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Using the Programming Interface to Access ChangeMan ZDD Functionality

This chapter describes the ChangeMan ZDD object model and how to access ChangeMan ZDD functionality from your own programs and scripts. You may use any language that supports .NET, such as C#, C++/CLI, Visual Basic .NET, J#, and JScript .NET.


JScript .NET files must be compiled using the “jsc” compiler. The WSH (Windows Script Host) that was used to run older JScript files does not support the .NET environment.

Accessing ChangeMan ZDD

The ChangeMan ZDD .NET programming interface is implemented in ZosApi.dll. All of the ChangeMan ZDD classes belong to the ZosApi namespace. To use the ChangeMan ZDD .NET classes, you must copy ZosApi.dll into the directory where your application programs or scripts reside. ZosApi.dll must match the version of ChangeMan ZDD installed on your computer.

Your program must import the ZosApi namespace as shown in the examples below.

For this language . . . Use this code . . .
C# using ZosApi;
C++ using namespace ZosApi;
Visual Basic Imports ZosApi
JScript import ZosApi;

Accessing ChangeMan ZDD begins with creating a ZosNetwork object. The ZosNetwork object is created in the standard way for creating any object in the language being used, for example:

For this language . . . Use this code . . .
C# new ZosNetwork
C++ gcnew ZosNetwork()
Visual Basic Dim ... As New ZosNetwork()

For an example of how to access the ChangeMan ZDD network, ZosNetwork Constructor.

Object Model

This sections lists the object types and illustrates the relationships between the objects. Detailed specifications and examples for each object are documented in Class Reference.

Object Types

The following table summarizes the types of objects available in the ChangeMan ZDD object model:

Object Description
ZosApplication A ChangeMan ZMF application.
ZosBaselineLibrary A ChangeMan ZMF baseline library.
ZosBuildInfo A set of build information used to build a component.
ZosChangeManInstance A ChangeMan ZMF instance.
ZosChangeManInstances A collection of all ChangeMan ZMF instances on the same server.
ZosCheckInStatus Status of a check in operation.
ZosComponentHistory ChangeMan component history record
ZosComponentPromotionHistory ChangeMan component promotion history record
ZosConnectionLock Obtains and locks a server connection ID
ZosDataSet A data set.
ZosDataSetFolder A data set folder.
ZosDataSetFolders A collection of all data set folders with the same parent folder.
ZosDataSetInfo A set of data set properties that can be used to create a new data set.
ZosDataSetProfile A data set profile.
ZosDataSetProfiles A collection of all data set profiles for a server.
ZosFileExtensionMapping A file extension mapping.
ZosFileExtensionMappings A collection of all file extension mappings for a server.
ZosFileFormatMapping A file format mapping.
ZosFileFormatMappings A collection of all file format mappings for a server.
ZosJesFile A JES spool file.
ZosJesJob A JES job.
ZosJobFolder A job folder.
ZosJobFolders A collection of all job folders with the same parent folder.
ZosLibTypeMapping A library type mapping.
ZosLibTypeMappings A collection of all library type mappings for a server.
ZosNameFilters A collection of all name filters for a folder.
ZosNameType Name/type pair used for component names and types.
ZosNameValue Name/value pair used to represent user variables.
ZosNetwork The entire Network.
ZosPackage A ChangeMan package.
ZosPackageApprover ChangeMan package approver.
ZosPackageComponentDirectory Unix subdirectory for ChangeMan package component files.
ZosPackageComponentFile ChangeMan package component (PDS member or Unix file).
ZosPackageComponentObject Base for ChangeMan package component members, files, and directories (ZosPackageComponentFile, ZosPackageComponentDirectory).
ZosPackageInfo A set of properties that can be used to create a new package.
ZosPackageLibrary ChangeMan package library.
ZosPackagePromotionHistory ChangeMan package promotion history record
ZosPackageSite Package site information.
ZosPdsMember Partitioned data set member.
ZosPrefixMapping A data set name prefix mapping.
ZosPrefixeMappings A collection of all data set name prefix mappings for a folder.
ZosPromotionLevel A ChangeMan promotion level.
ZosPromotionOverlay ChangeMan component promotion overlay information
ZosPromotionLibrary A ChangeMan promotion library.
ZosPromotionSite A ChangeMan promotion site.
ZosRelease ChangeMan release.
ZosReleaseApprover ChangeMan release approver.
ZosReleaseArea ChangeMan release area.
ZosReleaseComponentDirectory Unix subdirectory for ChangeMan release component files.
ZosReleaseComponentFile ChangeMan package component (PDS member or Unix file).
ZosReleaseComponentObject Base for ChangeMan release component members, files, and directories (ZosReleaseComponentFile, ZosReleaseComponentDirectory).
ZosReleaseLibrary ChangeMan release library.
ZosRetrieveStatus Status of a retrieve operation.
ZosScratchRenameInfo A ChangeMan request to scratch or rename a component.
ZosServer A server.
ZosServers A collection of all servers in the network.
ZosUnixDirectory Unix directory (derived from ZosUnixObject).
ZosUnixFile Unix File (derived from ZosUnixObject).
ZosUnixFolder Unix folder, which is a local Windows alias for a Unix directory.
ZosUnixFolders Collection of Unix folders for a server.
ZosUnixLink Unix symbolic link (derived from ZosUnixObject).
ZosUnixObject Unix file system object (ZosUnixDirectory, ZosUnixFile, ZosUnixLink).

