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Sernet Keyword Options

This appendix describes keyword options that may be used with a Sernet started task.

General rules for Sernet keyword options:

  • Sernet keyword options may be input in any order.

  • The syntax for Sernet keyword options is flexible. Any of the following formats is acceptable:

  • To preserve lower-case characters in a keyword value, enclose the value in single or double quotes. Examples:


When keyword options are coded in a file for input to a Sernet started task, these additional rules apply:

  • One or more keyword options may be coded in a single record.

  • Multiple keyword options are separated by spaces, commas, semicolons, or any combination of these.

  • A slash (/) or asterisk (*) marks the start of a comment, and the rest of the record is ignored.


Purpose Starts a Sernet application and/or specifies a TCP/IP port number.
Application(s) All
Format apl[=port]
Valid Values apl

- CMN or ZMF: ChangeMan ZMF and ChangeMan SSM
- SYN or SSM: ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack
- XCH or CLP: ChangeMan ZDD or ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse

port: Number between 1024 and 65535.

These apl values require a port number:
- XCH or CLP

If port number is not specified, cross memory services are used instead of TCP/IP.

Do not use the same port number for multiple applications.
Default Value There is no default value for apl. If port number is not specified, cross memory services are used.
When Required Always
Comments Formats from previous versions of Sernet are compatible, but APPC application name is ignored. apl=([APPCaplname],port)
Examples CMN= or ZMF= 6000: Starts ChangeMan ZMF with port 6000

CMN or ZMF: Starts ChangeMan ZMF using cross-memory services only
SYN or SSM: Starts ChangeMan SSM

XCH= or CLP=5000: Starts ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack (ChangeMan ZDD or ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse) with port 5000



Purpose Specifies an override to the default name of the monthly activity reporting process.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Format ALREPORTPROC=(procname) where procname is the name of the desired reporting proc.
Valid Values Any valid proc name
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as ALREPORTPROC=(SERALREP)
Comments The ZMF instance will attempt to start this proc just after midnight on the first day of each month. Note the proc has an include (SERSORT) which must be available for JES to find. Output goes to the dataset allocated under the SERPRINT ddname, a PDS/PDSE which must be preallocated with RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=0. Note also the space requirements - there will be 1 member of this PDS for each month so set aside 1 track for the directory by setting it to 45, 10 cylinders should be able to hold a decade's worth of activity records.

If successful then the activity log is cleared and therefore will only hold a maximum of one months activity data. Member names in output are of the form #yyyymmx where # is constant, yyyy is the year, mm is the month, and x is the subsystem ID.



Purpose Specifies an override to the default maximum number of concurrent address spaces and time-out minutes.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Format ASID=(n,m) where:

n Maximum number of concurrent address spaces

m Time-out in wall clock minutes
Valid Values n Numeric, maximum 256 concurrent address spaces m Numeric, maximum 255 wall clock minutes
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as ASID=(16,20)
Comments The maximum number of address spaces is checked when an application needs to start an address space for an asynchronous operation. An example of an asynchronous process that uses a separate address space is ChangeMan ZMF ISPF file tailoring for install JCL.
Sernet periodically checks the list of address spaces that it has started, and if an address space runs longer than the time-out limit, it is terminated. Such an address space may be in a loop or have some other problem, and it can prevent another address space from starting when the maximum number of address spaces is reached.
The ASID time out limit is similar to the TIME parameter for an ordinary job except it is wall clock time, not CPU time. The elapsed run time for an address space is calculated as the difference between the store clock (STCK) value taken when the address space was created and the store clock value taken when the check is made.
The maximum number of address spaces is 256, and the maximum number of time-out minutes is 255, but whatever you input is displayed in SERPRINT. If you enter a number of minutes greater than 255, a time-out limit of 255 is used, which is 4 hours 15 minutes.



