking on the new folder:

  • Jobs are represented as folders with the following name syntax: jobname.jobid.

  • Each job contains a set of files, one for each spool (sysout) data set with the following name syntax: dsid.jobstep.procstep.ddname.list.

  • Each job also contains a file called .SYSOUT.list. This file is used to access all of the job’s output as a single file.

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