Object Model Diagrams

The ChangeMan ZDD object model is illustrated in the following diagrams. The ZosNetwork object is always the starting point. All of the other objects are obtained as properties of another object. The arrows show how each object is obtained from another object.





Path Names

You may use the standard .NET classes in the System.IO namespace to access mainframe data using ChangeMan ZDD. You can traverse ChangeMan ZDD’s virtual folders, as well as read and write files using standard .NET classes.

To access mainframe data, path names must be specified according to ChangeMan ZDD syntax rules. Path names are specified in UNC format, where the path name is preceded by a double backslash, followed by the server name. Each component in the path name is separated by a backslash.

Following are some examples of path names:




The chart below illustrates the hierarchical directory structure in the ZDD path name syntax. Names that are colored red are variable, in which you substitute your own actual values for the names.

Names that are colored black are fixed and you specify them exactly as shown.




It is possible to have several user IDs logged on to a single server at the same time using alternate connections. Each server can have up to 255 alternate connections.

An alternate connection is specified by appending the connection ID (1 – 255) to the server name, separated by a colon (“:”). It can also be specified by appending the connection ID enclosed in parentheses. The default connection ID is 0, and does not need to be specified.



For more information, see the section entitled Alternate Connections.

Wild Characters

Standard Patterns

Some of the classes have methods with string arguments that allow wildcard characters. These strings are used as pattern-matching filters.

The following wildcard characters can be used in filter pattern strings:

Wildcard Character Description
* Matches zero or more characters
? Matches a single character

For example, the pattern “A*” would match any string that starts with the letter A. The pattern “*Z” would match any string that ends in the letter Z. The pattern “A*Z” would match any string that starts with A and ends with Z. The pattern “A??D” would match a string that starts with A, followed by exactly two characters, and followed by D. Finally, the pattern “*” would match any string.

The examples below illustrate wildcard patterns.

Pattern Match No Match
A* A B
* Z


Data Set Name Patterns

As data set filtering functions are performed on the server, the IBM SMS syntax rules for wild characters in data set name patterns must be followed. The asterisk character works a little differently in patterns for data set names than it does in other patterns.

The following wildcard characters can be used in data set name pattern strings:

Wildcard Character Description
* Matches zero or more characters within a single data set name qualifier.
** Matches zero or more data set name qualifiers.
? Matches a single character.


A single “*” never includes multiple data set name qualifiers. A double “**” can represent any number of data set name qualifiers.

The examples below illustrate data set name patterns.

Pattern Match No Match


When an error is encountered in the ChangeMan ZDD .NET programming interface, ChangeMan ZDD throws an exception. It is recommended that you enclose your code in a try/catch block to catch any exceptions and handle the errors appropriately. In the absence of a try/catch block, your program will abnormally terminate.

The examples below illustrate general exception handling in various languages.