Purpose Specifies the maximum number of address spaces that SerNet will create for the purpose of data set recalls.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Format ASIDS4RECALL=n where: n Number of address spaces. The valid range of values is 2-16. The default is 4.
Comments You can use the ASIDS4R operator command to dynamically adjust the ASIDS4RECALL setting. See Appendix E, Modify Commands. The value that you specify for ASIDS4RECALL is independent of the ASID setting.


Purpose For an initiator, specifies an override to the default maximum number of concurrent address spaces and the job classes assigned to an initiator.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Format ASINITi=(n,c) where: i Initiator number n Maximum number of concurrent address spaces that can be created c Job classes assigned to the initiator
Valid Values n Numeric, maximum 256 concurrent address spaces
Default Value
Comments The address space limit is checked when an application needs to start an address space for an asynchronous operation. An example of an asynchronous process that uses a separate address space is ChangeMan ZMF ISPF file tailoring for install JCL. The maximum number of address spaces is 256, but whatever you input is displayed in SERPRINT.


Purpose Tells Sernet whether to automatically append a Messenger JCL fragment onto submitted batch jobs and comment out any NOTIFY= parameter found in JOB statements.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZDD/Messenger
Valid Values - NO: Do not append the Messenger JCL

- YES: Append the Messenger JCL unless it is already present

- NOTIFY: Append the Messenger JCL if a NOTIFY=userID parameter is found within the first four JOB statement images and the Messenger JCL is not already present. If these conditions are met, also comment out the NOTIFY=userID.
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as AUTOMESSENGER=NO
When Required
Comments The Messenger JCL fragment is delivered in SERCOMC.CNTL($SERNTFY) on the Sernet distribution tape, and it is copied to a public PROCLIB. Treatment of JOB statement parameter NOTIFY=userID specified in the keyword parameter AUTOMESSENTER may be overridden by code in exit program SEREX002. The Messenger JCL fragment contains these statements:


Purpose Specifies the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) of text data that is stored in the ChangeMan ZMF server for clients that send and receive UNICODE request and response messages.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Format CCSID(37) CCSID=37
Valid Values Any valid CCSID. The default is CCSID(37) which is US EBCDIC and should suffice for most customers. Japanese customers who use DBCS CCSID 00939 should specify CCSID=00939.
Default Value CCSID(37)
When Required When the ChangeMan ZMF server has been localized for a CCSID other than US EBCDIC
Comments In ChangeMan ZMF, Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) data can be in three places:

- Package title
- Programmer name
- Inside a component

When clients such as TeamTrack send XML requests to the MVS server, they send UNICODE XML. The server on MVS converts the incoming XML to its local CCSID as specified in the CCSID startup parameter. When sending XML responses to the clients that sent UNICODE, the server converts the XML from its local CCSID to UNICODE. This process preserves any DBCS characters that may be contained in the XML.
Examples CCSID=37



Purpose Determines whether compression is forced or dynamic when data is transmitted through TCP/IP.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Format COMPRESS=[0|1]
Valid Values 0,NO Dynamic compression. Large messages are compressed, but small messages (under 20K) are not compressed. 1,YES Compression is forced. Every response from z/OS is compressed at the highest level regardless of size.
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as COMPRESS=0
When Required
Comments The overhead for compressing short messages is high, so COMPRESS=0 is most efficient. Use COMPRESS=1 to encrypt all messages.



Purpose Activates a Sernet security check to allow logon to ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack (ZDD or ZMF4ECL) or ChangeMan ZMF only if the user ID or group has READ access to a FACILITY class profile.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZDD ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse, ChangeMan ZMF
Valid Values NO - Do not perform a security check to see who is allowed to logon to ZDD, ZMF4ECL, or ZMF.
YES - Perform a security check to see who is allowed to logon to ZDD, ZMF4ECL, or ZMF.
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as CONNECTCHECK=NO
When Required Never
Comments If the security check is enabled with CONNECTCHECK=YES, the user ID must have READ access to these FACILITY class profiles to logon to ZMF or ZMF Client Pack (ZDD or ZMF4ECL) respectively:

SERNET.CONNECT.sysname.XCHsubsys or

SERNET.CONNECT.sysname.CMNsubsys or

sysname is the four-character SMF ID of the LPAR where the Sernet instance runs. subsys is the one-character subsystem ID of the Sernet started task.




