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Using with Text Editors

It is sometimes necessary to configure your text editor to work properly with ChangeMan ZDD because some text editors can create temporary (intermediate) files and backup files. You cannot save arbitrary file names into a PDS, sequential data set, or ChangeMan ZMF staging library; this is not an issue when you are using a PDSE outside of ChangeMan ZMF because you can save arbitrary file names into a PDSE.

For example, with a PDS, you can only save files whose file extension matches the PDS. If you are editing a member named SAMPLE.SRC and the text editor automatically creates a file named SAMPLE.BAK, you cannot save SAMPLE.BAK in the same PDS. You would get a message similar to the following:

ZDD Network - Incorrect file extension “BAK”, file extension must be SRC.

Some text editors have a mode of operation where they first save the file using a temporary name (for example, SAMPLE.TMP), then delete the original file (SAMPLE.SRC), and finally, rename the temporary name to the permanent name (SAMPLE.TMP ---> SAMPLE.SRC). Most of these text editors have a setting that allows a file to be saved using its normal name, without using temporary files. For example, SAMPLE.SRC would be saved directly as SAMPLE.SRC.

Some text editors save a backup version of the edited file. For example, if you are editing SAMPLE.SRC, a backup named SAMPLE.BAK may be created when you save SAMPLE.SRC. You would not be able to save this backup file in a PDS, sequential data set, or ChangeMan ZMF staging library.


For more information on differences between PDS and PDSE files, see PDSE Long Name Support.


  1. From the SlickEdit Menu, select Tools > Options...

  2. Select File Options > Load on the left side, and set the following option values:

    • Expand tabs to spaces: ON

    • Load entire file: ON

  3. Select File Options > Save on the left side, and set the following option values:

    • Expand tabs to spaces: Expand all tabs to spaces

    • Strip trailing spaces: Strip all trailing spaces

  4. Select File Options > Backup on the left side, and set the following option values:

    • Backup directory path: (specify directory on local drive)
  5. Select File Options > AutoSave on the left side, and set the following option values:

    • Save to: Save to different directory

    • AutoSave directory: (specify directory on local drive)

Microsoft Word

When using Microsoft Word, there is no way to disable the creation of temporary files; therefore, with ChangeMan ZDD, you can only edit Word documents in PDSEs that are not ChangeMan ZMF staging libraries.

CodeWright Customization

Borland CodeWright 7.5 Update 3 contains features designed to improve the way it works with ChangeMan ZDD. It is strongly recommended that CodeWright users upgrade to this level.

CodeWright 7.5 Update 3 (and higher)

  1. From the CodeWright Menu, select Tools > Customize.

  2. Select Environment > File Options from the tree on the left side of the dialog box.

  3. Set the following check boxes ON:

    • Use file rewrite save method

    • Rewrite complete file

    • Strip trailing white space

    • Expand tabs to spaces

    • Preload non-local files

  4. Select Environment > Backup from the tree on the left side of the dialog box.

  5. Erase the value in the “Global backup spec” field to prevent the creation of backup files when saving.

  6. Enter a local path for Auto - Save directory if you are using the automatic save option; this will prevent a .BAK file from being created within the mainframe data set.

SPF Pro Customization

To configure SPF Pro to be compatible with ChangeMan ZDD:

In the profile, set the Backup on Save option to N to prevent the creation of backup files.

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