    (Some error-prone code here)
} catch (
Exception e)



    (Some error-prone code here)
} catch (
Exception^ e)


Visual Basic

    (Some error-prone code here)
Catch e As Exception
End Try



    (Some error-prone code here)
} catch (



You can iterate through any of the collection objects using the following statements for the specific language:

Language Statement
C# foreach
C++ for each
Visual Basic For Each ... Next
JScript for (var ... in ... )



ZosServers servers;
foreach (ZosServer server in servers)



ZosServers^ servers;
for each (ZosServer^ server in servers)


Visual Basic

Dim servers As ZosServers
Dim server As ZosServer
For Each server in servers



var servers : ZosServers;
for (var server in servers)


Alternate Connections

In a server application, there may be a requirement to have more than one user ID logged onto the same server at the same time. You can accomplish this by using alternate connections to the server. Each server can have alternate connections, with connection IDs numbered 1 – 255. The default connection has a connection ID of 0.

In path names, an alternate connection is specified by appending the connection ID (1 – 255) to the server name, separated by a colon (“:”). It can also be specified by appending the connection ID enclosed in parentheses.


The ZosConnectionLock class can be used to reserve a connection ID, and lock the connection ID so that it will not be used by other programs or threads. The default connection ID, 0, will never be locked.

With ZosConnectionLock you can either implicitly lock a connection ID via the constructor or you can explicitly lock a connection ID by calling the Lock method.

You must unlock the connection ID by calling either the Unlock or Dispose method of ZosConnectionLock. With C# and Visual Basic, you can have the connection automatically unlocked by using a using statement. With C++, you can have the connection automatically unlocked by declaring the ZosConnectionLock object as a stack variable.

If the connection is not automatically unlocked, then you should ensure that the connection gets unlocked, by explicitly unlocking it in the finally block of a try / finally construction.

The examples below, illustrate obtaining and using an alternate connection in various languages.

C# Automatic

using (ZosConnectionLock conlock =
    new ZosConnectionLock("MyServer", true))
    short conID = conLock.Connection;
ZosServer server = network.Servers["MyServer", conID];
    (Do something here)


C# Explicit

ZosConnectionLock conlock = new ZosConnectionLock("MyServer");
        short conID = conLock.Lock();
ZosServer server = network.Servers["MyServer", conID];
    (Do something here)


C++ Automatic

ZosConnectionLock conLock("MyServer", true);
short conID = conLock.Connection;
ZosServer^ server = network.Servers["MyServer", conID];

(Do something here)


C++ Explicit

ZosConnectionLock^ conlock = gcnew ZosConnectionLock("MyServer");
    short conID = conLock->Lock();
    ZosServer^ server = network.Servers["MyServer", conID];

    (Do something here)


Visual Basic Automatic

Using conLock AsNew ZosConnectionLock("MyServer", True)
    Dim conID As Int16 = conLock.Connection
    Dim server As ZosServer = network.Servers(serverName, conID)

    (Do something here)

End Using


Visual Basic Explicit

Dim conLock As ZosConnectionLock = new ZosConnectionLock("MyServer")
    Dim conID As Int16 = conLock.Lock()
    Dim server As ZosServer = network.Servers(serverName, conID)

(Do something here)

End Try



The .NET programming interface includes a number of enumerated types that are used as properties and function arguments. The table below lists the enumerations that are described in detail in this section.