Purpose Turns on a security check that restricts access to a ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack (ZDD or ZMF4ECL) server or a ChangeMan ZMF instance.
Application(s) ZDD, ZMF4ECL, and CMN (or ZMF)
Format CONAUTH=[Y|N]
Valid Values Y Perform check for READ access to resource

N Do not perform check for READ access to resource.
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as CONAUTH=N
When Required Not required
Comments The RACF resources that are checked are named for the application and for the subsystem ID of the Sernet started task:


Resource: SERNET.CONNECT.aaas

aaa is the application
s is the Sernet subsystem ID.




Purpose Determines whether Sernet will use MVS Cell Pool Services as a part of its storage management technology.
Application(s) All
Valid Values NO - Do not use cell pool services
YES - Use cell pool services
Default Value NO
When Required Not required
Comments Use of cell pool services can reduce region fragmentation and, thereby, help prevent Sx78 abends.



Purpose Directs Sernet to get additional keyword parameter data from a data set coded in the started task JCL, and specifies the DD name where that data set is found.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Format DDNAME=ddname
Valid Values ddname A sequential data set or a PDS member containing Sernet keyword parameters
Default Value If this parameter is omitted, Sernet reads keyword parameters only through the PARM statement.
When Required When there are more than 100 bytes of keyword parameter data (an IBM limit)
Comments The data set can be fixed or variable, blocked or unblocked, but the record length cannot exceed 255 bytes.
Examples DDNAME=PARMLIB PARM input from //PARMLIB DD data set



Purpose Denotes whether a dump should be taken for non-system tasks.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Valid Values YES Produces a dump for all abends.

NO Suppresses dumps for non-system tasks.
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as ESTAE=YES
Comments None.



Purpose Sets a future system clock time when the Sernet started task automatically shuts down.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Format EXPIRE=HhhMmm

hh hours are preceded by “H” and mm minutes are preceded by “M” Hours are specified before minutes
Valid Values hh 0 to 23; values larger than 23 are reset to 23 mm

0 to 59; values larger than 59 are reset to 59
Default Value Omitting this parameter allows Sernet to run until it is shut down externally
When Required Not required
Comments The shutdown time may be changed to a later time with the EXTEND modify command.
Examples EXPIRE=H23M59 Shutdown at 1 minute before midnight

EXPIRE=H12 Shutdown at noon (12:00 high)

EXPIRE=H20M15 Shutdown at 8:15 PM



Purpose Disables SERJES calls to SEREX003 and reverts to whatever security mechanisms are supplied by the installed security system. As delivered, SEREX003 is enabled.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZDD
Format EX003=NO
Valid Values NO Disable SEREX003
Default Value Omitting this parameter leaves exit program SEREX003 enabled
Comments SEREX003 is a SERJES exit that performs security checking when RACF® JESJOBS or JESSPOOL resource classes may not be active.



Purpose Disables calls to exit program SEREX005, which provides library member level security.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Format EX005=NO
Valid Values NO Disable SEREX005
Default Value Omitting this parameter leaves exit program SEREX005 enabled
Comments SEREX005 provide library member level security. This exit is called after the library access rules in your security system are applied. As delivered, SEREX005 is enabled.



Purpose Determine if direct access data sets are IAM® instead of VSAM.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Format IAM=YES
Valid Values YES Open direct access (BDAM) data sets determined to be IAM as IAM
Default Value Omitting this parameter causes direct access (BDAM) data sets to be listed as "OTHER" and opened as VSAM
When Required
Comments Innovation Access Method (IAM) is a product of Innovation Data Processing. IAM is a substitute access method for VSAM that reduces DASD and CPU utilization and enhances performance for direct access files.