Enumeration Description
ZosAuditPackageOptions ChangeMan audit package options
ZosAuditReleaseAreaOptions ChangeMan audit release area options
ZosBuildType Build type (normal, recompile, relink)
ZosComponentHistoryStatus ChangeMan component history status flags
ZosComponentHistoryType ChangeMan component history type
ZosComponentLocation ChangeMan component location
ZosComponentLockStatus ChangeMan component lock status
ZosComponentPromotionStatus Component promotion history status flags
ZosComponentStatus ChangeMan component status
ZosComponentStatusFlags ChangeMan component status flags for filtering
ZosDataSetEAttr Data set extended attributes (NO, OPT)
ZosDataSetType Data set type (organization)
ZosEnvironmentType ChangeMan environment type
ZosFileFormat File format for local files
ZosFileTypeClass File type class
ZosFreezeType ChangeMan refreeze / unfreeze type
ZosJobCompletionType Job completion type
ZosJobHoldType Job hold type
ZosJobPhase Job phase (specific status)
ZosJobQueryType Job filter type
ZosJobStatus Job status (general status)
ZosJobType Job type (started task, batch job, TSO, APPC)
ZosLibType Library type
ZosLikeType Like ChangeMan library type
ZosOutputQueue JES output queue type
ZosPackageApprovalAction Package approval action
ZosPackageLevel ChangeMan package level
ZosPackageLevelFlags ChangeMan package level flags for filtering
ZosPackagePromotionAction Package promotion history action flags
ZosPackagePromotionStatus Package promotion history status flags
ZosPackageStatus ChangeMan package status
ZosPackageStatusFlags ChangeMan package status flags for filtering
ZosPackageType ChangeMan package type
ZosPackageTypeFlags ChangeMan package type flags for filtering
ZosProblemActionType ChangeMan package problem action code
ZosPromotionOverlayStatus ChangeMan promotion overlay status
ZosPromotionTarget ChangeMan promotion target type
ZosRecordFormat Record format
ZosReleaseApprovalAction ChangeMan release approval action
ZosReleaseApprovalType ChangeMan release approval type
ZosReleaseAreaStatus ChangeMan release area status
ZosReleaseAreaType ChangeMan release area type
ZosReleaseStatus ChangeMan release status
ZosSchedulerType ChangeMan scheduler type
ZosSpaceUnit Space allocation units
ZosStagingVersionLocation ChangeMan staging version location
ZosStagingVersSaveOption ChangeMan staging version save option
ZosUnixAccess Unix access perrmission flags
ZosUnixAccessCheck Unix access checking flags
ZosUnixFileFormat Unix file format
ZosUnixFileType Unix file system object type

ZosAuditPackageOptions Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
None 0x0000 no options
AutoResolve 0x0001 auto resolve out-of-syncs
History 0x0002 include history records
UpdateTargetRcOnly 0x0004 update only this package return code
FormatReport 0x0008 format report for printing
Trace 0x0010 enable trace
StagingLibOnly 0x0020 audit staging libraries only
PartAsASimple 0x0040 audit as simple package (participating only)
PartAsPrimary 0x0080 audit as primary package (participating only)
PartByDept 0x0100 audit by department number (participating only)
SuppressNotify 0x0200 suppress TSO notify message
CrossAppHeaderTop 0x0400 cross-application headers, top line only
CrossAppHeaderFull 0x0800 cross-application headers, full header
LockPackage 0x1000 lock package during audit

ZosAuditReleaseAreaOptions Enumeration (Flags)

*Name Value Description
None 0x0000 no options
AutoResolveAll 0x0001 auto-resolve all: build all load modules
AutoResolveComposite 0x0002 auto-resolve composite: build composite (like-load)
AutoResolveSubroutine 0x0003 auto-resolve subroutine: build subroutines (like-NCAL)
AutoResolveMask 0x0003 auto-resolve flag mask
IncludeRelatedApps 0x0004 include related applications
IgnoreHigherAreas 0x0010 ignore higher areas
IgnoreHigherAreasCond 0x0020 ignore higher areas conditionally

ZosBuildType Enumeration

Name Value Description
Build 0 normal build
Recompile 1 recompile
Relink 2 re-link


Name Value Description
None 0x00 no status
CheckOut 0x01 checked out
BackOut 0x02 backed out
Promoted 0x04 promoted
Demoted 0x08 demoted
Deleted 0x10 deleted
Baseline 0x20 baseline
DelArch 0x40 deleted/archived

ZosComponentHistoryType Enumeration

Name Value Description
Full 0 full list
Short 1 short list
Concurrent 2 concurrent

ZosComponentLocation Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Development 1 development
Staging 2 staging
Promotion 3 promotion
Baseline 4 baseline
Package 5 package
Backup 6 backup
Zdd 7 ChangeMan ZDD

ZosComponentLockStatus Enumeration

Name Value Description
Unlocked 0 unlocked
LockedUser 1 locked by current user
LockedOther 2 locked by other user
Frozen 3 generated
Generated 4 generated
Recompile 5 recompile
Relink 6 re-link


Name Value Description
None 0x00 no status
Restaged 0x01 component restaged
Overlaid 0x02 component overlaid
Deleted 0x04 component deleted

ZosComponentStatus Enumeration

Name Value Description
Active 0 active
Approved 1 approved
Checkout 2 checkout
Demoted 3 demoted
Frozen 4 frozen
Inactive 5 inactive
Incomplete 6 incomplete
Promoted 7 promoted
Refrozen 8 refrozen
Rejected 9 rejected
RemotePromo 10 remote promotion
Submitted 11 submitted
Unfrozen 12 unfrozen

ZosComponentStatusFlags Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
Any 0x0000 any status
Active 0x0001 active
Approved 0x0002 approved
Checkout 0x0004 checkout
Demoted 0x0008 demoted
Frozen 0x0010 frozen
Inactive 0x0020 inactive
Incomplete 0x0040 incomplete
Promoted 0x0080 promoted
Refrozen 0x0100 refrozen
Rejected 0x0200 rejected
RemotePromo 0x0400 remote promotion
Submitted 0x0800 submitted
Unfrozen 0x1000 unfrozen

ZosDataSetEAttr Enumeration

Name Value Description
Default 0 unspecified
No 1 no
Opt 2 optional

ZosDataSetType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0x00 unknown
Dir 0x01 direct access
Vsam 0x02 VSAM
Hfs 0x03 HFS
Seq 0x04 sequential
SeqL 0x05 large sequential
SeqE 0x06 extended format
Pds 0x08 PDS
Pdse 0x09 PDSE
Lib 0x0C Librarian
Pan 0x0D Panvalet
MigC 0x10 migrated to cloud
Mig1 0x20 migrated level 1
Mig2 0x40 migrated level 2
Mig 0x70 migrated any
Del 0x80 deleted

ZosEnvironmentType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
All 1 all (no remote)
Development 2 development only site
DevProd 3 development and production site
Production 4 production only site

ZosFileFormat Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
AsciiText 1 ASCII text (CR/LF)
EbcdicText 2 EBCDIC text (CR/LF)
Binary 3 binary data
AsciiData 4 ASCII data
EbcdicData 5 EBCDIC data
UnicodeText 6 Unicode text (CR/LF)
Utf8Text 7 UTF-8 text (CR/LF)
UnicodeData 8 Unicode data
BinaryCRLF 9 Binary CR/LF

ZosFileTypeClass Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
DataSet 1 data set
Unix 2 Unix file
Jes 3 JES file
ChangeMan 4 ChangeMan ZMF

ZosFreezeType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 no options
General 1 general information
NonSource 2 non-source components
SourceLoad 3 source/load components
Utility 4 utility information
Sites 5 sites information
Forms 6 forms information

ZosImpactRelationship Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Copybook 1 copybook to source
Subroutine 2 linked load to composite load
JclProc 3 cataloged procedure to execution JCL
JclPgm 4 program name to JCL/procedure
JclDsn 5 data set name to JCL/procedure

ZosJobCompletionType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 no completion info
Normal 1 job ended normally
EndComp 2 job ended with CC
JclError 3 job had a JCL error
Cancel 4 job was canceled
Abend 5 job abended
ConvAbend 6 converter abended
SecError 7 security error
EomFail 8 job failed in EOM

ZosJobHoldType Enumeration

Name Value Description
Unknown 0 unknown
No 1 job is not held
Yes 2 job is held
Dup 3 job is held for duplicate job name