Purpose Specifies the exit program that enforces standards for CA Librarian® –DESC and –PGMR cards when a module is added.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZDD
Format IEX=exitname
Valid Values exitname Name of exit program
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as having no exit program
When Required CA Librarian environment where usage of –DESC and –PGMR cards is enforced through an exit program
Examples IEX=ADDCHK Input exit name is ADDCHK IEX=SHOPLIBR Input exit name is SHOPLIBR



Purpose Specifies the language code for Sernet message template module (SERMXxxx).
Application(s) Sernet
Valid Values ENU
Default Value ENU



Purpose Deprecated. Use the CCSID keyword option instead.



Purpose Specifies the CA Librarian update module name.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF, ChangeMan ZDD
Format LIB=librname
Valid Values libname Valid load module name or alias
Default Value Omitting this parameter leaves the CA Librarian update module name as LIBR
When Required In a CA Librarian environment where the CA Librarian update module has been renamed to something other than LIBR
Comments If ZMF cannot find the CA Librarian update module, the result is user message “File Type LIB not supported” and return code 16.
Examples LIB=LIBRARY CA Librarian update module name is LIBRARY
LIB=SHOPLIBR CA Librarian update module name is SHOPLIBR



Purpose Specifies a pseudo volume serial for disk data sets that are migrated to a secondary storage format or medium.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Format MIGRAT=volser
Valid Values volser

One- to eight-character pseudo volume serial specified by the disk storage management system
Default Value Omitting this parameter leaves the pseudo volume serial set to MIGRAT
When Required When a disk storage management product uses a volume serial other than MIGRAT for migrated data sets
Comments IBM product DFSMShsm™ uses MIGRAT as the volume serial for migrated data sets.
Examples MIGRAT=ARCIVE Pseudo volume serial for DMS/OS MIGRAT=FDRABR Pseudo volume serial for FDR® ABR®



Purpose Set initial network trace options at Sernet startup.
Application(s) All
Valid Values Y Initializes network trace with values of USER=* and SIZE=512.
N Does not initialize the network trace.
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as NETTRACE=NO
When Required For debugging purposes only
Comments Be aware that setting NETTRACE=Y will create a lot of output. If you wish to turn off the network trace, issue /F stcname,NT,N,U=\



Purpose Suppresses the ChangeMan ZMF internal scheduler.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Valid Values NOSCHED The ChangeMan ZMF internal scheduler is suppressed
Default Value Omitting this parameter leaves the ChangeMan ZMF scheduler in force
When Required Never
Examples NOSCHED



Purpose Specifies the name of the Job Notification cataloged procedure to be inserted as the last step in batch jobs that are submitted from ZDD. The Job Notification facility sends a job completion message from the host back to the work station that submitted the job.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZDD
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as coding NOTIFYPROC=\$SERNTFY



Purpose Specifies the time interval in seconds between cycles of the of the ChangeMan ZMF event notification facility.
Application(s) Application Lifecycle Framework (ALF)
Format NTFYINT=n

n Seconds in 1-10 decimal digits
Valid Values 1 to 4294967295
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as coding NTFYINT=60
When Required Never
Comments With each cycle, the event notification facility scans the ZMF Log File for applicable ZMF events, includes and excludes events according to filters defined in the file at DDname ALFFLTR in the ZMF started procedure (if present), and emits event notifications to the Web Services URL specified in Sernet keyword option NTFYURL. The Log File scan starts with the record after the last record read in the prior event notification cycle. The time between cycles of the event notification facility is defined in Sernet keyword option NTFYINT. For details of how to set up ALFFLTR, see the ALFFLTR member supplied in the SAMPLES dataset.



Purpose The URL where Web Services are installed to receive messages from the ChangeMan ZMF event notification facility.
Application(s) Application Lifecycle Framework (ALF)
Format NTFYURL=’hostname:port/almzmfalf/services/ZMFALFEventRouter’
hostname: Server name where ALM Web Services are installed
port: Port number for ALM Web Services
Note: Use single or double quotes to prevent forcing the URL to upper case.
Default Value Omitting this parameter disables the ZMF event notification facility.
When Required This keyword parameter is required to run the event notification facility.
Comments With each cycle, the event notification facility scans the ZMF Log File for applicable ZMF events, includes and excludes events according to filters defined in the file at DDname ALFFLTR in the ZMF started procedure (if present), and emits event notifications to the Web Services URL specified in Sernet keyword option NTFYURL. The Log File scan starts with the record after the last record read in the prior event notification cycle. The time between cycles of the event notification facility is defined in Sernet keyword option NTFYINT. For details of how to set up ALFFLTR, see the ALFFLTR member supplied in the SAMPLES dataset.
Examples NTFYURL='alm_host:8080/almzmfalf/services/ZMFALFEventRouter'



Purpose Enables key storage areas to be released when they are not in use.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task.
Format RELIEF (YES):Releases key storage areas when they are not in use. This value is the default.

RELIEF(NO): No storage relief.



Purpose Automatically detects rogue tasks that can cause problems with the STC and either kills the tasks or issues a warning.
nnnn Specifies the maximum CPU time (in milliseconds) allowed for a task. This value is restricted to a maximum of 5 digits.
AUTOKILL Abends the task when the specified maximum CPU time is exceeded. (This parameter is optional.)
Default Value If AUTOKILL is not specified, RUNAWAY issues a warning and allows a user to continue when the specified maximum CPU time is exceeded.
When Required
Comments Messages issued:

SER0061W is issued as a WTO when a task exceeds the specified maximum CPU time and AUTOKILL is not specified.

SER0062E is issued as a WTO when a task exceeds the specified maximum CPU time and AUTOKILL is specified. The task will be abended with code U0046.
Examples RUNAWAY(2000,AUTOKILL) Automatically kills tasks that consume more than 2000 milliseconds of CPU time.



Purpose Sets a time interval after startup when the Sernet started task is automatically shut down.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Format RUNFOR=HhhMmm hh hours are preceded by “H” and mm minutes are preceded by “M”. Hours are specified before minutes.
Valid Values hh 0 to 23; values larger than 23 are reset to 23. mm 0 to 59; values larger than 59 are reset to 59.
Default Value Omitting this parameter allows Sernet to run until it is shut down externally
When Required Never
Comments Messages issued: SER0811I Automatic termination (expiration) set for 10:55 SER0940I Warning; EXPIRE/RUNFOR time nearing: 10:55 SER0941I EXPIRE/RUNFOR time reached; Shutting down The shutdown time may be changed to a later time with the EXTEND modify command.
Examples RUNFOR=H23M59 Shut down Sernet after 23 hours and 59 minutes

RUNFOR=M999 Shut down Sernet after 59 minutes

RUNFOR=H1 Shut down Sernet after one hour



Purpose Deprecated. Use the TIMEOUT keyword option instead.



Purpose Controls the behavior of the ATTN and PA1 keys in applications running under Sernet.
Application(s) All applications.
Format STAX=NO
Valid Values NO

Make Sernet compatible with ISPF session managers that use the ATTN and PA1 keys to switch sessions. Users are not disconnected from ISPF applications running under Sernet when they press the ATTN or PA1 keys.
Default Value Omitting this parameter is the same as STAX=YES, which disconnects users from applications running under Sernet when they press the PA1 or ATTN keys.
When Required Never
Examples STAX=NO

Do not disconnect users from ISPF applications running under Sernet when they press ATTN or PA1.