ZosJobPhase Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
NoSubchainExists 1 No sub-chain exists
ActiveInCiFss 2 Active in CI FSS
AwaitingPostscanBatch 3 Awaiting post-scan (batch)
AwaitingPostscanDemSel 4 Awaiting post-scan (demand select)
AwaitingVolumeFetch 5 Awaiting volume fetch
AwaitingSetup 6 Awaiting setup
MdsSystemSelectProcessing 7 MDS system select processing
AwaitingResourceAllocation 8 Awaiting resource allocation
AwaitingUnavailableVolumes 9 Awaiting unavailable volumes
AwaitingVolumeMounts 10 Awaiting volume mounts
MdsSystemVerifyProcessing 11 MDS system verify processing
ErrorDuringMdsProcessing 12 Error during MDS processing
AwaitingExecution 13 Awaiting execution
ActivelyExecuting 14 Actively executing
ActiveInOutput 17 Active in output
AwaitingMdsRestartProcess 18 Awaiting MDS restart process
MainAndMdsProcessComplete 19 Main and MDS process complete
AwaitingOutputService 20 Awaiting output service
AwaitingOutputServiceWriter 21 Awaiting output service writer
AwaitingRsvdServices 22 Awaiting rsvd services
OutputServiceComplete 23 Output service complete
AwaitingSelectionOnMain 24 Awaiting selection on main
EndingFunctionWaiting 25 Ending function waiting
EndingFunctionNotProcessed 26 Ending function not processed
ActiveInInputProcessing 128 Active in input processing
AwaitingConversion 129 Awaiting conversion
ActiveInConversion 130 Active in conversion
ActiveInSetup 131 Active in setup
ActiveInSpin 132 Active in spin
AwaitingOutput 133 Awaiting output
AwaitingPurge 134 Awaiting purge
ActiveInPurge 135 Active in purge
ActiveOnNjeSysoutReceiver 136 Active on NJE SYSOUT receiver
AwaitingNjeTransmission 137 Awaiting NJE transmission
ActiveOnNjeJobTransmitter 138 Active on NJE Job transmitter

ZosJobQueryType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
QueueJobname 1 all jobs: job name
QueueOwner 2 all jobs: owner
ActiveJobname 3 active jobs: job name
ActiveOwner 4 active jobs: owner
ActiveAll 5 active jobs: all

ZosJobStatus Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Wait 1 waiting for execution
Hold 2 operator hold
ExecIn 3 executing: swapped in
ExecOut 4 executing: swapped out
ExecNswp 5 executing: non-swappable
NjeActive 6 active in NJE
Output 7 output queue

ZosJobType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Stc 1 started task
Tsu 2 TSO user
Job 3 batch job
Appc 4 APPC transaction

ZosLibType Enumeration

Name Value Description
Lib 1 Librarian
Pan 2 Panvalet

ZosLikeType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 like none
Copy 1 like copy
Load 2 like load
Other 3 like other
Pds 4 like PDS
Source 5 like source

ZosOutputQueue Enumeration

Name Value Description
Unknown 0 unknown
Wtr 1 writer queue
Hold 2 hold queue
XWtr 3 external writer hold queue

ZosPackageApprovalAction Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Approve 1 approve package
CheckOff 2 check off
Pending 3 decision pending
Reject 4 reject package
Review 5 under review
Final 6 final approval for linked packages

ZosPackageLevel Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Simple 1 simple
Complex 2 complex
Super 3 super
Participating 4 participating
Other 5 other

ZosPackageLevelFlags Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
Any 0x00 any level
Simple 0x02 simple
Complex 0x04 complex
Super 0x08 super
Participating 0x10 participating


Name Value Description
Any 0x00 any action
FirstPromote 0x01 first promotion
FullPromote 0x02 full promotion
FullDemote 0x04 full demotion
SelPromote 0x08 selective promotion
SelDemote 0x10 selective demotion


Name Value Description
Any 0x00 any status
Built 0x01 job built
Submitted 0x02 job submitted
Completed 0x04 job completed
Failed 0x08 job failed

ZosPackageStatus Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Approved 1 approved
BackOut 2 back out
Baseline 3 baseline
Closed 4 closed
Deleted 5 deleted
Development 6 development
Distributed 7 distributed
Frozen 8 frozen
Installed 9 installed
Open 10 open
Rejected 11 rejected
Tcc 12 temporary change cycled
Other 13 other

ZosPackageStatusFlags Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
Any 0x0000 any status
Approved 0x0002 approved
BackOut 0x0004 back out
Baseline 0x0008 baseline
Closed 0x0010 closed
Deleted 0x0020 deleted
Development 0x0040 development
Distributed 0x0080 distributed
Frozen 0x0100 frozen
Installed 0x0200 installed
Open 0x0400 open
Rejected 0x0800 rejected
Tcc 0x1000 temporary change cycled

ZosPackageType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
PlannedPerm 1 planned permanent
PlannedTemp 2 planned temporary
UnplannedPerm 3 unplanned permanent
UnplannedTemp 4 unplanned temporary
Other 5 other

ZosPackageTypeFlags Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
Any 0x00 any type
PlannedPerm 0x02 planned permanent
PlannedTemp 0x04 planned temporary
UnplannedPerm 0x08 unplanned permanent
UnplannedTemp 0x10 unplanned temporary

ZosProblemActionType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Hold 1 hold production
Backout 2 back out change
Other 3 other instructions

ZosPromotionOverlayStatus Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 no status
NoHistory 1 exists in promotion library, but no history
History 2 not in library, but exists in history
Common 3 common to both promotion library and history

ZosPromotionTarget Enumeration

Name Value Description
Shadow 0 shadow
Library1 1 library 1
Library2 2 library 2
Library3 3 library 3

ZosRecordFormat Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0x00 unknown
F 0x80 fixed length
V 0x40 variable length
U 0xC0 undefined length
B 0x10 blocked
S 0x08 spanned
A 0x04 ANSI carriage control
M 0x02 machine carriage
FA 0x84 fixed, ANSI cc
VA 0x44 variable, ANSI cc
FM 0x82 fixed, machine cc
VM 0x42 variable, machine cc
FB 0x90 fixed block
VB 0x50 variable block
FBA 0x94 fixed block, ANSI cc
VBA 0x54 variable block, ANSI cc
FBM 0x92 fixed block, machine cc
VBM 0x52 variable block, machine cc
FBS 0x98 fixed block spanned
VBS 0x58 variable block spanned
FBSA 0x9C fixed block spanned, ANSI cc
VBSA 0x5C variable block spanned, ANSI cc
FBSM 0x9A fixed block spanned, machine cc
VBSM 0x5A variable block spanned, machine cc

ZosReleaseApprovalAction Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Approve 1 approve release
Reject 2 reject release

ZosReleaseApprovalType Enumeration

Name Value Description
Release 0 release
CheckIn 1 check in
CheckOff 2 check off

ZosReleaseAreaStatus Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
None 0x0000 no status
Blocked 0x0001 area blocked
AprCheckIn 0x0002 area check in approved
AprCheckOff 0x0004 area check off approved
RejCheckIn 0x0008 area check in rejected
RejCheckOff 0x0010 area check off rejected
BlockPend 0x0020 area block pending
CheckInPend 0x0040 area check in pending
ApprovalPend 0x0080 area approval pending
AuditPend 0x0100 area audit pending

ZosReleaseAreaType Enumeration

Name Value Description
Subsystem 0 subsystem
System 1 system

ZosReleaseStatus Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Approved 1 approved
Backout 2 back out
Baseline 3 baseline
Blocked 4 blocked
Deleted 5 deleted
Development 6 development
Distributed 7 distributed
Installed 8 installed
Rejected 9 rejected

ZosSchedulerType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
ChangeMan 1 ChangeMan scheduler
Manual 2 manual scheduling
Other 3 other scheduler

ZosSpaceUnit Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Cyl 1 cylinders
Trk 2 tracks
Blk 3 blocks

ZosStagingVersionLocation Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Staging 2 staging
Baseline 4 baseline
Backup 6 backup

ZosStagingVersSaveOption Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 none
Prompt 1 prompt
Always 2 always

ZosUnixAccess Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
None 0x00 no access
Execute 0x01 execute access permission
Write 0x02 write access permission
Read 0x04 read access permission

ZosUnixAccessCheck Enumeration (Flags)

Name Value Description
None 0x00 not specified
Execute 0x01 check for execute access
Write 0x02 check for write access
Read 0x04 check for read access
Exists 0x08 check for file existence

ZosUnixFileFormat Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 not specified
Bin 1 binary data
Nl 2 NL (new line)
Cr 3 CR (carriage return)
Lf 4 LF (line feed)
CrLf 5 CR & LF
LfCr 6 LF & CR
CrNl 7 CR & NL

ZosUnixFileType Enumeration

Name Value Description
None 0 unknown
Directory 1 directory
CharSpecial 2 character device (not used in ZDD Network)
File 3 regular file
Fifo 4 named pipe (not used in ZDD Network)
SymLink 5 symbolic link
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