Purpose Specifies the subsystem ID for the Sernet started task.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task.
Format SUBSYS=x
Valid Values One character: 0-9, A-Z, @, #, $, and blank (null)

Note: It is strongly recommended that you do not use a blank (null) subsystem ID.
Default Value Omitting this parameter sets the subsystem ID to blank (null)
When Required **It is strongly recommended that you do not use a blank (null) subsystem ID.
Examples SUBSYS=A Subsystem identifier is A

SUBSYS=5 Subsystem identifier is 5



Purpose Identifies the TCP/IP server that handles communication for the Sernet started task.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF, ChangeMan ZDD
Format TCPIP=tcpiproc

Valid Values tcpiproc Procedure name.

smfi SMFID of another z/OS system.
Default Value For TCP/IP 3.1, no entry is the same as TCPIP=TCPIPROC. For TCP/IP 3.2 and higher, Sernet 5.2 and higher ignores this keyword. Program SERCOMM dynamically deduces the name of the TCP/IP started task.
When Required TCP/IP 3.1.
Comments The IBM default name for TCPIP address spaces is TCPIP.
Examples TCPIP=TCP TCP/IP procedure name is TCP.

TCPIP.SMFA=JOBTCPIP TCP/IP procedure name is JOBTCPIP on system whose SMFID is SMFA.



Purpose Specifies a period of inactivity after which a user is automatically detached by a “watchdog” facility. TIMEOUT can also be specified as SDNOTIFY.
Application(s) All applications running under the Sernet started task
Format TIMEOUT=nnn
Valid Values nnn

Number of inactive minutes before user is detached. Minutes may be preceded by “M”. Value is from 1 to 32767. If only one value nnn is specified, it applies to all users and clients. If two values are specified (nnn,nnn), the first value applies to TSO users and the second value applies to other clients such as ZDD or TeamTrack.
Default Value Omitting the keyword lets users run no matter how long their session is inactive
When Required Use of this parameter to enable an automatic detach is recommended.
Comments A ChangeMan ZMF edit-in-stage session using ISPF edit turns off the timer for TIMEOUT. The inactivity limit set with z/OS parameter JWT(0100) in SYS1.PARMLIB(SMFPRM00) takes precedence over TIMEOUT and will end your TSO session with ABEND=S522 even if you are in a ZMF edit-in-stage session. However, if your ZMF administrator sets application parameter EDIT STAGING RECOVERY MODE ON to YES, you can recover the temporary file containing your edited text.
Examples TIMEOUT=50 Detach users who are inactive for 50 minutes

TIMEOUT=M090 Detach users who are inactive for 90 minutes



Purpose Sets initial trace options at Sernet startup.
Application(s) Sernet, ChangeMan ZMF
Format TRACE(SER|CMN,n,n,n...)
Valid Values SER - Sernet
CMN - ChangeMan ZMF
n - Trace class, an integer 1-32:

1 - All CMN traces not listed below
2 - CMNATACH user conversation incoming request and outgoing response. I.E. “TRACE IN …” and “TRACE OUT …”. CMNENTFY event notification. CMNSCHED CMN scheduler
3 - VSAM CMAST data interim results. This shows long and short CMAST data in a common format
4 - CMNVRLIO VSAM i/o response (major/minor/key/rc/fdbk)
Default Value Omitting the keyword leaves no tracing enabled
Examples TRACE(CMN,1,2) TRACE on for ChangeMan ZMF, classes 1 and 2
TRACE(SER,1,2) TRACE on for Sernet, classes 1 and 2



Purpose Controls XML Services syntax warnings facility.
Application(s) XML Services
Format WARN[(YES)]
Default Values Omitting the keyword leaves XML Services syntax warning disabled at Sernet startup.
When Required Never
Comments When SERXMLI is unable to recognize an XML tag, it can write a warning message to SERPRINT. There are three ways to enable or disable these warning messages:

- Sernet keyword option input to the started task at startup: WARN=[YES|NO]
- Sernet modify command: /F jobname,WARN,[YES|NO] See "WARN" for more information.
- XML tag in the \<header> of the request message: <warn>Y</warn>
See the *XML Services User’s Guide.
Examples WARN - Enable XML Services syntax warning

WARN(YES) - Enable XML Services syntax warning

WARN=YES - Enable XML Services syntax warning



Purpose Disables XML Services.
Application(s) ChangeMan ZMF
Format XML=NO
Valid Values NO Disables XML Services.
Default Value Omitting this option leaves XML Services enabled.
When Required Never


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